Arcade Fire, a.k.a. The Reflektors.

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I enjoyed this review as well. :up:

Is this their "Pop"? :wink:

No - I don't think it's their "Pop" - I think it is more like what "Rattle of Hum" was intended to be - a great (but not perfect), unorthodox, and necessary follow-up to a universally proclaimed masterpiece.
Dang, had I not needed to leave work early yesterday, I would have been able to listen to the CD last night ... it had been delivered and was waiting for me on my desk this morning.

On first full listen, I think there were only 1 or 2 songs I didn't care for. Liked a lot of it a lot.

Very happy that instrumental stuff from the stream is not on the CD. Is that the "hidden track" I've been hearing about?
If only the first disc was as consistent as the second.

Just about this.

I'm coming round to the album, now. But, it's definitely not in the same way I came around to The Suburbs

Yep, it is on the CD, but hidden. You have to track backwards from track 1 on the first CD.

I stuck it in the middle of the album in iTunes, but I'm sure I will skip it essentially every time.

I don't understand the logic. The song sucks, it's track 0 on the CD, the stream might have been a joke...just put it at the beginning. I'd personally delete it, but at least this way you have it, and don't have to waste your time skipping.
I have not found the hidden track on the download. I didn't know I had to look for it, though.

CD should arrive today anyway.
Here Comes the Night Time II is getting overlooked. Beautiful track and far easier to appreciate without 10 minutes of shit in front of it. Awful Sound/It's Never Over is my favorite stretch on the album. Absolutely gorgeous. Basically, disc 2 is better.

Normal Person is the Rococo of this album. I don't like its jerk-off lyrics or its jerk-off alternative rock wannabe riff. Cut that one, Joan of Arc, Flashbulb Eyes and the last 5 minutes of Supersymmetry and we've got ourselves another home run. But, of course, a lot of people will argue that the weaker tracks are necessary to give the album character or whatever.
If "You Already Know" isn't the worst track they've ever done, I don't know what is.
Here Comes the Night Time II is getting overlooked. Beautiful track and far easier to appreciate without 10 minutes of shit in front of it. Awful Sound/It's Never Over is my favorite stretch on the album. Absolutely gorgeous. Basically, disc 2 is better. Normal Person is the Rococo of this album. I don't like its jerk-off lyrics or its jerk-off alternative rock wannabe riff. Cut that one, Joan of Arc, Flashbulb Eyes and the last 5 minutes of Supersymmetry and we've got ourselves another home run. But, of course, a lot of people will argue that the weaker tracks are necessary to give the album character or whatever.

Rococo meanders both lyrically and musically. At least Norman Person turns into a banger toward the end. I'd say it's more akin to Month of May at least.

Agreed on the 2nd disc being more consistent on the first few listens. Hey, Orpheus!

Trim the "fat" on a personal alternate mix. I've never gotten behind the idea of "album filler;" it is there for a reason, even if it's a lesser track. Same impulse that created that led to the better items, for the most part.
I don't understand the logic. The song sucks, it's track 0 on the CD, the stream might have been a joke...just put it at the beginning. I'd personally delete it, but at least this way you have it, and don't have to waste your time skipping.

Nah, right in the middle is where it belongs. I also like to have someone fart in my face between courses of a nice meal

I'd say it's more akin to Month of May at least.

Was thinking the same thing today. And I don't really like Month of May, but Normal Person sounds to me like them getting that sort of song right
The lead guitar part in the choruses of "Normal Person" is so frustrating. It sounds a kid picking out his first guitar solo from tabs and never holding a note. It ruins the song for me.

Lest I come across as if I were shitting on the album, I should mention I like/love the entire second disc.
This NPR concert...

Arcade Fire In Concert : NPR

Has anyone got a recording of this? UKK is SOOOO slow at getting these things done. If that was U2 we'd have a recording up within the hour. It ain't Interference, thats for sure.
The lead guitar part in the choruses of "Normal Person" is so frustrating. It sounds a kid picking out his first guitar solo from tabs and never holding a note. It ruins the song for me.

Lest I come across as if I were shitting on the album, I should mention I live/love the entire second disc.

I think it's supposed to sound that way. What with the whole tuning up and playing their first show and what not. But it actually makes the song for me. I like the dirtiness of it
I was attempting my 3rd listen of the album today, but was interrupted by a work thing...right as "Here Comes the Night Time II" was starting :|.

So glad I was only able to listen to disc one :happy:
Favorites so far besides the two I mentioned previously on here: Joan of Arc and Here Comes the Night Time II.
Trim the "fat" on a personal alternate mix. I've never gotten behind the idea of "album filler;" it is there for a reason, even if it's a lesser track. Same impulse that created that led to the better items, for the most part.

Ordinarily, I would agree. The concept of album filler was relevant when record labels padded singles with studio tinkerings to package them as LPs; not so much anymore. Plus, I never skip tracks as a general rule. But, by that same token, I won't listen to lengthy albums with mediocre tracks very often to begin with. A poor song needn't be labeled filler, and I didn't call any of those songs filler. They're simply below par and detract from the overall experience of the album. Whatever creative impulse they had there led them astray. It happens on this album more often than I'd like.

One track that has gotten better for me is Porno. Really liking that one now, which means disc 2 is thoroughly dominating disc 1 at this point. I pretty much lose interest in the latter after Here Comes the Night Time.
Sigh. I listened to about 30 minutes of the NPR live show this afternoon, and I wasn't sorry when I had to turn it off. It makes me think of what would have happened if Talking Heads had gone over to the adult contemporary side. It does nothing for me at all, and that makes me sad. For me, the band has slipped a lot with each album, with Funeral being damn near perfect.

Well, at least some other fan can have my ticket when they roll through here.
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