I just can't do it!

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
...erase all the names of the PLEBA girls I met in Vegas from my from my cell phone! :sad:

Every coupla months, I clean out my cell numbers, but I just can't bring myself to delete those PLEBA names!

Anybody else just hangin on to them memories like a bulldawg with a bone??? :yes:
I have the problem of not wanting to wear the clothing I wore in the GA line and such again. :lol: For example, I don't want to wear my pink jacket or my red sweatshirt again because I last wore them in the GA line.. and I don't want to wear several of my U2 t-shirts because that is where I last wore them. :p I am such a dork.
elevatedmole said:
I have the problem of not wanting to wear the clothing I wore in the GA line and such again.
Holy crizap I do the exact same thing! *crazy*
you know, i am the opposite in that I ALWAYS want to wear the clothes i wore in the GA line because i always want to relive the memories.

i wish i had been on interference before my GA experiences so i could have met more people...
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