Bono in Paris

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:ohmy: Thank you chazman!

His shadow on the wall in some of those pictures makes me :giggle:
u2bonogirl said:

:madspit: the british press calling Bono tubby

That shirt does make him look awfully potbellied though :laugh: But nobody is allowed to say that but loving Plebans!

He looks kind of like a sexy professor :hmm: Disheveled, bespectacled......

I agree on the comment about the Beautiful day hair being a good look for today :yes: It was a great cut for him and would work well with what hair he has now. I just hope he doesn't grow it long again. It would just be trying too hard

As a hair stylist, and avid noticer of haircuts I can't help but want to take him into my care sometimes and ask him what the hell he was thinking :lol:

Funny article.....but not funny in a way. With that shirt not tucked in, who knows what the heck is under there.
1. Wow..The article is pretty rude isn't it...

2. I'll take Bono ANYWAY I can have him...never matters :)

3. I love we can see his pretty purple ring that Suzanne has talked about...

4. Kelly :hug: can you get the pix off of REX Features? :) Most are the same, but there are a couple different ones.

5. Found these today....also a little different...





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If I may add my two cents.

Maybe Bono is deliberately slacking off in his dress to show Sarkozy what a big fan of his he is.


I know that if I were a head of state, and one whom this person has never met, I'd expect people to be a little better dressed, and if they weren't....

I don't imagine Bono is a big fan of Sarkozy's, Between his ambitious domestic agenda of cutting the benefits of the French people, his panting fanboyism of Bush and Bush's foreign policy in particular--Bush's little lapdog, and weall know that Bono really isn't a fan of Bush, no matter what lukewarm statements he gives to the US media to keep Republican support--and France's stinginess on African aid, I can't see any kind of Blair-like warmth going on.

Maybe it's that, or maybe it was a "I've got to get my own clothes out of the closet b/c Ali forgot to lay them out" kind of day. Or maybe both....

As regarding his looks, he's starting to morph into his Dad a little early. B my man, I hope you wear a cap on your head in your next stage costume. You need to wear one, you and Edge can be "the Hats" again. And um, you really need to get swimming again...:)

He looks good as always, but I am a wee bit concerned:).
u2bonogirl said:

:madspit: the british press calling Bono tubby

That shirt does make him look awfully potbellied though :laugh: But nobody is allowed to say that but loving Plebans!

He looks kind of like a sexy professor :hmm: Disheveled, bespectacled......

I agree on the comment about the Beautiful day hair being a good look for today :yes: It was a great cut for him and would work well with what hair he has now. I just hope he doesn't grow it long again. It would just be trying too hard

As a hair stylist, and avid noticer of haircuts I can't help but want to take him into my care sometimes and ask him what the hell he was thinking :lol:

Wait when has Bono ever been 'rakish and chiseled'
u2jesusgirl said:
1. Wow..The article is pretty rude isn't it...

2. I'll take Bono ANYWAY I can have him...never matters :)

3. I love we can see his pretty purple ring that Suzanne has talked about...

4. Kelly :hug: can you get the pix off of REX Features? :) Most are the same, but there are a couple different ones.

5. Found these today....also a little different...






Thank you for sharing these JG!!:wave:

Oh thanks Chazman for these larger pics, coz like Onekea I didn't notice the colour of the suit until seeing these. :wave: Deep violet.....:drool: And I think the shirt matches just fine, it's just a couple of sizes too big!? :shrug:
The photos that U2jesusgirl posted are very sweet, especially the close ups (damn watermarks) ... the ones where he is smiling and has a snowglobe are pretty cute, too. But can anyone tell me why Bono's hair is dark on top and so light at the temples? That looks a bit strange.

And for the Daily Mail: It's a tabloid, what do you expect? Bono is doing great work and has an important cause, but all they can talk about is his appearance. Sad.

Btw, when did Bono win an Oscar? Did I miss something?

And yes, he was sooo skinny once ... :madspit:
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That's right, casting my mind back I remember watching the show, thinking U2s going to wins this, but then being totally shocked when they announced that Eninem had won the Oscar instead?!? :huh:
And yes, he was sooo skinny once ...

Oh, I wasn't trying to be one of those fellows who comes in from EYKIW, pays out Bono, and then leaves. I just thought the choice of words were silly, as it seems physically impossible for Bono to be 'rakish' due to his natural frame. And 'chiseled' suggests he was all Mullenesque buff. Yeah, he's been skinny before, but he's also been overweight other times. The article makes it seem as if it's some kind of surprise fall from grace or some shit, even though as far as I can tell his physique has been exactly the same for at least the past year. By no means am I going on a rampage against his appearance, just these types of silly articles.

Observations like this make me realize I'm about as comfortable here as I am in any other part of the forum.
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