Lara Mullen said:this is a one star thread with no replies
U2Kitten said:
Lara Mullen said:this is a one star thread with no replies
BonoVoxSupastar said:Who are you to constantly judge someone's appearance? Do you feel that bad about yourself that you constantly, and I mean constantly comment on people's appearance?
U2Kitten said:my kids and I were laughing at this girl calling her MJ.
U2Kitten said:Look, the bitch looks like Michael Jackson. It's funny. Take it or leave it but spare me the self righteous lectures
U2Kitten said:I'm sorry, but NOBODY can convince me that if this were done by someone but me, you'd all have laughed your asses off, but since it's me, you feel the need to rag and nitpick and make stupid accusations.
U2Kitten said:You're all just trying to goat me so Sicy and Bonochick will come in and say I'm causing trouble. It was posted in a friendly, joking way, as everyone else here does. It was an attempt at humor. If you all jump my case, that is not ME causing the trouble.
ylimeU2 said:
And I would have disagreed with anyone here who posted that, but honestly, since it was U2kitten and I didn't agree with her, I just left it alone and said nothing, rather then start another "you are only disagreeing with me because it is my thread. Oh woe as me."