DESCRIBE is bringing sexy back..yeahhh

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I could ask the same question....I've only gotten four hours of sleep the last three days.....It's 24....I never should've bought these dvds :lol:

ETA!: four hours of sleep PER day
ditto ditto ditto

except i know why i am awake...because i procrastinate way too much and went to archery instead of working on my essay :sigh:

< Wake Up just came on shuffle :ohmy: :lmao:
^^Is that why youre not on AIM? I went through the hastle of opening it and you werne't htere :(

^It's unbearable I know
39 I'm going to bed for real

FIGHT THAT INSOMNIA! IT'S FOR THE gg (greater good :lol: don't ask it's a monk thing )

I was taking photos of my TV, then fighting to get them onto this computer (which is so crap and I want MINE) and then uploading them and posting them to PLEBA.

The craziest part is that I was taking photos of my TV :crazy:

Damn Edge and his bald head :madwife:
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