met Bono and family and Edge and family on holiday !!!

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u2bonogirl said:

mmkay, i was seriously thinking about this at work the other day. at first i was like yeah thats so rude to bother bono while hes with his family. but then i started thinking about how some people go so long and never get the chance to even see him up close. (me being one of them)
so then i started swinging about the notion of ignoring my impulses to even just say hi to him if he was with his wife or kids. so i guess i agree that it sucks for him to have to deal with that when hes out and about with the family BUT (and this may sound a little braveheart:eyebrow: )
if you had that one chance in your whole life to just tell him how much he means to you wouldnt you take it knowing that it may never come again? im not saying asking for autographs or a picture, im saying just to shake his hand or say a few words that you can hang onto forever. thats what i decided i would end up doing if the opportunity came to me, which it never will anyway probably.

I think that this is something that everyone will never agree on! I personally feel very strongly that Bono gives enough time to all the fans and that when he is with his family then thats his time not any of ours.
The family are used to it I accept that but they must get fed up of being hassled all the time, and they are on holiday relaxing I just think its a shame that some fans (not all) just dont respect that.

I personally wouldnt go over if he was with Ali and the family as I would feel uncomfortable.

Just as a footnote;

If you did approach him how would you feel if he turned around and told you to go away?:huh:
Bono's Tart said:

If you did approach him how would you feel if he turned around and told you to go away?:huh:

This happened to a friend of a friend. A man met Bono while on vacation in 2001, during the break between tour legs. He was carrying Eli. Bono was very gracious and gave him an autograph and posed for a pic. The next day, he ran Bono down again and talked to him. By the third day apparently this guy felt he and Bono were 'friends' and maybe felt a little important that Bono recognized him. On the fourth day, he 'ran into' Bono and Eli again on the same street and tried to chat. This time, Bono looked at him sadly and asked him to please leave him alone.

I would be crushed, and that is why I would never put myself in that situation. If I met him once, I'd be so happy and cherish it forever. But going back for more, even making frequent return trips to the studio, eeeh, I'd feel like they'd be thinking *sigh* her AGAIN? What more does she want from us?! Maybe it's just me and my fear of rejection.

Having said this I know there will be people who will call me "jealous" because I've never met the band. True I have never met the band and I am jealous! But that doesn't change my feelings that it's wrong to keep pestering them after you've had your special moment. No, I woudn't do it, ever. Because if the first time was great I'd feel like if the next one wasn't, it would ruin my happy memory. As a matter of fact I met a girl in the Lexington GA line who told me that. She said she met him once at a hotel on the PopMart tour and he kissed her, and that she wasn't going to try to meet him again because her memory was so special to her if the next time wasn't as great it would ruin the other one to her.

Now back to the main topic here. I do not have a problem with anyone saying 'hi' to Bono, even with his family, if you *just happen* to run into them on the street somewhere. After all if it were a co-worker or an old friend with their family you'd do it. I don't think it's a burden to the kids for Dad to say 'hi' to somebody, and I'm sure they're used to him being photographed. But again, be grateful for the time he gave you and don't keep it up and wear out your welcome. That's just my feelings and 2 cents.
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Seabird said:

This happened to a friend of a friend. A man met Bono while on vacation in 2001, during the break between tour legs. He was carrying Eli. Bono was very gracious and gave him an autograph and posed for a pic. The next day, he ran Bono down again and talked to him. By the third day apparently this guy felt he and Bono were 'friends' and maybe felt a little important that Bono recognized him. On the fourth day, he 'ran into' Bono and Eli again on the same street and tried to chat. This time, Bono looked at him sadly and asked him to please leave him alone.

I would be crushed, and that is why I would never put myself in that situation. If I met him once, I'd be so happy and cherish it forever. But going back for more, even making frequent return trips to the studio, eeeh, I'd feel like they'd be thinking *sigh* her AGAIN? What more does she want from us?! Maybe it's just me and my fear of rejection.

Having said this I know there will be people who will call me "jealous" because I've never met the band. True I have never met the band and I am jealous! But that doesn't change my feelings that it's wrong to keep pestering them after you've had your special moment. No, I woudn't do it, ever. Because if the first time was great I'd feel like if the next one wasn't, it would ruin my happy memory. As a matter of fact I met a girl in the Lexington GA line who told me that. She said she met him once at a hotel on the PopMart tour and he kissed her, and that she wasn't going to try to meet him again because her memory was so special to her if the next time wasn't as great it would ruin the other one to her.

Now back to the main topic here. I do not have a problem with anyone saying 'hi' to Bono, even with his family, if you *just happen* to run into them on the street somewhere. After all if it were a co-worker or an old friend with their family you'd do it. I don't think it's a burden to the kids for Dad to say 'hi' to somebody, and I'm sure they're used to him being photographed. But again, be grateful for the time he gave you and don't keep it up and wear out your welcome. That's just my feelings and 2 cents.

Your 2 cents makes good sense.
yeah, thats what i was talking about. respectfully taking your ONE chance so say hi and touch his hand or something. not keeping pestering him. thats stupid. if somehow you meet him again then yeah. say hi or something if its appropriate.
and if bono kissed me the first time i would treasure that forever and not try and outdo my first meeting.
Like I said before we all have our own opinion on this and we will have to beg to differ.

