June 6 & 7, 2010 Anaheim V- Getting ready to party!

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I checked a couple of my RZ's from the 2 leg and for example the 2nd Tampa auction started on 9/28 and closed on the 10/5 and the show was on the 10/9 so that was about 2 weeks before the show.

I'm thinking if there's going to be a 2nd auction for Anaheim it would probably start some time next week.

I'm thinking of maybe trying for one for night 2 even though I already have a GA...just so I don't have to line up early.
Wait, now we're going swimming? Somebody just mail me the itinerary.

June 4th

1) Show up with a raft, a whiffle bat and a wad of cash.

June 5th

1) Help Rich into Gorilla suit. Make sure he doesn't trip over his rubber Gorilla feet as he stumbles around Disneyland.
2) Plead with Disney officials not to kick the Gorilla out of the park.
3) Bail the Gorilla out of jail.
4) Something about CPK, bowling, swimming, blah, blah, blah . . .
5) Bring the Gorilla (now disguised as Batman) back to Disneyland for fireworks.
6) Apologize to other park patrons for the Disney patrons for enduring the Gorilla's drunken tirade on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.
7) Buy the Gorilla a balloon to keep him quiet.

June 6 & 7

1) Concert, I think
Yes, bikini's required for the gals, two piece ones..... Not for the hommies :corn:
Ooh, the kind with the side-ties and the seam at the tush to accentuate the booty?

Are you going to wear a sarong with it?

That's hot. :combust:

June 4th

1) Show up with a raft, a whiffle bat and a wad of cash.

June 5th

1) Help Rich into Gorilla suit. Make sure he doesn't trip over his rubber Gorilla feet as he stumbles around Disneyland.
2) Plead with Disney officials not to kick the Gorilla out of the park.
3) Bail the Gorilla out of jail.
4) Something about CPK, bowling, swimming, blah, blah, blah . . .
5) Bring the Gorilla (now disguised as Batman) back to Disneyland for fireworks.
6) Apologize to other park patrons for the Disney patrons for enduring the Gorilla's drunken tirade on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.
7) Buy the Gorilla a balloon to keep him quiet.

June 6 & 7

1) Concert, I think
I've got the RAFT, whiffle bat, and cash all lined up. The cash is for strippers and booze, you've got to find your own bail money.
Is everyone who's going to Disneyland going to go back to the park after dinner or are some of y'all gonna hang out with us losers after dinner?

For those interested in a drink after CPK, I'm quite fond of The Hearthstone bar inside The Grand Californian Lodge. You can get to it from Downtown Disney. It's a great cozy, warm bar and they have a patio with great fireplaces.
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