Moon/Sun observations on AB

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jun 22, 2001
Live from Boston
I posted this on EYKIW but I know this is where it really belongs. Velvetdress and I started this discussion about a week ago and it really took off. We compiled it all (sorry about misspellings, etc) and thought we'd share, hope you all enjoy it. any comments are appreciated. It is very long though.

"Today we're going to do something healthy," Adam announces in his curiously posh drawl, unfolding his deckchair and removing his T-shirt. "We're going to watch other people exercise."

My college yearbook: "Weirdest roomate habit observed?"
"Unusual attachment to the band U2."

Go baby! -->* *<--All New!
Wow! That's an excellent analysis of AB! The theme of betrayal that runs through the album is very interesting- I love how all the songs fit together and almost tell a story. It's interesting how you found other songs that fit into the moon/sun pattern as well. Very impressive- I love reading deep analyses (is that a word?) of U2 songs. There should be more action on this forum!

[This message has been edited by Giant Lemon (edited 10-03-2001).]

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