I'm sick of it

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 23, 2004
Underneath the Sky
Will somebody tell what is so wrong about liking FAMOUS dudes that are... well, so much older then me? The only answer I've gotten is "Because it's gross" coming from my so called "freinds". They have it planted in their heads that I'm gonna end up marrying some like 80 year old man... uh I don't think so, unless it's Edge or somethin, but he is NOT even near 80! I eman, so what if I marry a guy older then me, if I'm 20 and he's 30 or whatever and I actually LOVE the dude, what's so wrong with that? Not that I'm 20, cause I'm not lol. and I don't have a boyfriend... But, the answer "Because it's gross" isn't good enough for me! infact, it's the worst answer ever, cause it's not gross in teh least bit! From what I see, older dudes are smarter and more mature, guys my age are rude and immature! This is why I don't liek anybody my age!


Sorry, I had to get that out. Icried myslef to bed the other night, cause of what they were saying, just out of nowhere they start sayin its gross and discusting to like older guys. :madspit:

I see nothing wrong with it.
If you want to talk in an evolutionary sense, young girls dig older guys because they've managed to survive that long so they must have good genes.
In a non-evolutionary sense, maybe if the guys our age grew up and matured a little bit we'd like them more instead of the older ones.

I've had a crush on Patrick Stewart for.. well, since I was about four, I guess. Wow.


can you say, "debonnaire?"
debonnaire? What's that? I'm confused?
I think Patrick's cute too!!!
I could name many dudes I think are cute! That are older.
... If I could think of their names... I hate when I have briand farts :madspit:
debonair means suave..hot in a sophisticated, smooth way:wink:

Nothing wrong w/ liking older men, just like there's nothing wrong w/ liking younger men when you get older :D
I've always had a thing for older men....famous and not famous.

Speaking of famous though...I know I'd make out with Mick Jagger in a heartbeat...and I'm 22. If that makes me gross, so be it. :wink:
TheWho4Life: I got kinda upset when you said you cried because of what your friends were saying. That's just wrong. They really need to just respect whatever makes you happy. Who cares about age? It's a number. And you're not doing any harm. If they go on about it, tell them to grow up. Or I'll do it for you.
TheWho4Life, that's just plain wrong of people to claim there's anything wrong with liking older men. That's complete nonsense. If you find older, more mature men are to your liking there's nothing on God's green earth wrong with that. I think the people who are saying that are too hung up on age.
I'm still sad about it. At one point I was just gonna stop with the guys I like, but... I just cant do that... I'd cry even more... it would be like breakin up with Edge! AND THAT JUST CANT HAPPEN! :sad:

I've never had a physical attraction to a guy under 30. Hopefullly when i get closer to that age I'll still find men that age attractive, so then I won't be liking "older men" but men my age. I don't like boys, I like men!!
MrsSpringsteen said:
debonair means suave..hot in a sophisticated, smooth way:wink:

just so I don't go about promoting bad spelling, she spelled that right

"debonaire" is... well, apparently the Old French way of spelling it. Heh.
*makes correction to mental spelling dictionary*
Kristie said:
I see nothing wrong with it.
If you want to talk in an evolutionary sense, young girls dig older guys because they've managed to survive that long so they must have good genes.
In a non-evolutionary sense, maybe if the guys our age grew up and matured a little bit we'd like them more instead of the older ones.

To use another French word: "EXACTEMENT!"

I've always found older men attractive exactly because they are older and (usually) more put together.

Plus, teenage and 20s-age boys are so frickin annoying most of the time.... :sigh:
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Lucy3011 said:
TheWho4Life: I got kinda upset when you said you cried because of what your friends were saying. That's just wrong. They really need to just respect whatever makes you happy. Who cares about age? It's a number. And you're not doing any harm. If they go on about it, tell them to grow up. Or I'll do it for you.


That makes me sad too. I recently had my 'friends' turn on me and basically tell me that perhaps I should move out of the apartment because I don't share thier interests in stupid things like collecting Coach bags and guy's phone numbers...among other stupid things. I don't derserve that kind of crap and I know you don't either.

