LP13 Discussion - Rumor Has It: Sirens, iTunes Festival, etc.

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think the album will come out after September 30. That way, they could have a single for Grammy 2015 and the album for Grammy 2016, using the same strategy of ATYCLB and HTDAAB. Of course the music must have some sort of impact, otherwise the Grammy talking has no sense.

Yeah, this strategy seems to be the most plausible.
Man, this wait has been torturous.

I know...

Regarding those music industry guys tweets (like the one posted before by Super Yo), I don't feel like dismissing them, and also, I guess August will be likely full of possible release date cues. I know for sure (because it happened before) that big labels like Universal or Interscope draw up lists of all the season releases with related dates, and send them to people of the music environment for sketchy purposes. Once I saw a screenshot of a list like that by Sony Music on Twitter - was not related to U2.
November 4 is the midterm election day in the US. I don't know- do major artists ever release on election days? If not, maybe we can eliminate that as a possibility.

REM released Green on election day in 1988, if I recall correctly. I vaguely remember some marketing around the timing.

I think any Tuesday is fair game (except maybe if Tuesday happens to be New Year's and Christmas, with stores being closed).
That's not really comparable .... it's not like Tuesday, Sept 11 was a planned national event like a holiday or an election.
Looks real U2 SIRENS TEASER - YouTube

Of course it is 333am on my clock face...

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Completely fake. It is definitely a soundcheck and I'm not even sure it is a U2 soundcheck. If it is U2 it is simply them screwing around and is so short is is not even a rough extended jam which means it is obviously nothing new. Plus no Bono vocals, no way to verify even that without source info which there is none.

That was a "Bono's playing with himself" joke, not a fat joke.

Coriiiii... You commented my post. I cannot believe it!! I'm your fan!

On a more serious note... I'm new to internet and new to this kind of forums. Eventhough I live in Finland I've seen U2 live nine times.

I was 13 when our family visited Greece and I had saved money to buy a Sony Walkman. At that time it was by far the coolest thing you could have. Of course I needed a casette to play. I bought Unforgettable fire. After that It's all been a down hill.

- J
its nice to have fans on a warm day

turn them on and you can circulate the air

off with them and you will miss their shadows

they always seem to go in the same direction, round and round, like the world we're stuck to

If i were a cloud, id be a fan of birds, and them of me. They cant reach me or shit on me. I cant hear them either but i can give them some relief. Maybe if the conditions are right and i get full of myself i can piss on all of them and you as well.

You would drink in my piss and rejoice in the cleansing of the air and the nourishment i provide for the soil and the trees.

On a good day i provide just enough cover to hide you from the blistering sun. On a bad day i can blow your house down and send you into orbit. Spinning, churning, grinding...

Fans make great and not so great blowjobs
The next time it rains I'm going to blame R Kelly Clouds.

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A few good comrades and I spend the summer living in a bombed out palace on the beach some years back. We never got to drink from R Kelly's faucet, unfortunately, but we did get to play in the sandbox

One night, after drinking too much Formaldehyde, we took to making a list of everything that was wrong with the world, in our eyes. We ran out of paper and began writing these things from this great list on the exterior walls of our rented palace. Turns out we wrote until the sun came up, with some grand idea that God would see our list and wipe away all of our problems once he acknowledged us.

So we slept the day away until the evening, when we awoke to find ourselves a complete mess of headaches and heartburn. As we collected ourselves we went about in search of food and in doing so we noticed all of the writing on the bombed out palace walls were gone.

Had God seen our concerns? Was he going to fix everything for us? We thought we had discovered a new dimension, a direct line to the Almighty, and maybe we were just special. Maybe we could fly....this new discovery eased our pain for a bit.

However it turns out that some of our other comrades came through the area while we were sleeping and noticed our "graffiti" all over the palace walls, rooftops, etc., and they had it cleaned up immediately.
A few good comrades and I spend the summer living in a bombed out palace on the beach some years back. We never got to drink from R Kelly's faucet, unfortunately, but we did get to play in the sandbox

One night, after drinking too much Formaldehyde, we took to making a list of everything that was wrong with the world, in our eyes. We ran out of paper and began writing these things from this great list on the exterior walls of our rented palace. Turns out we wrote until the sun came up, with some grand idea that God would see our list and wipe away all of our problems once he acknowledged us.

So we slept the day away until the evening, when we awoke to find ourselves a complete mess of headaches and heartburn. As we collected ourselves we went about in search of food and in doing so we noticed all of the writing on the bombed out palace walls were gone.

Had God seen our concerns? Was he going to fix everything for us? We thought we had discovered a new dimension, a direct line to the Almighty, and maybe we were just special. Maybe we could fly....this new discovery eased our pain for a bit.

However it turns out that some of our other comrades came through the area while we were sleeping and noticed our "graffiti" all over the palace walls, rooftops, etc., and they had it cleaned up immediately.

What kind of drink is this absinthe?
No. I don't recall exactly what it was, some homeade liquor that the locals were selling under the table, if memory serves me correctly. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

I was just curious because the first and last time I had Absinthe, next day I woke up from my bathtube without a left ear. No stereo for me.
Would Rush be better off if it had more time to be completed, or did it suffer from too many cooks in the kitchen and too much time in the studio already?

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Rush has been more influential than U2.

Rush is in unique territory. No other band has been together this long doing what Rush is doing.

Is Rush trying too hard to be relevant?

Limelight vs. I Want to Hold You Hand vs. Bad.

Is Geddy Lee getting fat?
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