July 8th and 9th- Hippodrome- Montreal!! (Part 8)

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My extra ticket is for sale - Will have to be in person now - It's GA - Will not have data after 1am when I get to Canada
I have eaten well today! Had a delicous smoked meat sandwich at Dunn's Famous Montreal for lunch. And dinner, poutine and Corona!


That is some fine looking poutine. :drool:
I surely wouldn't wanna be in seats for this show. I don't know about anyone else, but these stands freak me out!!! :yikes: Hope they were built very well. Wouldn't want them to collapse during the show. And no way, they were charging $250 for those, right?

I was thinking the same thing. Everyone in the stands jumping up and down during Streets could mean trouble! I'd also be safely securing anything you might have in your pockets like car keys, cell phones, wallet, etc. If it falls out and drops all the way to the bottom, have fun looking for it.
It's amazing how a few glasses of wine can make a person (me) go from :panic: to :zen:

Can't wait for the box of wine :)

Got to Montreal about 4:00 today. Lucked out and the bus was running late in Burlington and got an earlier bus than we had plan. Living in the sticks California means getting anywhere takes a long time. Getting ready to head to the pub. I'm looking forward to touring Montreal again and not stressing about the line. Checking in every 4 hrs. doesn't sound fun to me. Oh, and I can't wait for the box of wine
Hey Guys,
A few pages back, somewhere, there was talk of soundboard group for Friday night's show. I just got tix, last minute, for Friday (was always going Sat.), but we're not going to do an extended wait in line we'll just take whatever position we can get. I am curious though what time ya'll thought you could show up and still get a solid soundboard location. Like, I seriously may not enter the stadium till 7 pm. Think I can get a spot at, or near, the soundboard with such a late entry, or will I be somewhere behind the stage or leaning against the BACK rail by then? I know this venue is new and no one knows for sure, but for those planning on hitting the soundboard, I'd be curious to know your timing.
Thanks to very slow service at the restaurant we ate at last night, we missed the big meet up at the pub....but luckily we convinced Romi and a few others to stay out longer :hug: I'm still hoping to meet up with a bunch of you today...what time are my fellow soundboarders heading over? Did anyone decide on a meet up place?
Can I just ask a question. What authority gives you all the right to devise a system of queuing that is comfortable and convenient to you, but totally the opposite to people who invest the time to queue properly.

The reports coming in about you all over the Internet is that you are making what should be an exciting experience very ugly.

Well done.
Some of us are meeting at 3:30 at the Tim Horton's by the Hippodrome. You are welcome to join us if you like. We still plan to take a peek at the pit to see if there is space, but are not expecting it. Shawn, if you see this, meet us too!!!
No idea, but it is fall too long for it to even be worth mywhile to stand there all day. I am awaiting the clusterfuck I expect after the first show is done, and will decide from there whether or not to sign up.
Some of us are meeting at 3:30 at the Tim Horton's by the Hippodrome. You are welcome to join us if you like. We still plan to take a peek at the pit to see if there is space, but are not expecting it. Shawn, if you see this, meet us too!!!

We will try to meet you there...planning on a little sightseeing in Old Montreal today. I'll text you later!
Some of us are meeting at 3:30 at the Tim Horton's by the Hippodrome. You are welcome to join us if you like. We still plan to take a peek at the pit to see if there is space, but are not expecting it. Shawn, if you see this, meet us too!!!

We'll probably grab some food from Tim's to bring and eat in line (late lunch), and then stay after the concert (for FanJam) and eat again while swapping stories.

If we don't get the soundboard front rail, then I'm thinking we should stay as close to it as we can, but shifting slightly to Edge's side. So, we'll will be by the soundboard, either in front of it or the left side of it. Yes?

I'm bringing a jacket, too, to have to put stuff in the pockets. I doubt I'll wear it, but it may cool off when the sun goes down, too.
Can I just ask a question. What authority gives you all the right to devise a system of queuing that is comfortable and convenient to you, but totally the opposite to people who invest the time to queue properly.

The reports coming in about you all over the Internet is that you are making what should be an exciting experience very ugly.

Well done.

Is someone on Interference in charge of the queue? I don't think so, but :shrug:

I think many people on here are just dealing with what was put in place or criticizing it.

Do you think the GA line is working fine, or if not, what would you propose?
Throwing around "You" and "reports coming in about you all over the Internet" doesn't help things. How about some more specific, constructive criticism or something helpful?
Can I just ask a question. What authority gives you all the right to devise a system of queuing that is comfortable and convenient to you, but totally the opposite to people who invest the time to queue properly.

The reports coming in about you all over the Internet is that you are making what should be an exciting experience very ugly.

Well done.

It is what it is.. and no two shows are the same in terms of who runs the lines and how it's done.. If you are there and do not like what you are seeing let them know. If you have a better way of doing it then feel free to make it known..

a little more info, details would be better than being vague and cryptic..:huh:
Oh, and awesome to meet everyone last night (again or for the first time). :wave:
I won't remember everyone's names because I'm horrible with that stuff, but I should remember faces.

I hope you karaoke people had fun. The movie was as good as I remembered, and that was an awesome idea.
Some of us are meeting at 3:30 at the Tim Horton's by the Hippodrome. You are welcome to join us if you like. We still plan to take a peek at the pit to see if there is space, but are not expecting it. Shawn, if you see this, meet us too!!!

Excellent - we will do our best to be there! Kaf's staying with me, so once she arrives and has time to drop off her stuff in the room, we'll be heading for the stadium ourselves. :D
I surely wouldn't wanna be in seats for this show. I don't know about anyone else, but these stands freak me out!!! :yikes: Hope they were built very well. Wouldn't want them to collapse during the show. And no way, they were charging $250 for those, right?

This isn't a third world country. We know how to build temporary stands for an event. These same ones were at the F1 race for all those people and they are also going to Moncton. We also do this tons all over the country for football playoffs.
Anyone in line today please tell me which numbers you are... coming to visit in a couple of hours and would like to find some of you.... we're just going casual so no rush for us to get down there.
Mark, the movie was epic!:up:

We will end up wherever. I will look at the pit to see if it is even an option, but will end up wherever. no worries!:wink:
In line now.....at the end of the barricades....maybe 2000 in line? Didn't get number....doesn't seem too organized
I'm at the fanjam staying cool under the tents. Had some beer and rum+cokes thanks to Bacardi. Free samples to go around. Montreal crowd is amazing. Here with my wife Nancy, just chilling right now. Far more people in line at this time than in Toronto in 2009. I am hoping they all rush the stage so I can get a good spot next to soundboard.
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