Hilariously idiotic U2-related youtube comments

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
They're a great band who have had their periods of being a shitty band. The Blue album is excellent though.

Yeah, this. Word-for-word.

It's a shame that they've become the butt of so many jokes. What else is their new music good for though?
You've really never heard of Weezer? That's very surprising.

Before last year I had never heard of Journey either. Or Rush, before some guy here started praising them into them heavenz.

It's really surprising how Americans expect the rest of the world to know all their bands, which aren't popular here at all. I mean, Bieber is barely even getting acknowledged here. Same with Miley. I only know about them through the internet.
Before last year I had never heard of Journey either. Or Rush, before some guy here started praising them into them heavenz.

It's really surprising how Americans expect the rest of the world to know all their bands, which aren't popular here at all. I mean, Bieber is barely even getting acknowledged here. Same with Miley. I only know about them through the internet.

1) Rush and Bieber are Canadians.

2) Nice over-arching statement about the behavior of Americans.

3) You've heard of other huge bands, we can't know which ones you're going to have heard of and which you're not, so when you haven't heard of bands like Rush and Journey it can come off as a bit shocking.
Few more:

hate how all there flipping songs sound the same

Bono releases songs by himself now, deal with it.

U2 Fans, Bono released a new song, it's called ''Mercy'' (Awesome song


did he say no to the war in iraq...did he fuck

A guy is angry. The ordinary YouTube folk.

Somehow his passion seems fake since he joined VEVO...Stupid fuckers charge$100 per show...they shuld be amazing, no?
I sneaked twice on their fucking concerts without paying just to prove that I can beat them, fucking hypocrites

Great backing band, pity about the singer

Another angry guy is angry.

Argh, Bono is such a pretentious cunt. Just sing the song properly. Its like he does his best to deliberately murder every song by changing the timing to EVERY single part.
One of the worst live singer's of all time. His ego needs a serious check.

Too much Guinness.

u2 tell you to help poor they wont even pay tax in their home country f;;; ing Bono a little man in abig EGO

The Sweetest Thing:


How does one sold his sould?
Off Numb:

Not really a negative or stupid comment but ...

I love this song. It has a special meaning for me. I was on holidays in Dublin and this bloke stopped me in the street, & said 'Hey, would you like to be in a U2 video?' 'Yeah'. He said, 'Well, you just gotta' rub your foot in Edge's face'. 'OK', I said. '1000 quid, and you can hang out at the 'after-party', with the lads'. So I turned up at the right time, I rubbed my foot in Edge's face. And then Edge said to me 'Your foot tastes funny'. Turns out I had tinea. Thanks Edge. Top fella.

It's Linkin Park before Linkin Park touched electronics, folks.

Don't you understand? In this song special effects and electronic sounds are used. Similar to Linkin Park.

U2 are only permitted to write political music.

As legendary as U2 are supposed to be, this song really sucks. I'm glad whoever got paid did get paid, but this was definitely the low (and weirdest) point of a band that used to sing all sorts of political stuff.

U2 are made for asshole.

The worst band ever.The great band of Great Gay Al.Worst name ever.Music???sucks.This is really a shit.Made for asshole.And don't bother me,this is my opinion.SUCA

On the Crazy Tonight video ...

Bono hasen't written a good meaningufl lyrics in ages
sadly this is not one of them.

ArcadeFire,Interpol,Muse,DeadW­eather,this is crapola commercial rock like U2.You gotta realize rock/pop is not an infinite genre.Theres no landscape not yet painted in rock/pop.Its ALL been done b4.These bands are not doing it right `cos they have no talent or musicianship.KiethRichards and JimiHendrix used to wake up and shoulder a guitar immediately,no wonder the amazing songs and licks.U2 wakes up and does their hair and manicure b4 anything,lol..
1) Rush and Bieber are Canadians.

2) Nice over-arching statement about the behavior of Americans.

3) You've heard of other huge bands, we can't know which ones you're going to have heard of and which you're not, so when you haven't heard of bands like Rush and Journey it can come off as a bit shocking.

Canada = North America right?

And your point 3 proves my point 2. How is it shocking when someone from the other side of the pond hasn't heard of those bands? I dont' get it. It's not shocking for me when you guys haven't heard major British or European acts...
I've also seen a considerable bit of nonsense written on U2's last.fm artist page ...
On Elevation:

U2's music has no felling.

me recago en la puta madre que pario a estos hijos de la gran verga!!! I hate U2 and bono, they're the biggest shit on earth eww!! their music has no soul and no felling they're just mainstream shit!! i cant beleive that interpol is openning their concerts interpol is so much better than U2!!

On One:

School hasn't taught this boy much.

fucking song this is, i dont want to listen to this gay song but i have to play this on piano for schol !!


ou nou,i"m grying

Metal song is not metal enough.

ha i just pressed the don't like button.... wanna know why?? I seriously don't understand why you can like this? i almost fell a asleep... i just had to listen to it because my teacher said i had to play this on guitar so... boring music... go listen to some real metal or something??