I know for a fact that you are a lovely and spirited girl. BFD that you like older guys....I think that show a sign of maturity on your part if anything. I'm 24 and I tell people all the time I'd like to meet a nice older guy--have no interest in the revolting skrit-chasing frat boys that run around here. If the people that you are associating with are making you that unhappy you should look elsewhere for people that would appreciate and feel blessed by your company.
starsgoblue said:
If the people that you are associating with are making you that unhappy you should look elsewhere for people that would appreciate and feel blessed by your company.
That's why I love the internet so much. I have lots of friends on the net, and its pretty sad when some of them are better then my friends that I see in person everyday... :(
it extends beyond people who are famous for me... i've only ever been attracted to men who are at least ten years older than me in real life too... :(
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Well, I know I don't like teen guys. Really I'm attracted to dudes late 20's and into their 30s, with the exception of my hottie neighber lol, but may I ad that he lost his driverse licence due to stupidity? See young guys are morons llol! My brother's roommate is like 31, I think, and he's so cute! lol. He calls me sunshine :cute: I think it's adorable hehe :D
Ya know...people may get used to it eventually, but probably not until you are of legal age.

It's funny because my friends know I love older men...so when I started going out with a guy two years younger than me, everybody was wondering what was wrong with me. :lol:
When i was 12, i was really into John Lennon, Paul McCartney and David Bowie, so i totally understand what you mean too about liking an older guy. By the way, i also think Noel is really cute too, he's funny&quite sweet!:wink:
Absolutely nothing wrong it with. I was obsessed with Steven Tyler when I was 14. Still am a little bit. :shifty: And then there's the dead guy in my sig...

Like whomever you want. Life is too short.
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I know its hard at your age to not let things like this bother you but as you get older, it gets a lot easier to have your own opinions and not care what other people think :hug:

If it makes you feel any better, I met my hubby when I was 21 and he was 36 and we've now been together for 16 years. People thought it was weird that I was with someone so much older but who cares? He makes me happy and I wasn't going to give that up because people thought it was strange or gross.

And even before I met him, I always had a thing for older guys. I wanted to marry David Cassidy when I was 6 or 7 and he was in his late teens! :reject: :D
I understand where your coming from. I think some people have it in their head once a person passes 30 their not attractive anymore. I find older men more attractive. I would date Sean Bean or Viggo Mortensen in a heartbeat! I'm just not attracted to men (or should I say boys even though I'm 22) my age. They seem so immature, misguided and rude. Men get better with age just like fine wine.
I've always liked 'older' men. It's a known fact that men mature later than us (well they don'treally ever grow up ;) )

I have just always got on better with older people in general, and men are far more attractive I think in their 30s/40s

Don't listen to your friends. Age doesn't matter, you can love anybody :hug:

and as well as Bono, Sting still looks hot to me, I'm 21 and he's what? 54 or something?
I think the reason that so many women, including me, are attracted to older men has something to do with the whole thing where women are unknowingly looking for someone thats like their father. I also think it has to do with the fact that younger guys are just really immature, I know all men are but younger guys can just be sad sometimes. Another thing is probably that the older a man is the more comfortable he is with himself....and there isn't anything sexier than a confident man. Young guys care and worry too much about things that don't even matter, I think they do so more than women. There are however a lot of older men that never really 'grow up', and then there are some younger guys who are very mature for their age.

Anyone who thinks badly of someone for being attracted to younger or older men are entitled to their own opinion, but it is just that, a personal opinion. Everyone has their own taste in men, so no one should bash someone for saying what they like. For example, it seems like everyone loves Justin Timberlake but for me, if you were to put him and Bono in the same room I wouldn't even notice JT. I think I am the only almost-20 year old who does not find him attractive, but that is my opinion and I don't think badly of anyone who likes him.

That is why I love it on the forum, no one is going to treat you like you’re some kind of freak for liking someone. I've always been picked on for liking Bono, Ewan McGregor, Patrick Stewart, and Anthony Hopkins....I've never let it get to me because I think that some of the people my friends like are just gross. It is just a difference in opinion.
clementine_rose said:
For example, it seems like everyone loves Justin Timberlake but for me, if you were to put him and Bono in the same room I wouldn't even notice JT. I think I am the only almost-20 year old who does not find him attractive, but that is my opinion and I don't think badly of anyone who likes him.

clementine_rose said:
For example, it seems like everyone loves Justin Timberlake but for me, if you were to put him and Bono in the same room I wouldn't even notice JT. I think I am the only almost-20 year old who does not find him attractive.

You're definately not. I'm 19, and I don't find JT at all attractive. No denying he's a good looking guy, but I don't 'fancy' him - or in fact anybody else most people my age seem to.
But I just think people should live and let live.
Everyone has their own taste. It irritates me slightly that people seem to think it's so important.

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