Guns n Roses in Boston last night

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Blue Crack Supplier
Feb 2, 2001
Your own private Idaho
OK...lets start off by saying Boston's infamous Cow-man made an appearance at this show, and looked quite normal compared to the freak show on stage.
I still think this band should use a different name, but have to admit they put on a good show. With Robin Finck and Buckethead on the same stage, the Fleetcenter has fulfilled its freak quota until next year's circus appearance. Certainly interesting to watch. But also very accomplished musicians. Axl actually sounded good, much better than the MTV awards, and better than some of the shows I saw him do in the olden days. As usual Axl and crew arrived quite late, taking stage at 10:40PM, but played a blistering 2 hour set which included all of the Appetite album , a handful of Use Your Illusion numbers and 3 Chinese Democracy songs. Anyway, the show is worth seeing if you are a fan, certainly a sight to see.
Awesome! Thanks for the info!

I have floor seats at the Tampa show next week. :hyper:

*getting ready to do the snake dance!!!*
I have no patience for musicians that show little respect for their fans by habitually cancelling gigs at the last possible moment(Vancouver recently) and gigs that, when they do decide to play, go on stage 30-45 minutes late. Poor management and poor planning. Different bandmates, same ol' Axl. Guns N' Fn' Late Roses would be a more accurate name. Axl makes Oasis look good.
When will Guns N' Roses release Chinese Democracy? Also, do you feel it was more of a solo act performing because the band, the old Guns N' Roses guitar, bass and drum players were not there?
Sting2: Like I said, in my opinion they should use a different name, just call it the Axl Rose Band or Extra Crispy or something. It reminded me of seeing David Lee Roth this summer, they played all the Old Van Halen songs, and just one DLR song, but they didn't try to call themselves Van Halen. I saw GnR 4 times in the late 80's/early 90's, so for me it was quite strange seeing others playing Slash's guitar solos etc.(In fact during "November Rain", there are 3 solos, and each of the 3 guitarists did one of them, so it was almost like you needed 3 guys to replace 1 Slash) For some of the younger kids in the crowd it probabaly made no difference. These guys are very good musicians, but its definitely not Guns n Roses to me.
Seriously though, whats the current estimate on when it will be out?
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