Ali Thread #10

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:wave: Glad you decided to post. Doesn't matter if you are a newbie, (we were all one once) I don't even look at people's post counts anyways.

Good thing I guess :der: :reject:
I've visited this forum a few times and once or twice felt like making a post.
I hate to feel like an idiot newb though and when you see everyone else with like 2,000, 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 posts! Well you know.

I read your post with interest then I saw posts: 16 and I'm like wow a noob!
I sort of think this forum needs more noobs, so I signed up too!

On your point about Bono's style, I'm sorry but I kind of have to agree with the others.
It's a nice image, but I'm not at all sure Bono could pull off that look again.

(Hoping Bono, Edge, Adam, Larry come to Oz next year, please come guys at least to Sydney but also Brisbane if you can, I know countless people who want the show here!)

That's funny - well I received a very nice welcome so it's my duty to extend the same to you! Welcome, welcome, welcome! :D

So youre also unimpressed with the idea of the return of a suave Bono! okay then!

I must say I'm really surprised though, I wouldn't think of it as something he'd be "pulling off" at all. He'd be completely himself, just with darker hair - I wasn't actually talking about "The Fly"!! - more like The Fly with less ostentatious shades, a velvet suit instead of a PVC one, and just black swept back hair, as opposed to black swept back hair with a wet look or with grease. Oh yeah and a nice tight shave!

I'm still convinced that's his best possible look, but what do I know right? And I do think he looks really good at the moment.

Btw we probably shouldn't continue this discussion here, after all it's called "Ali Thread"! I'm sure there's a more appropriate thread

And don't worry, the boys will almost certainly go to Australia next year :up:
The sun's so bright it leaves no shadows, only scars, carved into stone on the face of Earth
well i guess "the fly" image was indeed the one in my head - your "toned down fly" I'll admit sounds quite nice
I forgot this is Ali's thread, so I'll just say I also love her dimples, wish I had some :)

hi laura and domo-kun
It just wouldn't fit his current image.
all that says to me is the current look and the look I described are 2 different looks! Naturally you cant change looks mid-tour! I'd never suggest something so silly

We should go back to discussing Ali.
yes I did mention that in my previous response to missmacphisto


lovely shot of Ali there Purplereign :up: ALI FTW!!

What happened your face of melting snow?
Ali's gonna end up way high!!! Wat a women , she deserves it.:hyper:
Why does Ali have her own thread?

Seriously...should we have an Ann thread, A Morleigh thread and a thread for Adam's new girlfriend? This site is about u2 and for U2 fans, and the last I knew, Ali was not a member of U2.

Just seems weird that is all. This site is for U2 fans, I am sure Ali has her own fan site, why, I don't know, because she is only famous for being Bono's wife. I know she has done a lot of charity work, but that is because of her husband's celebrity status and Bono's help.
Seriously...should we have an Ann thread, A Morleigh thread and a thread for Adam's new girlfriend? This site is about u2 and for U2 fans, and the last I knew, Ali was not a member of U2.

Just seems weird that is all. This site is for U2 fans, I am sure Ali has her own fan site, why, I don't know, because she is only famous for being Bono's wife. I know she has done a lot of charity work, but that is because of her husband's celebrity status and Bono's help.

There is a Morleigh thread but you wont see a Ann or Adam's girlfriend threads because both Larry and Adam are more private then Bono and Edge. :up:
Seriously...should we have an Ann thread, A Morleigh thread and a thread for Adam's new girlfriend? This site is about u2 and for U2 fans, and the last I knew, Ali was not a member of U2.


I don't see anything wrong with having the Ali and Morleigh threads ( as you can see there has been 9 previous Ali threads) so it is nothing new and just where does it say that We only should post pics of the fab 4?? We even have threads for Anton, Brian Eno, Dallas Shoo, Danny Lanios ect..
Seriously...should we have an Ann thread, A Morleigh thread and a thread for Adam's new girlfriend? This site is about u2 and for U2 fans, and the last I knew, Ali was not a member of U2.

