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Jun 6, 2003
Hi. :wave: I?m Rothko and I would like to share with you my new found artistic talent. I may be only a small and young lemur but I feel that in modern society we should share our creative ideas In order to advance ourselves and humanity as a whole. Last week I took some pictures and I would like to share them now. :yes:


I call this picture 'Barriers of Modernity'
The door stop is symbolic of the way that we create barriers to keep others away from us and protect ourselves from 'the other'. The set of keys is representative of our futile efforts to break down these barriers. All we are really doing is temporarily freeing ourselves from their overarching domination.
It is only the mouse that allows us to break these barriers eternally. It is only through the internet that we are able to converse and enhance our understanding of the world around us. That?s why its the medium I use to share these photo's.


I call this one 'Snap, Bang and Clutter'
We attempt to fill our lives with the materialistic goods of a culture that demands perfection. The perfect look, the perfect smell, the perfect tastes. These merely constrain our already fragile bodies. They are short term solutions that mask the fact that our bodies are essentially time bound casings for our selves and will eventually age and die. And in the meantime we clutter our lives with these things and they stop us living. In attempting to achieve the perfect life we ignore the actual experience of life altogether. This is the contradiction that is bound up in the fact that our bodies both facilitate constrain our existence.


In this piece I have tried to extend the connection between body images and our conception of ourselves. Modernity has made body images vital to our conceptions of ourselves and as such the tying of the hair is symbolic of the knot that we find ourselves in when we attempt to separate the two.


I feel that this encapsulates my view that music and art in general has become too dominated by image rather than substance. In the foreground we see the bottle of body lotion which is overpowering the mass of cd's that line the backdrop of the picture. In effect talent is subsumed to image and I feel this to be both wrong and unbeneficial to our cultural identity.


This one I entitle 'Piggy'. I felt that the deep mystic blue may suggest a link between the time and space continuum and the present world of animals. But in the end, I just think the piggy is cute :p
I feel I must apologise for the rather limited size of my pictures. The computer I am currently using is neitehr fast nor impressive and this was the only means to sharing my srtistic creations with you all.
The pengies replaced part of Rothko's lemur brain with a penguin brain as part of their plot to take over the world.
are fins what you call pengie wings?

they're not really wings - right?

they swim with them, so they're fins?

*head explodes

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