Australia doesn't quite know what the fuck is happening 2007-2029

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You all realise that I just had a heart attack, don't you?

From 21 pages to 27 pages in a matter of hours - for some bizarre reason, i thought the tour had been announced.

I should know better by now :|
Why? :hyper:

Do you know something? :hyper:

Do you have inside information? :hyper:

Are you really Bono? :D Actually, no he wouldn't have that information, maybe you are Leisure Suit Lazza. Now, he wouldn't lie to us.

Spill! Spill! Spill!
No i'm not Bono (but sometimes wish i was). I did hear that the band do have login's to interferance and do read the discussions (so hi there if your reading this).

Based on all the evidence it points to:

Japan (early 2006)
Australia and New Zealand (Feb/March)
South America (March 2006)
Vertigo tour ends April...

In May i went to New York to see the Vertigo Concert. while i was there i bumped into a touring official at the Unforgettable Fire cover band concert at Flannery's (Irish pub). He told me Q1 06 is a definite. Seem very soon we’ll be hearing confirmation as there is generally a good 5-6month wait between announcement and concert.
Well they better just freaking annouce it one way or the other...its the not knowing that is driving me insane!!! I looked back on my posts...a year ago TODAY i was wondering when we were going to hear about australian tour ive basically spent my year thinking about it! Yes i am that sad :p

GOD DAMNIT! :madspit: :madspit: :madspit:
all this pain before leg 4 of-the tour
YAHneedmoreinfo NOW
still were waiting for a tour-ee-or-ee-or-ee-or-ee-orrrrr...

lol....oh dear
australia's like a drop in the ocean :(
they reckon we dont have no emotion :mad:
imagine rubbing larry with lotion :huh:
we've gotta show the boys some devotion! :wave:

YAH-NEEDmoreinfo NOW
all this pain before leg 4 of-the-tour


ok no more funs over, back to waiting quietly..
I found this post from Zootopia about Australia (it was posted last night):

I have heard through a VERY reliable source, that U2's Aussie promotor has just got back from seeing the band in the States, and that they have signed on the dotted line- committed to tour here in March 2006. OH MY GOD! I'm so excited! Now I have to start saving my money...Can you imagine how hard it's going to be to get tickets? I'm scared. But very, very happy!

I hope it's true and an announcement is made soon.
By Andrew Eddy
November 2, 2005

THE telephone rang for Lee Freedman. If bad news travels fast, great news, it seems, can travel faster and further.

It was Bono on the line.

As a nation celebrated Makybe Diva's Melbourne Cup hat-trick, the mare's trainer was not short of backslappers.

But even Freedman was shocked when he was handed a telephone in Flemington's Birdcage and told that the lead singer of the Irish supergroup was on the line after watching the race at home in Ireland.

"I've been a fan since I was a kid and it was wonderful to speak to him," said Freedman. "He said he wants to come out and see the Diva when he's next here. It was great fun."

:mad: How about phoning about work related stuff next time.
Ramblin Rose. :now:

Thank you so much for looking out for us down here! :wave:

If this happens this will be great for everyone involved not just for us here & the band ($$), but it will give everyone a chance to enjoy the tour for a few more months, and in a few different time zones.

There has been enough rumour for this to actually be true, my call of 2nd week in November announcment continues to look more positive! :hyper:
I thought that was doctored, but sure enough it was actual news! :lmao:

That's a fantastic post Shagger! :up:

(Also there should be a good autograph/photo oppourtunity at Makybe Diva's farm next year if thye come out :wink: )
bazza said:

Based on all the evidence it points to:

Japan (early 2006)
Australia and New Zealand (Feb/March)
South America (March 2006)
Vertigo tour ends April...

let it be it.. please... PLEASE...

and let it end here in CHILE!!! :hyper:
bazza said:
No i'm not Bono (but sometimes wish i was). I did hear that the band do have login's to interferance and do read the discussions (so hi there if your reading this).

Based on all the evidence it points to:

Japan (early 2006)
Australia and New Zealand (Feb/March)
South America (March 2006)
Vertigo tour ends April...

Oh man, please let it be so, I am sooo there if they do Latin America... :hyper:
Another thing to add to the pot - Visa Preferred Seating is now waitlisting for U2. The reason this is news is because other similar services (eg. Showbiz) have had U2 on waitlist for approximately a year... but Visa Preferred have only just added it. Now why would they do that if they didn't at least suspect it was going to happen?

Plus, another report confirming mexico/peru... This is looking good..... really good :)
yeah same list... and i know its not reliable .... but my reason for alarm with this is (if my memory serves correctly):

1. About a year ago, U2 were on the waitlist (maybe earlier?)
2. For the best part of the last year, they haven't been as they were removed(last time i checked was probably a few weeks ago)
3. All of a sudden, they are on the list

I know it's not much and it is probably nothing, but it just seems to be another good sign... and about all we have until an announcement is good signs
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

(But hold your breath for 24hrs - remember I'll start a hundred new threads when I know for sure. By the way, you do know U2's management are in Melbourne, right?)
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