Just seems weird that is all. This site is for U2 fans, I am sure Ali has her own fan site, why, I don't know, because she is only famous for being Bono's wife. I know she has done a lot of charity work, but that is because of her husband's celebrity status and Bono's help.

If you don't like it, don't go there. Ali has had her own threads here for ages. She's a public person and a lot of people admire her. I could think of much worse things than having a thread about Ali. And yes, since U2 are all family, she's a member of that family as well. She's married to Bono and it's a bit difficult to ignore her when discussing him and the band.

I think your comment is pretty rude. She has done a lot of charity work without Bono's help. She's an independent woman and has a lot of qualities people admire.

There are a lot of threads on this forum that I consider useless, but I don't go there because I'm not interested. People should discuss what they want to discuss. If some people enjoy making a new thread for every negative thing they want to say in the tour fourm, that's fine, but I prefer more positive threads, like this one about Ali.
I don't know, because she is only famous for being Bono's wife. I know she has done a lot of charity work, but that is because of her husband's celebrity status and Bono's help.

That's not true at all, and you should read more about her before talking like this. There's some useful information about Ali in this thread and in the other ones, in fact. I advise you to read them, then you'll know why she has her own topic here. :wave:
Seriously...should we have an Ann thread, A Morleigh thread and a thread for Adam's new girlfriend? This site is about u2 and for U2 fans, and the last I knew, Ali was not a member of U2.

Just seems weird that is all. This site is for U2 fans, I am sure Ali has her own fan site, why, I don't know, because she is only famous for being Bono's wife. I know she has done a lot of charity work, but that is because of her husband's celebrity status and Bono's help.

Go ahead and start threads for them! There have been ones in the past but they peeter out, I think simply because there aren't half as many photos of Ann or Morleigh as there are of Ali. Not that it means one person is "better" or more deserving of a thread, that's just how it is. It's easier to keep all the new pics in this thread than start new threads every time there are more pics of Bono and Ali. If you don't care for them, don't open the thread. Simple enough. I don't really go in Larry threads, but I couldn't care less that they are there. :shrug:

Ali doesn't have her own fan site. I own her domain and she has never had any part in it. In the past I've opened up a guestbook and then a forum but both have been removed due to the amount of spam and weird people.
As far as we know we have threads about Morgleigh, we recently had a thread about Ann and we even have one about Adam's new girlfriend :sexywink:

Since Ali is a more public person there are far more pictures of her, therefore there is much more going on in the Ali thread.

Obviously the OP doesn't like Ali. But instead of complaining that she gets too much attention, it would be a good thing to look at the poeple who are really famous for no reason and have their own fansites.

Ali is an inspiration to many people, also outside of her relation to Bono.
I just love the sight of her! She's gorgeous and I admire her beauty

because she is only famous for being Bono's wife

take a hike bozo!! what's your problem? very weird, you sound I dont know jealous or something!! do you wish you were Bono's wife?!

Any woman as gorgeous as Ali deserves her own thread, on any forum, anywhere! Go Ali! :applaud:

You glorify the past when the future dries up
I agree with everything said above. Shes far more than Bonos wife and more than once Bono stressed that she needs her more than she needs him. If youre u2 fan, listen to Spanish eyes, for example.
As far as i know, Ali made a sacrifice to become public person. She is a very private person and she did a LOT of Charity work without Bonos help.
Actually, she went to the Belarus on numerous occassions in the early 90s and nobody even knew. (well, exept for us - Alis fans).Bono was freaked out coz he went to the danger zone. She told him that ZOOtv stage is far more dangerous because of radiation:hyper:
One thing i really admire about Ali is her independece and she is pretty self sufficient lady. If you dont like her, dont look at her!(would be my advice)
Whoa slow down there! Your 3rd post in 8 years! HOLY GUACAMOLE, you'll give yourself a coronary!


Like a needle needs a vein, like someone to blame, like a thought unchained, like a runaway train, I need your love
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