Bono and Edge perform two (old songs) in O2 Dublin

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I cant believe in that date too, but it fits with O2 program...

But the programme isn't about U2 at all

The O2 opens today so they have U2 play two songs, that's it. Why would U2 announce a new album on a show not about them? That makes no sense...
But the programme isn't about U2 at all

The O2 opens today so they have U2 play two songs, that's it. Why would U2 announce a new album on a show not about them? That makes no sense...

They won't.

It's just an interesting coincidence that the O2 broadcast and the U2Spain date are coinciding.
They won't.

It's just an interesting coincidence that the O2 broadcast and the U2Spain date are coinciding.

Apparently U2spain are gonna be launching a mini-site about the new album that will feature exclusive content, so maybe we will get something useful or not (sometimes it's nice having a Spanish speaking girlfriend :wink:)

I'd still say the link is at best a coincidence
Speculation: guest appearences in the O2

Do you think U2 and/or Bono would make another guest appearence at the O2, live this time?

I have three options:

1: Tonight at the end of the Opening Night of the new O2
2: Supporting the Kings of Leon the 19th
3: Bono on stage with Coldplay as a special guest

Speculate, feel free to add your own.
I'm personally more intrigued with the possibility of Bono as special guest with Coldplay, like he did with Kylie and the Rolling Stones. I wouldn't judge it below or above him to do so. Isn't Coldplay the "biggest band in the world while U2 are on holiday"?

And with the album news just released by then that would create some extra publicity!
I can just picture U2 playing to a bunch of Kings of Leon fans who boo them off stage on Friday :lol:

Show starts in 25 minutes guys
Yeah Bono's voice has been really strong lately, hopefully it still is

It's on the ad break, starting in a couple of minutes :hyper:

It's starting now
This better be good, I'm on the second to last page of my final research paper :madspit:
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