I'm sick of contests, I'll wait for the tour

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New Yorker
Jul 8, 2004
Another Time, Another Place
I can't stand it anymore. One more day. I am a terrible fan they had three quick clips of the drums and you had to get the songs. The phone was ringing and I still couldn't figure out the last song of the clips :reject:. I had to hang up because I didn't know :sad: . It was I Will Follow. I didn't recognize it. I didn't win again.
:rant: :banghead: :crazy: :yell: :help: :coocoo: :angry: :scream:

I'll just pay to see them on tour.
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:hug: yth :hug: I feel your frustration, girl! :crazy: Tour dates haven't been announced - Hell, the album's not even available in stores yet! - and I literally broke down in tears today worrying about how I'm going to get the money together in time to purchase the tix I want..... :reject:

Anyway, don't give up yet! There's still one more day that you could qualify. And you know if you don't try tomorrow, you are going to regret it & kick yourself for letting the opportunity go by!
Chin up, hair smoothed, deeeeeep cleansing breath - OK! Now get out there & give it your best "Last Chance, They Are Sooo Worth It" try!!! :up: Good Luck!!!!! :heart:
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