July 5, 2011 - Soldier Field - Chicago, IL

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I've got someone who's 5 feet tall with me and I'd really like to get the rail for her sake. I was planning on just showing up the day of at 6 am.

Bono212, I'm heading into Chicago tomorrow/today (the fourth, exact time is now up in the air because of this), would you like me to sign you up? (Can you even do that?) I know where the L overpass is and I'm sure you can't miss the line anyways if there is one.
Can I sign you as bono212? :)

Argh, this is irritating and I'm none too happy about going along with it, but I need a good spot.

Anyone else from out of state want to be signed up?
LemonMelon and I are married and coming together. I'll have him PM you are names, because my inbox is full if that's ok with you :). He's out walking the dog right now, but as soon as he gets back. Thanks a lot, hopefully they're going to let you do this, or at least we'll find out from someone in the know now whether or not it's ok so you don't waste your time :).
No, don't worry, you're fine.

And i hope I didn't give off an impression as if I were upset at your or something, obviously this is not your fault :hug:
No problem, go ahead and inbox. I will try to let you know what happens via this thread, provided I get wi-fi somewhere. I can probably get downtown before noon.

Thanks a bunch for the info TC99. :)
That'll be fine. He just walked in so I'm giving him the heads up on what happened. Thanks for all your help! I'm going to bed now, so I might not post in here again tonight, but I'll definitely be on the lookout in the thread for what went down. And seriously, did I say thank you yet? ;)
No, don't worry, you're fine.

And i hope I didn't give off an impression as if I were upset at your or something, obviously this is not your fault :hug:

No need to apologize. I just wish I could be of more help. As annoying as it was that the Anaheim line started ridiculously early, the people running it were great about getting word out via Interference, Zootopia, twitter and the like. It seems that the folks in Chicago aren't so good at that, and I hope it's not on purpose.
Just be cool.

Gaf, you doing GA? I Don't anticipate you lining up early, but we'd be glad to say hi at some point during the day :)
Indeed, I am doing GA. I'd be glad to say hi to you as well. I don't really know, I'll probably be there sometime between 5 and 6 pm. Not sure. I'm super excited about being able to stare at Bono in person for a couple of hours, though. That's always fun.
Sexy. Well, I'll be sure to FB you my # in line and hopefully we can make this happen in spite of line insanity around that time :)
But all joking aside, if you see a barefoot girl sitting on the hood of a Dodge, let her know that she's the greatest living embodiment of a rock'n'roll lyric and that I'd like to ask her out on a date. And marry her and have all of her children.
But it won't be the soft summer night, more like the noisy summer evening.
He'll acquire a womb if it means living out Born To Run.

(I thought we had set the joking aside. No? Good.)
I'm at the buffalo airport right now. Drove
From Toronto. My flight leaves here at 6am today. I guess I will have to cab it right to the stadium and sign up. I am typing this from my phone so I guess I will keep people posted as I can as to what is going on in Chicago.
The Chicago GA list was started yesterday?

Drove by Soldier field a few hours ago. The claw is waiting!
But I also got some disturbing news...
Someone has started a list. After a complete hour of trying to find them I finally did.
I told them to put my name on the list.
I was number 79? Already?

They said there won't be any sign ups July 4th.... only the 3rd.
They said everyone that is on the list needs to be there at 4:30am the day of the show.
I asked who they were, they replied, just U2 fans.
I asked how they will enforce it, the said "When security sees
how organized we are, they will enforce it for us."

Um... I don't know what to make of this.
What's to stop someone from making a list tomorrow?
Will security actually enforce the "list"?

Does anyone know what the address is for the sign up?

Thats just it.... there is NO sign up location.
The people I talked to said because today is the 4th (holiday) there will be NO SIGN-UPS. Sounds a little weird to me.
Of course, there may be ANOTHER set of people making a "list" today.
At that rate we would have at least 2 lists, BOTH claiming to have preference over ANYONE that just shows up at 6am on the 5th.
Ok. I am #84 on a list. Seems like it is official. The list is located at the south side of the stadium. It is the front gates I believe. There are railings ready to go for the que for tomorrow. Check in is 4:30am. That's is all. I'm a park bench collecting my faculties.
Ok. I am #84 on a list. Seems like it is official. The list is located at the south side of the stadium. It is the front gates I believe. There are railings ready to go for the que for tomorrow. Check in is 4:30am. That's is all. I'm a park bench collecting my faculties.

Do you know if you can sign up and leave the line ?

I am screwed :( still in Michigan< I didn't think a list was going to be started this early the day before.
hey guys. i was going to update but i guess mark did that. the reason there was no exact location posted was because the location has changed slightly a few times. but aim for the s entrance and look carefully.

they ARE doing signups today... just not requiring checkins for those who signed up yesterday.
After some sleep, in the light of a new day, this is even more bullshit than I remembered.

Requiring check-ins, time off for the holidays? This is insane.
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