First things first... these are up there. You might bring some hiking gear. Just being honest.
Second... I'm not looking to make any money, just off set some of the cost that I did myself in a panic to grab tickets. I realize it is a long shot for anyone to really *want* these tickets out of the gate.
These tickets are more of a way to see "one more show" this leg somewhat "on the cheap."
So without further adieu... what I have:
"The Story" (if you are still with me at this point):
I want to bring my two daughters, Miriel (10) & Lily (8), to see U2. (They have totally fallen in love with YTBTAM!) I had taken my two older kids to U2360 in Arlington back in 2009 when they were 11 & 8 and loved getting to share that with them.
I bought these three on impulse during the Verified Fan debacle on Monday because it was the only 3 tickets I could get to pull up that weren't $300+. I went back on today and grabbed 3 upper level $76 tickets... which I'm hoping will help them have a slightly better view and experience (and memories with dad)!
So that's it really... these are obviously not the best seats, but it is a way for someone (and a couple of friends) to get in another show and hear the music we all love.
Let me know if anyone is interested! Thanks for your time.
(BTW... not sure if the forum rules allow the inclusion of offsetting some of the fees in the price. If not, please let me know mods and I will adjust or delete the post. Thanks again.)
Second... I'm not looking to make any money, just off set some of the cost that I did myself in a panic to grab tickets. I realize it is a long shot for anyone to really *want* these tickets out of the gate.
So without further adieu... what I have:
3 Reserved Seats // Section 309 // Row Q // Seats 23-25
Cost: $41 FV + $16fees = $57ea... I'm looking for $50ea (willing to eat the $20 plus what it takes to ship them to the buyer)
(These are "hard tickts" and are in front of the 'e' stage, not behind the main stage, but I'm assuming the view is somewhat obscured due to the height and the screen.)
"The Story" (if you are still with me at this point):
I want to bring my two daughters, Miriel (10) & Lily (8), to see U2. (They have totally fallen in love with YTBTAM!) I had taken my two older kids to U2360 in Arlington back in 2009 when they were 11 & 8 and loved getting to share that with them.
I bought these three on impulse during the Verified Fan debacle on Monday because it was the only 3 tickets I could get to pull up that weren't $300+. I went back on today and grabbed 3 upper level $76 tickets... which I'm hoping will help them have a slightly better view and experience (and memories with dad)!
So that's it really... these are obviously not the best seats, but it is a way for someone (and a couple of friends) to get in another show and hear the music we all love.
Let me know if anyone is interested! Thanks for your time.
(BTW... not sure if the forum rules allow the inclusion of offsetting some of the fees in the price. If not, please let me know mods and I will adjust or delete the post. Thanks again.)