Itt mindenki meleg... - ZOOngary Staff

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Jun 6, 2000
Kinek nem inge ne vegye mag?ra!

Kezden?m a sort Shejn egyik kedvenc k?p?vel...


LeMont a 4U ?lt?zteti :p

Bono is a BOD, and U2...
Engem meg maga Madam Adam!!!!



"A giraffe. Why? 'Cos then you'd meet other giraffes." - Adam
"I believe in love, love and money! I believe in poetry, electricity, cheap cosmetics. I believe in the sky over my head, and the silver shoes beneath my feet. I have a vision! I have a vision! Television!" - The Mirrorball Man
"My real name is Johnny Carson, but I just didn't think that would get me on the show." - Edge in 1981
"I sometimes get the odd twinge that I wouldn't mind playing lead guitar, just like a couple of notes, but that's about as near as I would want to get to the front." - Larry

its very 'Im-here-and-may-be-quite-tired-but-if-I-stick-a-feg-in-me-gob-I-can-look-quite-sexy-while-signing' - Madie on one of the pics of Sparky
Originally posted by AM:
I thought Munchkin is some cat breed?


Aaaaaand? What do u think I am? LMAO

"A giraffe. Why? 'Cos then you'd meet other giraffes." - Adam
"I believe in love, love and money! I believe in poetry, electricity, cheap cosmetics. I believe in the sky over my head, and the silver shoes beneath my feet. I have a vision! I have a vision! Television!" - The Mirrorball Man
"My real name is Johnny Carson, but I just didn't think that would get me on the show." - Edge in 1981
"I sometimes get the odd twinge that I wouldn't mind playing lead guitar, just like a couple of notes, but that's about as near as I would want to get to the front." - Larry

its very 'Im-here-and-may-be-quite-tired-but-if-I-stick-a-feg-in-me-gob-I-can-look-quite-sexy-while-signing' - Madie on one of the pics of Sparky

Posztoltam N?ked k?peket a Pleb?ba, b?r az egykik m?r fent volt mikor ?pp fel akartam rakni. Asszema membersbe is van vmi.

Akkor ?ruld csak el, milyen cip?je van Bony?nak? Tisza vagy Dorc?? Nemtudod hol lehet Alain Mikli's szem?veget venni idehaza?

Azt?n meg kezdj el gondolkozni azon, hogy hogyan viszel ki New Yorkba! Tomm?r! Vidd el a banneromat, k?rlek! Haszn?ld, hidd el nagy sikered lesz. Bon?n?l is
?gy felh?v mint a sz?lv?sz... Irassad is al?f?l?, na mindegy ezt m?g megbesz?lj?k.

?mb?tor, arra gondoltam, hogy lef?nym?solhatn?d nekem az a Dropt the Dept plak?tot A4-esben, de nem holmi szar fekete feh?r m?sol?val. Cser?be megkapod az ?n A3-as k?pemet orb?jtr?l, az most ?gy is A2esben van a falamon
?zlet? Ok! Megtr?gyalva! Ha esetleg nem megy... menjen j?!? Goblessz

A 4 U
Originally posted by Mr_LeMon:

Posztoltam N?ked k?peket a Pleb?ba, b?r az egykik m?r fent volt mikor ?pp fel akartam rakni. Asszema membersbe is van vmi.

Akkor ?ruld csak el, milyen cip?je van Bony?nak? Tisza vagy Dorc?? Nemtudod hol lehet Alain Mikli's szem?veget venni idehaza?

Azt?n meg kezdj el gondolkozni azon, hogy hogyan viszel ki New Yorkba! Tomm?r! Vidd el a banneromat, k?rlek! Haszn?ld, hidd el nagy sikered lesz. Bon?n?l is
?gy felh?v mint a sz?lv?sz... Irassad is al?f?l?, na mindegy ezt m?g megbesz?lj?k.