On Pride:

Lawyers I tell you, lawyers!

why all the actavist comments bono is a terrable actavist he sided with too many companys that have damaged so much in the world he isnt smart enough to be a politition, hes just gonna end up harming the very thing he wants to help, he should use his money to pay smart people with good intentions to do the campaigning for him, hes just getting played around by intelligent company lawyers !

This one speaks for itself.

I hate watching this! They were so good!!! The band is a joke today. They peaked in1987 and everything after is ridiculous. Bono CAN NOT sing anymore. terrible voice. If they had any balls --- They would tour the TRIO -- Boy October War. They are spineless artists. They would never consider it. Paul and Dave (what is a Bono or Edge?) always tell us to donate our money. Why don't you donate some of your 100s of millions. Playing a concert is not a donation

Just because a Bon Jovi was mentioned.

The greatest rock song ever written, second only to Livin on a Prayer.
I've figured we'd need a kellykinsel tribute post. Just because.

Off the Vertigo Live 8 video:

Oh you want something recent. How about his Red campaign under investigation for FRAUD! How about his current tour poluting the earth with a massive carbon footprint. you want more? I can point out the hypocritcal action of this arrogant little midget all day long. The sad part is he can't even write a decent song anymore. The new album sicks

Bono flew his HAT first class for thousands of dollars and then I saw him on TV lecturing us that 40cents a day would give children in Africa medicine to live. So Bozo, how many kids died because you had to fly your hat first class?LIBERAL HYPOCRITE

On the Amazing Grace/Streets video:

Bono playing guitar? That is as phony as Bono giving his money to the poor and charity. Both complete LIES

How do you spell 'facepalm'? K-e-l-l-y-k-i-n-s-e-l. :wink:

hey moron, he flew is f###king hat first class, idiot! thousands of dollars to fly a hat that could have went to buy medicine for dying kids! Mr Phony spends his fortune on frivilous things and lectures the world to pay hirer taxes. Meanwhile, it is a proven fact he hides his money in tax shelters to avoid paying those same taxes. How do you spell hypocrite? B O N O

Think for myself? This coming from a Bono fan? Hey idiot, Bono tells you what to think all the time and you follow him like a sheep. He tells you to donate to Africa and you being the sheep you are then think you should do it. And you tell me to think for myself!! Hey moron, I do think for myself and that is why I lnow Bono is a hypocrite

Whree's your proof that he spends a ton more? you stupid ignorant moron. It is is lying embeciles like you that have fed the myth that Bozo gives money to the ppor. No moron,he gives less percentage wise than the average US citizen does. The average U@ citizen gives 10% to charity. Bono doesn't give nearly that much. i challenge you find 1 article that shows he gives a million away. Not free tickests, his personal money! YOU CAN'T , IDIOT

Google "Bono hypocrite taxes".Google "Bono One Fraud"
Have a nice read about what a phony and despicable scum bag your Bozo is

Hey idiot, we are still waiting for all those articles telling how Bozo donates his personal wealth to charities. We are still waiting...

What's the matter, you can't produce the proof. I knew you couldn't. I enjoy challenging you liberal Bono sheep. Always telling us how great he is and how he donates money but whenever you are asked to provide proof you NEVER can. I will add you to the long list of Bonobots who couldn't prove your idol actually donates his own wealth to any charity. No one has to wait anymore because we all know no one can prove Bozo donates his own money. He has been exposed as a PHONY

Our "U2 wrote Miami" friend on the attack.

hey kellykinsel how about you SHUT UP and stop acting like a little bitch about how much you hate U2 and how you think Bono is a hypocrite. I'm getting really pissed off with you. If you hate them so much, WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CONTINUE TO WRITE ON THE U2 VIDEOS?????????????? DO you have no life is that what it is? I'm calling you out!!!!

And the reply.

I keep replying because you Bozo lovers keep trying to defend this phony and it is fun watching you fools try to make excuses for this limo liberal. I love how you liberals don't berate U2 for their obvious giant carbon footprint with their tours. Oh yeah, Bozo is a liberal so we all ignore his pollution. Notice Bozo never associates with the global warming viewpoint cuz he knows he would look like even a bigger hypocrite than he does on poverty

And back again ...

If he is a liberal, then he is a pretty bad one. He was buddy buddy with many conservatives like George Bush and Tony Blair. As for global warming, I think he is very concerned with global warming and the band has been very concerned that there isn't an alternative to moving trucks to reduce pollution. Oh and btw, Bono has probably donated more to poor nations than you ever will in ur entire life
I don't know why people would want to sink to his/her level and actually argue with him/her. Any gain is incredibly unlikely as he/she brings out the same crap.

I don't understand why people even bother. Everyone hates kellykinsel enough anyway. :shrug:
I mean, just the use of "probably". This guy just isn't completely sure that a world famous multi-millionaire philanthropist who he admires has given as much to charity as some prick on the internet.

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