Interference Random Music Talk Pt XVII-Lance's Mom Ed.-Jizz the Bang and the Splatter

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BTW - I didn't have time to come on the other day while I was thinking this, but I'll share it now. I listened to ATYCLB the other day and I say that had U2 abandoned the "back to their roots(cough*top 40 bullshit *cough) after that album and went back to producing more daring music, we'd all be talking about what a pop masterpiece that album is.
The last album I remember getting at a midnight release was Boxer. I know that was a midnight release for some horrible emo album too, but the local store said they'd have everything coming out that day at midnight, so I went. Seems like there was another album I got the same night, can't remember. Nowhere really does those kind of things for albums any more though, which sucks.

Ah, but if a new My Chemical Romance or Green Day album comes out, Hot Topic will have a midnight release for it. AND they'll hype the hell out of it too ;).

bono is definitely far less annoying and douchey lately.

I couldn't disagree with you more after that interview about nloth that was posted in here last week.

The only time that I've really felt embarrassed by Bono was when he did the cat pantomime during "An Cat Dubh" on the Chicago DVD. I still can't watch that scene.

I was so embarrassed by that, AND it was the first time I'd ever heard the song, that I just CAN'T like the song now. Every time I hear it, that's all I see in my head. :shudder:

He's got nothing on Bruce, though, at least in the old days.

I have listened to him talk during the Bomb Scare show more times than I can remember, and it never ceases to crack me up. There's a difference between what Bruce does and what Bono does. Mostly, Bruce is funny, for one thing.

Yeah, for some reason I don't mind it with Bruce (except for Mary's Place, fuck that) too much.

Mary's Place is pretty awesome live, imo, well at least it was at the one show I saw it at.
Bruce, lyrically, is a storyteller, so it stands to reason that when he talks between songs it's also pretty entertaining. Bono is not. Dalton's right, he's trying to recreate his famous speeches, and it just sucks now because he's all soft now (unless you're using a cell phone!).
There's a difference between what Bruce does and what Bono does. Mostly, Bruce is funny, for one thing.

Absolutely, there's a difference. Bruce is way less self-conscious and doesn't have as much of an agenda. But I still wish he'd shut up sometimes, even now. And end the damn song already.

Bono is not. Dalton's right, he's trying to recreate his famous speeches, and it just sucks now because he's all soft now (unless you're using a cell phone!).
Plus, he's advertising his own political agenda, but, while I like his goals, I don't need to hear his self-serving banter about them.
I saw Pink Floyd in concert once and all David Gilmour said the whole time was, "Hello. Right. Let's carry on then." It was perfect. As an outsider to the U2 world, I can tell you that many people have a tough time taking Bono serious because he really seems to state some obvious shit when he goes on his little rants. And if it's not obvious, it's ridiculous - or at least that's how it always sounded to me. My earliest memory of him is with that stupid white flag marching around. It seemed kinda dumb when I was 10, and it seems dumb now. Same with that goofy headband and the God-awful sunglasses. Probably stating the obvious, but he's really not a highly respected fella by a large segment of the population.

I will now go back to avoiding U2 discussions. Though I still like Red Hill mining Town and With or Without You and ... the other one. Not Bad....crap.....the midget with the ring video. Love that tune.

ETA - oh, and I think it's a Sort of Homecoming - I've come to like that one too. I can't think of the goddamn midget video....I will not succomb to Google....
I can't think of the goddamn midget video....

The Goddamn Midget Video is All I Want Is You.

Bono's speechifying on the Vertigo tour was pretty insufferable. I don't think he's been nearly as bad on this tour. So ... yeah.

I don't think he's trying to recreate any "fuck the revolution" stuff either, but then again, I still actually like the band and Bono, so obviously I'm not seeing your POV on this. :wink:
I was just going through a spreadsheet at work, and saw that one of our Australian distributors has the last name of "Cobbledick". I love the irony that not only does a person named "Cobbledick" exist, but they're also an Australian.
I was just going through a spreadsheet at work, and saw that one of our Australian distributors has the last name of "Cobbledick". I love the irony that not only does a person named "Cobbledick" exist, but they're also an Australian.

btw, would you believe i live quite close to a Cobbledicks Rd? true story.

I was just looking through Pitchfork's best tracks of the 90's list and for some reason the fact that Fat Boy Slim's "Praise You" came out in 1998 makes me feel old as fuck.

how awesome was this video:
BTW - I didn't have time to come on the other day while I was thinking this, but I'll share it now. I listened to ATYCLB the other day and I say that had U2 abandoned the "back to their roots(cough*top 40 bullshit *cough) after that album and went back to producing more daring music, we'd all be talking about what a pop masterpiece that album is.

react to me!
As someone who only had a few problems with HTMAAS, like MercyRule and Fist Scars not being on it, the cringe-worthy adult contemporary falsetto bridge on SYCPIOYO, and some questionable production choices, I can't really agree with that. I was just glad to see they got some balls back after ATYCLC.

I don't care how well they did the pop stuff; it was a disappointing direction.
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