Does a guy like "Inman" exist outside of Cold Mountain?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jun 13, 2002
Shaking her arse to "Vertigo"!!!
I watched the movie Cold Mountain on Saturday and LOVED it!! Such a great love story! :love:

I was so taken by the love the main characters had for each other... I realized that movie sums it up perfectly the kind of love I want in this life... a love that knows no boundaries. A love in which the other person will do absolutely anything for the other. I want a love like that, a committment and devotion like that, is that too much to ask? :(

I haven't found it yet. :sigh: I'm beginning to think that kind of love WAS made up by fiction writers and movie studios. That it doesn't really exist in real life. Can anyone prove me wrong?

Do you think that guys like Inman really exist in the world today?


Jude Law as Inman

If you've found your Inman, please share your story to give hope to those of us who have not. :hug:
I agree, I loved that story.

Love is unrealistic in the movies. I don't know what else to say erised, except you seem like a very sweet and kind person, so don't settle for anything less than the best :)

It would help if the guy looked like Jude too :wink:
I don't know about now, sometimes I have my doubts. It must somewhere, maybe Bono and Ali?

Cold Mountain is something like what happened with ancestors of mine, also in the NC mountains in the Civil war. Except he didn't die, they lived and had 10 more kids.

It really bugged me that they killed the guy off, I mean a lot of people in that movie were injured much worse and lived. I felt robbed by the ending, it bugged me. Maybe it was just because it wasn't what I wanted to see :(
My husband and I have a relationship that reminds me of the one in that movie.

Except my baby looks even better sweaty in a flannel shirt, and he's not shell-shocked from the war.

But seriously, the relationship in the movie was romanticized; those two had a physical connection that took them through the war. If they had been able to live together, their relationship may have deepened or they may have grown apart after the initial physical passion wore off. Thye held onto those memories of each other to get them through something horrific.

The physical side starts it, but without work and committment, the physical will soon fade. But with devotion, committment, and putting the other first, the physical can blossom into something even more wonderful that the first passions. Then the real relationship starts, and it gets better every day.

:huh: Do I sound like Dear Abby?
I think my sweetie & I have that kind of love...going on 16 years now (we'll be married 13 in Feb 05)! Granted, it ain't always pretty - no long term relationship is - but at 33, we've spent almost half of our lives together and I hope we've got at least another 75 years ahead of us.

Geez! - sometimes I just get sooo mushy!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
Awwww, Martha - my thoughts exactly.

My boyfriend is simply amazing and it took long enough to find someone as wonderful as he is. Or perhaps it took me this long to actually APPRECIATE someone like him.
martha said:

But with devotion, committment, and putting the other first, the physical can blossom into something even more wonderful that the first passions.

Dear Abby,

But why does that seem to be so hard for some men? :( I've met some wonderful men.... except for the fact they're selfish as all hell!!! :mad:

I'm tired of selfish men.... :sad: I'm a 'giver' and I'm tired of meeting 'takers'... I want to meet another giver :cute: ... someone who will cherish me as much as I cherish him. :sigh:

I gotta believe there are still men like that out there in this world and not all of them are selfish pigs... :madspit:


Waiting-for-her-Inman :sexywink:
BluRmGrl said:
I think my sweetie & I have that kind of love...going on 16 years now (we'll be married 13 in Feb 05)! Granted, it ain't always pretty - no long term relationship is - but at 33, we've spent almost half of our lives together and I hope we've got at least another 75 years ahead of us.

Geez! - sometimes I just get sooo mushy!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

That's great to hear!! :happy: Thanks for posting! :hug:

I know that no relationship is perfect... I'm not asking for perfection!!! I'm just asking that he not be selfish and not give a damn about things that are important to me. :mad:
Dear Waiting,

Feel free to give the selfish bastards the brush-off. Or the push-off if a cliff is nearby. Keeping looking, but don't wait. He's out there; he just hasn't found you yet.

Ok. In reality, I got nuthin'. I met my boy in sixth grade, so I'll just shut up with the advice on how to actually find them.

I think that kind of love is very rare and fleeting. I have only experienced it once and will most likely never experience it again.
When you love someone that much, it is like you feel it throughout your entire body. In your skin, bones and most importantly in your heart. It never leaves you.
I will remember that person and the feelings we shared for the rest of my life.
I'm jaded and after you read this post, you wouldn't have needed me to tell you that.

I don't think a love like Inman's and Ada can exsist. I agree with Martha, when she said that their connection got them through the war. After that, real life sets in and I don't believe a love like that truly exsists here on Earth. I don't even like to see it portrayed in movies, it's so unrealistic, to me anyway. I can't relate to it at all.

However, I did like this movie (not love it). I was really surprised with Jack White. I think he did an amazing job, as did the entire cast.
His name is Inman!? Ahh, that makes more sense. I just watched Cold Mountain tonight, and I couldn't tell what they were calling him. I thought it was Enmund.

Anyway, it was a good movie, but too sad.
ylimeU2 said:
I'm jaded and after you read this post, you wouldn't have needed me to tell you that.

I don't think a love like Inman's and Ada can exsist. I agree with Martha, when she said that their connection got them through the war. After that, real life sets in and I don't believe a love like that truly exsists here on Earth. I don't even like to see it portrayed in movies, it's so unrealistic, to me anyway. I can't relate to it at all.

However, I did like this movie (not love it). I was really surprised with Jack White. I think he did an amazing job, as did the entire cast.

Im sad that you feel that way. Love like that, in my opinion and my experience, does exsist. Its just that it is hard to find and often it comes along at the wrong time. One day, you will find your true love. :)
If a man like that exists, you sure deserve him twin! :hug:

I want to believe in true love, the same way I believe in God, and the afterlife and other things that aren't tangible.

:sigh: I want someone who takes my breath away, and understands me and thinks I'm all that, even when I have a cold and look like shit... ;)

We just have to keep looking... :yes:
girls, I can assure you that love at first time exists!
And it comes when you're not expecting it.
It brings a flood of joy, a brilliant vision of things and a wonderful state of mind.

I met my special guy (nick-named Lord) two years ago. And even if we're far, we're sharing a great mood.

I wasn't searching for love, it just happened. He crossed my way -- and I crossed his. It happens!

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