I'm A Sexy Cheerleader... Now Sign My Yearbook Damnit

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 25, 2002
Oh, another year has come and gone... the examinations are finished, and I am humbled... as my marks appear on the computer screen.

Won't you cheer an undergrad up?... A witty quip or some uncreative clamour... just don't be quotin' MC Hammer... he's 2 ligit 2 quit.

Inspiring speeches or philosophical comments need not apply, but are encouraged...

Stay Cool
Don't Do Drugs...


:heart: Friends Forever :heart:

Cujo, you are:
2 cool 4 skool

Party hard this summer, call me.

-u2popmofo aka Sporty Spice
To u2popmofo: :up:

Never change,
and keep banging on those drums all day.
Don't go hardcore mousepainter on us...

the original thriller
with ample filler

To :heart: PLEBA :heart: :

Had some good times right? Like that one time, you know :wink:
Hope those pics of us at the summer formal never surface again... that would be embarrassing.

You are the Queen of the Obscene...
see you next year,
hope that perm works out for you.

the merry prankster
and posing gangsta

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To Soulful Mofo:

You truly are the jukebox hero...
keep on rocking the free world...

Words of Advice... don't lick used-stamps. Nothing good can come from it.

PS- Cheerleader pics on the way my friend :up:

hardcore Mr. Kotter
and lame thread starter

How about a Simpsons yearbook quote:

"Immortalizing your awkward phrase."

*gets to the signing part*

To Cujo,

You really are a great goalie.
I'm sure you'll succeed at whatever you do.
Stay cool.

Oh... NOW I get it. DUH! : banghead: : reject:


You've been a rock hipster since day one.
Have a great summer.
See you next year!

*signs zeezoefoemoefoe


It was great knowing you this year.
Thanks for not trying to steal my boyfriend.

Have a bitchin summer!



you had better get ready for this summer cause when I get back from Tehachapi (wooo, party town!) me and you are gonna hit the parties, maybe a kegger or two or three or four it depends. I'm glad I met you its been fun specially that one night you should remember, he, just kidding. See ya in a month or two. KIT.

love ya,


p.s. I hope you took retail merchandising next year



*that was from my real yearbook :silent:
i remember in middle school my friend billy wrote the following message:

"don't you love when people write in your crack!" :laugh:

he was referring to writing down the crack of the book. lmfao i died laughing then and i was 12 and i am still laughing. god, i love stupid childish and immature humor.
:lmao: dear lord i haven't changed one bit since the 6th grade. lol almost every comment was "iris it was fun raising hell with you in so and so's class" i was always getting in trouble. :lol: and lmao at the senior will i wrote for our school paper! :tsk: what a smart ass i was.

however i have been reminded of the following signature that was in every yearbook signing


:der: *raise hell this summer*
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i've never been good at writing in yearbooks so here's the obligatory "have a good summer". it's been cooling hanging out with you this year

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