?mb?tor, arra gondoltam, hogy lef?nym?solhatn?d nekem az a Dropt the Dept plak?tot A4-esben, de nem holmi szar fekete feh?r m?sol?val. Cser?be megkapod az ?n A3-as k?pemet orb?jtr?l, az most ?gy is A2esben van a falamon
?zlet? Ok! Megtr?gyalva! Ha esetleg nem megy... menjen j?!? Goblessz

A 4 U

Cuki Citri!!!!!!! Itt ?n! Sorry, de nem voltam g?pk?zelben! Deal! Menni fog! Mennie kell! Megkapod a m?solatot, de akkor sajna nem a mai bulin, csak a j?vő h?tfőin. Vagy ?sszefuthatunk a h?ten is. De figyuzz?! ?gyis tal?lkozunk ma. Megbesz?lj?k. New Yawk.b?l meg lehet, hogy Las Vegas lesz. Az se nem rossz!

ORB?JT RULES!!! Cuki vagy!

A R?di? Egy

A banner sir?ly, csak m?g egy Free Willy oldalt kell hozz?passzolni!

"A giraffe. Why? 'Cos then you'd meet other giraffes." - Adam
"I believe in love, love and money! I believe in poetry, electricity, cheap cosmetics. I believe in the sky over my head, and the silver shoes beneath my feet. I have a vision! I have a vision! Television!" - The Mirrorball Man
"My real name is Johnny Carson, but I just didn't think that would get me on the show." - Edge in 1981
"I sometimes get the odd twinge that I wouldn't mind playing lead guitar, just like a couple of notes, but that's about as near as I would want to get to the front." - Larry

its very 'Im-here-and-may-be-quite-tired-but-if-I-stick-a-feg-in-me-gob-I-can-look-quite-sexy-while-signing' - Madie on one of the pics of Sparky
Originally posted by Shirley:
J? napot,

Hogy vagy? Nem ertem :\
Elfogadnale hitelk?rty?t?



LMAO!! Hitelk?rty?t sajnos nem fogadunk el


"A giraffe. Why? 'Cos then you'd meet other giraffes." - Adam
"I believe in love, love and money! I believe in poetry, electricity, cheap cosmetics. I believe in the sky over my head, and the silver shoes beneath my feet. I have a vision! I have a vision! Television!" - The Mirrorball Man
"My real name is Johnny Carson, but I just didn't think that would get me on the show." - Edge in 1981
"I sometimes get the odd twinge that I wouldn't mind playing lead guitar, just like a couple of notes, but that's about as near as I would want to get to the front." - Larry

its very 'Im-here-and-may-be-quite-tired-but-if-I-stick-a-feg-in-me-gob-I-can-look-quite-sexy-while-signing' - Madie on one of the pics of Sparky
... means 'that's all u know?'

What language have I just learned? Dutch? LOL

"A giraffe. Why? 'Cos then you'd meet other giraffes." - Adam
"I believe in love, love and money! I believe in poetry, electricity, cheap cosmetics. I believe in the sky over my head, and the silver shoes beneath my feet. I have a vision! I have a vision! Television!" - The Mirrorball Man
"My real name is Johnny Carson, but I just didn't think that would get me on the show." - Edge in 1981
"I sometimes get the odd twinge that I wouldn't mind playing lead guitar, just like a couple of notes, but that's about as near as I would want to get to the front." - Larry

its very 'Im-here-and-may-be-quite-tired-but-if-I-stick-a-feg-in-me-gob-I-can-look-quite-sexy-while-signing' - Madie on one of the pics of Sparky
Ne felejtsed ?m el a f?nym?sol?st, Cs?csi!
Mi?rt b?ntj?tok egy?bk?nt hal?lra szt a szeg?ny PHustont? T?ls?gosan nem tudom k?vetni az hossz? sem?nysort, de valami r?vid konkr?tuma csak van a konfliktusnak!

