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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Oct 14, 2005
San Mateo
Do you believe in it? This past weekend I had lunch with my friends mom and two of her friends for her sons third year anniversary of his death. She told me privatly that a black bird (crow I believe) comes every day and sits atop the memorial she built for her son and stays for an hour and then comes back later on, on and off during the day. Could that mean in a spiritual way that he is watching over his mom?
I believe in the possibility of an afterlife. The crow you mentioned might very well be a sign from her son. I've read a lot of books on the subject and often times the ways the dead try to communicate with the living are very subtle. I had something happen to me that I felt could be a sign from my dad-which I discussed in an earlier thread. Either way, I thinks it's a fascinating subject.
I believe in it but not in a specific dogmatic way with certain rules, such as, if you don't believe like us you're going to hell. I believe it's there, not sure what form, or forms, it may take. To me it would be way too sad to think it didn't. I want to believe everyone, and even my pets, are out there somewhere, waiting for me.

As for the crow, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't some kind of sign. I don't think the guy himself came back as a crow but maybe it is some kind of way of using the crow in a special way as a message to her. I believe it.

Ever see the movie 'To Dance with the White Dog?' with Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy? Tell the lady to watch that. It's something like what she's experiencing, and it's based on a true story. It never fails to make me cry at the end.
I think we just keep coming back, and we live the same lives but they're always different at the same time. Same soul, different circumstances. Different eras, locations, relationships, etc. I think we do this for all time.

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