Bono's Tart
u2bonogirl said:
mmkay, i was seriously thinking about this at work the other day. at first i was like yeah thats so rude to bother bono while hes with his family. but then i started thinking about how some people go so long and never get the chance to even see him up close. (me being one of them)
so then i started swinging about the notion of ignoring my impulses to even just say hi to him if he was with his wife or kids. so i guess i agree that it sucks for him to have to deal with that when hes out and about with the family BUT (and this may sound a little braveheart )
if you had that one chance in your whole life to just tell him how much he means to you wouldnt you take it knowing that it may never come again? im not saying asking for autographs or a picture, im saying just to shake his hand or say a few words that you can hang onto forever. thats what i decided i would end up doing if the opportunity came to me, which it never will anyway probably.
I think that this is something that everyone will never agree on! I personally feel very strongly that Bono gives enough time to all the fans and that when he is with his family then thats his time not any of ours.
The family are used to it I accept that but they must get fed up of being hassled all the time, and they are on holiday relaxing I just think its a shame that some fans (not all) just dont respect that.
I personally wouldnt go over if he was with Ali and the family as I would feel uncomfortable.
Just as a footnote;
If you did approach him how would you feel if he turned around and told you to go away?