In the Movie of Your Life, Who Will Star as You?

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ONE love, blood, life
Nov 5, 2001
Ewen's new American home
I'd say Scarlett Johansson should play me, but she'd have to gain 20 pounds and put on some glasses, and then all the magazines would talk about how she "uglied herself up" for the part. :|

If Emma Thompson weren't older than my mom, I'd pick her. :up:

So, tell us...who is uniquely qualified to star as you in your Oscar-winning biopic? Starring as yourself isn't allowed.
tom brady because hes the only one in the world that comes close to equalling my coolness under the pressure and coolness in general for that matter

This guy.

no he wouldn't, unos.

the angry bald guy from er would star in my movie, even though kieran will tell him not to.
pax said:
The guy who played Stifler in American Pie?



EDIT: Apparently my incredibly funny posting made in the throes of drunkenness was already done. Thank you Chizip.
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Salma Hayek

Though, again, she'd have to "ugly up" for the role. :(

But she'd probably win an Oscar for it, as that seems to be the trend nowdays. Apparently it's quite a challenge to play an ugly woman, yet I manage to do it everyday.

Natalie Portman, but she'd have to become a redhead. But we are the same age, height, body build. She's prettier though.

Nicole Kidman, if she could geek herself up.

I used to get "You look like Gillian Anderson" all the time but I think her career is over and I want my movie to be a hit. Maybe a comeback role?
I'd love to say Angelina Jolie...but...yeah...

so, likely somebody like rosie o'donnell or Roseanne lol

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