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ONE love, blood, life
Jan 19, 2004
The Wild West
Well after the entire Clark County "write a pretentious smarmy and condacending letter to an ignorant American voter" project failed "The Guardian" is back on its feet and allowing its writers to go wild in the election season.
On November 2, the entire civilised world will be praying, praying Bush loses. And Sod’s law dictates he’ll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?,,1333748,00.html

Now can somebody please explain to me how this piece of excrement goes about saying things like that - this is a severe case of BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome).
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Plain dry English humor. What´s wrong with that? It´s the media. Just a pat on the back in compare to a certain American blondie named Coulter. The above quote here is just the last paragraph. Another quote:

"The internet's a-buzz with speculation that Bush has been wearing a wire, receiving help from some off-stage lackey. Screen grabs appearing to show a mysterious bulge in the centre of his back are being traded like Top Trumps. Prior to seeing the debate footage, I regarded this with healthy scepticism: the whole "wire" scandal was just wishful thinking on behalf of some amateur Michael Moores, I figured. And then I watched the footage.

Quite frankly, the man's either wired or mad. If it's the former, he should be flung out of office: tarred, feathered and kicked in the nuts. And if it's the latter, his behaviour goes beyond strange, and heads toward terrifying. He looks like he's listening to something we can't hear. He blinks, he mumbles, he lets a sentence trail off, starts a new one, then reverts back to whatever he was saying in the first place. Each time he recalls a statistic (either from memory or the voice in his head), he flashes us a dumb little smile, like a toddler proudly showing off its first bowel movement. Forgive me for employing the language of the playground, but the man's a tool.

So I sit there and I watch this and I start scratching my head, because I'm trying to work out why Bush is afforded any kind of credence or respect whatsoever in his native country. His performance is so transparently bizarre, so feeble and stumbling, it's a miracle he wasn't laughed off the stage."

I agree the last sentence of the article, quoted by A_Wanderer, is a little bit exaggerated. Anyway, in compare to right wing extremism, that´s a harmless joke.
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This is just absolutely sick. Anyone who even attempts to justify this line of thinking should be counted similarly.
Ah, I think nbcrusader would agree with me. It´s just a journalist trying to make a buck. It´s harmless, just joking around. Isn´t it?

Just like I don't find Coulter funny, I don't think remarks about wishing assassination on someone are remotely humorous.
Hinckley didn´t succeed. Booth/ Lincoln case has happened to long ago to be taken serious, even the Engish wouldn´t think of Booth.

As to Oswald, whoever thinks this man has anything to do with Kennedy, has to answer questions like, why Ruby shot Oswald, the troubles with Humes etc. etc.

I also don´t think it´s very humourous so I tend to agree with Pax. But then nbcrusader would disagree with me! After all, its just journalism. Not that I´d really care.
I don't particularly care for the last sentence (in the quote A_Wanderer posted), but I agree with the rest. And I agree with hiphop, nbcrusader should find this humour right up his alley (right with the bombing of the NY Times building filled with reporters and editors). :wink:
When I make a statement about wanting to see somebody blown to pile of ash I mean it, such as Arafat - I will be pleased when that terrorist bastard is dead. Or Rantisi and Yassin, they were great candidates for the treatment, same goes for Al Ghoul, Bin Laden, Zarqawi etc.
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That's sick. Jokes about assassinations are disgusting and totally uncalled for. I don't care for Bush, but I certainly hope he's safe.
There's a reason people are shooting up Bush-Cheney headquarters around the country. Left-wing sensationalist over-emotional rhetoric having an effect on weak minds. The difference obviously between Coulter's humor and the Guardian's is the audience.
Geez, people have shot into Bush/Cheney headquarters? That's sick and totally uncivilized. I'm getting really intense, virulent e-mails, I can't believe some of the pure hate out there.
I haven't heard anything about any Bush/Cheney headquarters getting blown up. Of course I hope this is not happening. It's disgusting and sick. :mad: :madspit: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:
whenhiphopdrovethebigcars said:
Ah, I think nbcrusader would agree with me. It´s just a journalist trying to make a buck. It´s harmless, just joking around. Isn´t it?


I don't take the Guardian. If it is like our National Inquirer, then yes, it is sensationalism to sell papers.
VertigoGal said:

Err...since when?

Check out the news. There have been multiple attacks, break-in or other forms of violence at Bush/Cheney offices around the country. Some of the attacks had ties to union members.
Okay the brilliant Mark Steyn has written a collumn on it

n Saturday's Guardian, Charlie Brooker concluded his analysis of the presidential election thus: "On November 2, the entire civilised world will be praying, praying Bush loses. And Sod's law dictates he'll probably win, thereby disproving the existence of God once and for all. The world will endure four more years of idiocy, arrogance and unwarranted bloodshed, with no benevolent deity to watch over and save us. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - where are you now that we need you?"

Well, wherever they are, they're probably saying: "Why bring us into it? When ol' Lee Harvey decided it was time for JFK to get assassinated, he didn't sit around whining, 'John Wilkes Booth, where are you now that I need you?' Get off your butt and do it yourself, you big Euro-pussy."

But, with the armchair insurgents of the Euro-Left, it's always got to be someone else who straps on the old Semtex belt and waddles off to do the deed. For your average Leftie columnist, the vicarious frisson is more than delicious enough. Anything else would interfere with dinner plans.

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