I re-gifted poop

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New Yorker
Jul 16, 2000
Beneath the noise, below the din
I confess to re-gifting this year :ohmy:

I was given a Super Dooper Reindeer Pooper Jelly Belly Dispenser...

It pooped out cappuccino and butterscotch flavored jelly beans and audibly wished you a very "poopin" Christmas.

I am an avid lover of jelly belly, but this was borderline disturbing.

So I had to pass on the crap (pun definately intended)

Did/has anyone else regift(ed)?
That would have been the perfect gift for our White Elephant Christmas party! :shifty:

I did a soft-of regifting when one of our friends brought an actual gift for us - I grabbed one discretely from under the tree (a DVD) and made a new tag for it to give to them. :reject:
Hey O2! yeah I was away for a bit, things just kinda fell into place that way, me moving on to college and everything kinda hectic. I want to try and keep up a bit more now though... it would be horrible to miss out on any vital U2 news, not to mention all the wonderful fans that I've been neglecting the past 2 years or so :happy: We definately should catch up during the next tour!!

btw this whole thing reminds me of that Seinfeld episode about re-gifting. :lol: It's hilarious!!!
I have re-gifted on occasion, :uhoh: but I am more guilty of going after Christmas shopping and putting several things away im my closet for the next years co-worker and/or unexpected person needing a gift type of thing. Not really a bad thing, unless they think that their gift is so last year :eeklaugh: !
My nephew got that for christmas and it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. He ate all of the beans plus another bag my mom got him. He went crazy over that silly thing:)
Yes, my boyfriend and I recieved a set of dishes as a going away present from our work (at the time we both worked in the same place). Well we didn't need them, and didn't really like them....uhh we regifted them as a wedding present for one of his relatives...........:reject:
lol bebe! :laugh:

perhaps you should consider giving this to the person who gave you that gift next year :silent:

Since no one answered you Sweetest thing... it's just a present exchange. You bring one gift worth like 5 bucks to a party. When the exchanging starts you pick one gift under the tree, unwrap it, and if you don't like it you get to trade with a gift someone else had already opened. My advice is to go last :lol:
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