July 8th and 9th- Hippodrome- Montreal!! (Part 8)

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Just huffed it up and back to the stadium from the Crowne Plaza Airport, solid 2.5 mile walk each way, but better than spending $40 to sit in traffic forever.

The fan fest is a good idea, but $7 for a 10oz Bud sucks

Any good pubs walking distance from the Hippodrome?
Can I just ask a question. What authority gives you all the right to devise a system of queuing that is comfortable and convenient to you, but totally the opposite to people who invest the time to queue properly.

The reports coming in about you all over the Internet is that you are making what should be an exciting experience very ugly.

Well done.

This is kind of an odd post-This board doesn't run GA lines. Fans locally in each city start setting the lines up, so like someone suggested, contact those people as they vary at each show, and they use different rules & methods. In some recent cases, they're backed up by U2 security, so there's a place to start if you feel something isn't ideal about what's being done.
I guess if you disagree with something, let them or local venue security know about it.

Also, I think if you're going to reference 'reports coming in about you all over the internet', you should provide links with examples, define who "you" is and "all over the internet" consists of. And before believing what's randomly posted out there, investigate said claims and make sure they are rooted in truth before posting vague, accusatory remarks to people on the board. :|
I understand that GA is frustrating, but take that to the true source of that frustration.
EveryBrokenWave EBW
Fans jumping over the fences. chaos. where is security? #u2360mtl

Glad I'm not at this show.
Heard from some friends at the front-they are safely at the rail. I read on twitter that one person saw two others with leg gashes :down::huh:
I'm really surprised that this would happen in Canada. Most be some of those drunk Vancouver hockey fans that have come over for the U2 show. The circle has been way to crowded for my taste during this tour and my last GA experience was spent by the soundboard - after leisurely arriving about 6pm. I sure hope U2 security takes note and demands improvements by stadium officials at the next shows.
U2 management don't give a damn.

they don't appear to, no...

same thing happened at Stade de France in 2009, fans sent a letter of complaint to PM as well as the stadium... was really ugly and upsetting at the time, no barriers, nothing, just crushes and pandemonium as certain gates opened while others didn't, causing anger, panic, crushes, you name it...
they don't appear to, no...

same thing happened at Stade de France in 2009, fans sent a letter of complaint to PM as well as the stadium... was really ugly and upsetting at the time, no barriers, nothing, just crushes and pandemonium as certain gates opened while others didn't, causing anger, panic, crushes, you name it...

Yeah, I heard all about that fiasco in Paris, you guys got royally screwed.

This bullshit has been going on for years, U2 don't do anything about it. We even wrote to Principle after the Vertigo Tour fiascos offering to help them get their shit in gear for this tour regarding the GA queues... no response.

There are simple solutions to this chaos that U2 won't implement. It's typical of their amateurish way of running certain things.
Yeah, I heard all about that fiasco in Paris, you guys got royally screwed.

This bullshit has been going on for years, U2 don't do anything about it. We even wrote to Principle after the Vertigo Tour fiascos offering to help them get their shit in gear for this tour regarding the GA queues... no response.

There are simple solutions to this chaos that U2 won't implement. It's typical of their amateurish way of running certain things.


If they choose to have this style of GA, then they should be doing something to make it a safe environment.

IMO, consistent rules from city to city and training local security regarding policies would go a LONG way in helping.

Eta - Nick, you're not going to be in Toronto, are you?
It is mind boggling to me that there's not a uniform system in place. Even if the venues were resistant to management's suggestions or requirements, leverage could be applied.

I don't mind high ticket prices, nobody is forcing me to pay them...but when I do pay such prices, my safety and my sanity should be protected.

I didn't suffer some of the Paris GA issues, but I was one of the few hundred people who arrived at the venue only to find that their entire fucking section was under construction, so, oops, no (douchebag)seats here for you. It didn't bother me that much cos I'd already seen them a few times, but for people that were seeing them for the first time, be it that tour or in their lives, it was a pretty fucked up experience. There were a few women literally crying to security about it, and I cannot say that I blame them.
We'll probably grab some food from Tim's to bring and eat in line (late lunch), and then stay after the concert (for FanJam) and eat again while swapping stories.

If we don't get the soundboard front rail, then I'm thinking we should stay as close to it as we can, but shifting slightly to Edge's side. So, we'll will be by the soundboard, either in front of it or the left side of it. Yes?

I'm bringing a jacket, too, to have to put stuff in the pockets. I doubt I'll wear it, but it may cool off when the sun goes down, too.

Sorry for this silly question, but I see "soundboard" mentioned in this thread a lot. Where exactly is the soundboard relative to the pit. I'm doing GA in St. Louis but would rather not wait in line the whole day and was looking for some direction :)
Sound board is at the back it is nice and empty and actually a good palce to be. in the moshy claw pit you cannot see the top of the claw, you get to see the whole damn claw form the soundboard. so choose wisely young jedi
Sorry for this silly question, but I see "soundboard" mentioned in this thread a lot. Where exactly is the soundboard relative to the pit. I'm doing GA in St. Louis but would rather not wait in line the whole day and was looking for some direction :)

The soundboard is located in the big black tent at the back of the GA admission area. So it's quite a bit to the back, but that location gives you a pretty good overview of the Claw. And oh, the sound is usually quite good too over there.
It is mind boggling to me that there's not a uniform system in place. Even if the venues were resistant to management's suggestions or requirements, leverage could be applied.

I think it's probably some kind of responsibility/liability issue. Who carries the liability when something goes wrong in the venue? I think that would normally be the local security company that's being hired. And that means that they call the shots. U2 management might give them advice, prepare them for what they can expect, but the security company will probably have final say. And might say something like "We know how it works. You don't need to tell us what to do."

That's my speculation.
I think it's probably some kind of responsibility/liability issue. Who carries the liability when something goes wrong in the venue? I think that would normally be the local security company that's being hired. And that means that they call the shots. U2 management might give them advice, prepare them for what they can expect, but the security company will probably have final say. And might say something like "We know how it works. You don't need to tell us what to do."

That's my speculation.

You're probably not wrong.
I think it's probably some kind of responsibility/liability issue. Who carries the liability when something goes wrong in the venue? I think that would normally be the local security company that's being hired. And that means that they call the shots. U2 management might give them advice, prepare them for what they can expect, but the security company will probably have final say. And might say something like "We know how it works. You don't need to tell us what to do."

That's my speculation.

Marty, it's an interesting guess, but I go to a lot of different shows and nothing is as badly run as U2 GA queues. The idea that fans have to take on the responsibility of controlling the line and rousting cutters is a joke. Look at all the aggro this causes just among some of the fans posting in this thread.

Springsteen, Green Day, Dave Matthews, Pearl Jam, Metallica, etc. all have far better systems in place that are dictated to each venue by the artists' management companies.

The idea that U2 managers have no say in the matter is bogus. They effectively ran the Vertigo Tour GA lines at some venues here in North America, though very poorly.
Thanks! We're staying at the hotel that's attached to Rogers Centre, and GA is literally 20 seconds from the front door of the hotel, so it's a pretty sweet GA setup. And all the Toronto shows for the past few tours had very chill GA lines. I'm a bit paranoid though, with the craziness that seems to be spreading. And it's supposed to be really hot and humid. Never thought I'd say this, but it's just not worth the stress to have Bono's sweat dripping on me. If things get too hot or too nuts, I'll be soundboarding it.

Hope your friends had a good time in Chicago!
Maybe it's only crazy because people want best spots for BOTH shows. Yeah, fingers crossed for other cities. GA=GAmble
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