A budai h?df? k?vetkezik piszkos l?basz?k.
Originally posted by Mr_LeMon:
Ne felejtsed ?m el a f?nym?sol?st, Cs?csi!
Mi?rt b?ntj?tok egy?bk?nt hal?lra szt a szeg?ny PHustont? T?ls?gosan nem tudom k?vetni az hossz? sem?nysort, de valami r?vid konkr?tuma csak van a konfliktusnak!

A budai h?df? k?vetkezik piszkos l?basz?k.

LMAO Lemcitri!! Ha tudn?k, hogy te itt milyen piszkos m?don besz?l, m?r r?g kiv?gtak volna!

Nem felejtettem el a f?nym?solatot, csak az erőt kell hozz? gyűjteni, hogy kiszedjem onnan, abb?l a keretből.

Paul H. meg egy balfasz. Mindenkit leugat ?lland?an. Minket tudatlan, ny?ladz? csitriknek n?z, pedig nem is vagyunk azok, csak n?ha. A m?sik meg az ?lland? dicsekv?se, amit ő bemutatkoz?snak sz?nt, r?gt?n az első bejelentkez?sekor. Nem kedvelem azokat az embereket, akik azt hiszik magukr?l, hogy ők az istenek. Mindenkivel el?g lekezelően b?nik a dr?ga. Ez eddig senkinek nem j?tt be a f?rumon. Plusz ő szerinte az eg?sz f?rum, belől?nk 4-5 ny?lcsurgat? l?nyb?l ?ll, akik azt sem tudj?k miről sz?l a U2

P?nteken Love Parade? Seg?ts a POPTART os tee shirt - tel l?????gysz???????!!!!

Megv?d Elek J? ?ron!

A cs?nya, a vad ?s a szexis / Von? Box

"A giraffe. Why? 'Cos then you'd meet other giraffes." - Adam
"I believe in love, love and money! I believe in poetry, electricity, cheap cosmetics. I believe in the sky over my head, and the silver shoes beneath my feet. I have a vision! I have a vision! Television!" - The Mirrorball Man
"My real name is Johnny Carson, but I just didn't think that would get me on the show." - Edge in 1981
"I sometimes get the odd twinge that I wouldn't mind playing lead guitar, just like a couple of notes, but that's about as near as I would want to get to the front." - Larry

its very 'Im-here-and-may-be-quite-tired-but-if-I-stick-a-feg-in-me-gob-I-can-look-quite-sexy-while-signing' - Madie on one of the pics of Sparky

Hogyan seg?tsek baybee? Amiben esetleg most tudn?k azaz, hogy kiv?gom matric?bol, de a domvid?k miatt ?gyis csak lej?nne. A m?sik porbl?ma pedig hogy van benne feh?r, m?rmint az eredetiben, ?s azt ?gyeb?r nem fogj?k tudni kinyomni. Sz?val miben tudn?k ?n seg?teni, dr?ga? Szor?ccsak? Az?rt csak csin?ld meg vhogy, mert ?n, khurvaj?l fogok kin?zni! Vigy?nk j? sok U2s z?szl?t is! Ja a maszk az default felszerel?s! Viszont az afterpartit most kihagyn?m, mert sok a mel?, ?s multkor is h?t f?radt, ism?tlem f?radt voltam a buli ut?n :) Megh?t ugye m?g "kommunista bon?s" s?rt se lehet vinni :(

Sz?val akkor hol ?s mikor legyen szombaton a tal?ka?

Egy?bk?nt hihhetetlen, hogy napi 5 oldalt lenyomtok ?jabban a f?rumban, alig tudom k?vetni... Ny?!

Bono is a BOD, and U2...
!anaitsirC @ OAML

.oot egaugnal siht nrael ot tnaw I

.raeb a fo srewop eht etamitse-rednu reveN

.gnitide @ halB

[This message has been edited by Deathbear's Fly Girl (edited 08-23-2001).]
Originally posted by Deathbear's Fly Girl:
!anaitsirC @ OAML

.oot egaugnal siht nrael ot tnaw I


! wnok uoy...semoc...tsuj tI .ti nrael ot evah neve t'nod uoy dna ysae si egaugnal ehT

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