Larry plays on new Underworld track

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Blue Crack Supplier
Nov 18, 2004
Los Angeles, California
Sorry if this has been posted already. I was reading a review of the new Underworld album, Oblivion With Bells, and apparently Larry plays drums on one of the songs.

I think many of you will remember the rumored collaboration between U2 & Underworld that never happened (or did happen and was never released), so this is maybe the closest we're going to get to hearing it.

Underworld is streaming the entirety of their new album on their mySpace page. The song Larry is featured in is (appropriately) "Boy, Boy, Boy".

BTW, if you don't like Underworld, or any electronic music, you're probably not going to think too much of it. I think it's great.
:hmm: interesting. Never listened to Underworld. I like the music and the way it builds up, but I'm not huge on the guy's vocals. But they're not too bad. I like it :up:
cool drumming of Larry - the song has a distinctive TUF feeling...
and another song 'To Heal' (the synthies at the beginning) reminds me on WTSHNN... what do you think?
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