for U2Kitten...Aragorn aka Viggo Mortenson

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Happy Friday! I feel it's time to resurrect the Viggo-loving thread. ;)


  • viggo-yakuza05.jpg
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ummm, this is me and Viggo. ;) Yeah I wish!


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oh pax, you read my mind. I was thinking about bumping this thread up today. :yes:

will be back tomorrow morning with fresh new viggo-meat. :mac:

see if this works...
lol. err, yes, that is quite the photo. :silent: :drool:

This particular pictures was begging to be posted. Here's your Viggo fix for the day.




*fall over fainting*


Thanks! My day wasn't going so well, but it just made a turn for the better! :happy:
I don't know what exactly is going on in this picture, but I do enjoy the scenery. :yes:


oh and dream chaser, I'm glad I could brighten your day. ;)
Viggo: Must be something in the air...

Strange thing happened to me today... I overheard some Producer on his cell phone having a heated debate with someone and he kept saying, "But what about Viggo Mortenson?" And then, "I understand you're saying Brendan Frasier, but Viggo is much better suited."

I so desperately wanted to shout, "Yes! Viggo! He's much better suited for anything!" And then... "Ahem, do you have his phone number? Address? WHERE IS HE!?!"

But instead I just sat there like a goof gawking at the guy until I heard him say into the phone, "Look, I'll call ya back later. I can't talk just now." And he stormed off. Heehee! :p
sulawesigirl4 said:
monday. ugh. here's some Viggo to make it better.

OOOOOO! Nice & big! (heehee that sounds kinda dirty...)

Anywho... I saw Goldmember over the weekend with my hubby and they showed a trailer for LOTR and the very fir
st image displayed up there on that big old screen was Viggo and I actually shrieked out loud! Normally, I'd have no problem with my uncotrollable shrieks at Viggo, but I was a tad embarrassed with my hubby sittin' right there next to me. :silent:
bwahaha. nice and big indeed. :sexywink: *ahem*

btw, I meant to say...that story about the guy on the cell phone and Viggo was funnnny! I would have ran over and yelled "yes, you want to get Viggo!! He's perfect for anything!" :D

Viggo covered in paint. :heart:


(that's me in the photo btw, haha, I WISH!)
sulawesigirl4 said:
Viggo covered in paint.

*raises hand* I offer to clean him off...with my tongue! (OMG! Did I just say that? :eek: )
Well before I leave for Europe tomorrow, I thought I would give the ol' Viggo thread a bump. *sigh* I'm going to miss it. :( In honor of the new LOTR DVD that just came are some new lovely stills of Aragorn that I have found. Enjoy!






I feel the need to bump this thread up.

hello all!!!

no, sula is not dead. she's just buried in the Alps with very little internet time. hope you all are well. i shall eat some Swiss chocolate and think of you...and Viggo...not necessarily in that order. lol.

bon soir!

can I just say that on Saturday night, where I was, there was a Viggo look-a-like.........from behind

I swear to feck...this guy looked 100% like Viggo from behind.......!!!!!!!! :ohmy:


I dont like Viggo as Viggo..only as his character Aragorn........;)
one more

hey ladies, love the viggo thread:) this guy really is smokin' hot! anyway, i hoped i attached this right... i really like this picture and had to share.



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