But just dont be too upset if you are the one he tells to go away or worse!!
Thats the chance you take!!
i dont really think bono would just tell somebody to take a hike if they just want to say hi. hes so nice and welcoming from what i hear about him. whats the harm in saying hi to him if hes with his wife? im a fan of hers too, so i would be telling both of them how much i admire them and then leaving them the hell alone.
i know people are going to disagree on the subject. and i dont think i will ever get the chance to be told to go away by anybody from the band so thats not really a warning you need to give to me. its in question whether i will ever get to even see them on a stage, which is why i am so sure of the fact that if i did see him i would say something.
besides, if he saw the U2 tattoo on my wrist he might just say hi to me
awww what a great picture. It's amazing how nice Bono is, thanks for sharing your story. Shame those other fans weren't more like you. :)
:wink: Wow! Thank you bonolady for the awesome pics and your story!!! Yes-congradulations on meeting them!! :) I just could NOT do that tho-stand there looking up at their balonies, etc..! :|
I want to tell you guy's an incident between Bono and Dave Grohl. I don't want to mention any names, but I was hanging out with one of Grohls good friends; this is around the Zoo Tv tour. So he began to tell me that at the time, Nirvana was blowing up. So Nirvana was at a party with many celebreties around. Dave saw Bono, walked up to him to say hi, and that he really loved the album, and thier music. Well I could not believe it, but Daves friend said Dave was so surprised that Bono looked him up and down and just walked away. Well Dave being taken by surprised just walked away. Well that's not all, after a while Bono walked up to Dave and said "Hey sorry man I didn't know who you were," Dave just said " Screw that man, it shoulndn't matter who I am, you shoundn't be a dick." I could not believe it, and trust me it's a reliable source. I love the band don't get me wrong, I would probably be dead without them. I just think it was a time when he was in the clouds or he was having a bad day or something, we all have them. The reason I mention this is that even Bono can have a bad day. :bono: :ohmy:
cork said:
I want to tell you guy's an incident between Bono and Dave Grohl. I don't want to mention any names, but I was hanging out with one of Grohls good friends; this is around the Zoo Tv tour. So he began to tell me that at the time, Nirvana was blowing up. So Nirvana was at a party with many celebreties around. Dave saw Bono, walked up to him to say hi, and that he really loved the album, and thier music. Well I could not believe it, but Daves friend said Dave was so surprised that Bono looked him up and down and just walked away. Well Dave being taken by surprised just walked away. Well that's not all, after a while Bono walked up to Dave and said "Hey sorry man I didn't know who you were," Dave just said " Screw that man, it shoulndn't matter who I am, you shoundn't be a dick." I could not believe it, and trust me it's a reliable source. I love the band don't get me wrong, I would probably be dead without them. I just think it was a time when he was in the clouds or he was having a bad day or something, we all have them. The reason I mention this is that even Bono can have a bad day. :bono: :ohmy:

:ohmy: :sad:

I think when Bono saw him looking all scruffy and shit with his grunge clothes right in the time where Bono wasn’t being like that at all himself anymore he may have thought that the guy was just taking a piss at him, that he was not a fan really and was just making fun of him because at that time I guess they were really big and famous and the underground was being really big and famous and we all know that the underground music people are not too fond of stadium rockers and many see them as the enemy. So to don't make the situation worse he just walked away.

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good point BrazilianFly :yes:

from Bill Flanagan's book, page 274 in my paperback edition:

"Dave Grohl, Nirvana's drummer, came to a U2 show during the first leg of the Zoo tour to visit the opening act, the Pixies. Bono invited him for a talk. Bono mimicks Grohl chewing gum and saying, 'Hey, man, nothing against you, but I don't know why the Pixies would do this.' Bono asked if Grohl didn't think it was brave of the Pixies to try opening for U2 in arenas. Grohl didn't buy it. 'We'll never play big places,' he said of Nirvana. 'We're just a punk band. All this success is a fluke. Tomorrow I could be somewhere else.'

Bono told him never to say never: 'You don't know what you'll want to do in five or ten years. It was all new to us, we had to learn it too. Why paint yourself in a corner?'

'Nah, man,' Grohl said. 'We're just a punk band.' The next thing Bono knew Grohl was quoted in NME saying that Bono tried to convince Nirvana to change but they wouldn't do it. 'Definitely not the brains of the group,' Bono mutters.

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I just think Bono realized that Grohl and Nirvana were young, and had potential to go places, so he should never say never. Grohl did end up going places, so I think Bono was right. Plus, Grohl was being exacly what he said he is "A punk." :wink:

I have special interest in Ali because i admire her strength and think she is nice and natural.SO, is this true?I would be happier to see her than Bono, i think):
I too would be apprehensive about interrupting their "family" time, but if I thought it might be my one and only chance, I might surreptitiously hang around 'til I got the chance to meet Bono alone and say hi, but not :blahblah: go overboard. And if he was annoyed and told Me to go away, I'd be devastated and probably would lose my faith in him forever... :sad:
That said, if it was a special moment I would treasure :love: it and not try to jump at every chance to meet him, lest he become annoyed, esp. if he was with his kids. w/wife it wouldn't be so bad. I think it's the invasion of his children's privacy that probably miffs him! He wants as normal a life for them as possible, and the little 'uns don't understand all these strangers wanting to meet their da. :(

That's my 2 1/2 cents!:wink:
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