it's official #1233

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I like this one
I would LOVE to live here....
but my head would probably be disproportionally bigger than my trunk
I's a vicious cycle

you tease me out of love
I respond nastily out of love
you continue to berate me, out of love

to the outsider it looks like we're mortal enemies
Ali Rose said:


*dumps beer on Bassys head*

How COULD you, Bass? I want a divorce!


i'll be your lawyer, you can pay me in jelly beans. or tuition, whatever is more conveniant.

for my first witness i call......diamond. just cos.
well he doesn't have much money so I'm gonna have to hit him where it hurts

.....HIS COMPUTER. Mwahahahah :macdevil:

One bag of Jelly Bellies goes to Lilly.....
I'm not feeling the love here people....

Where's da love?

You can take away my computer but you will never take away....


That didn't turn out as funny as I hoped and I'm too lazy to delete it.

And just to be more mean, why not make diamond the judge.? and him have a great repore

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