30 Sec Clips of NLOTH!!!! DISCUSSION ONLY (Do not post download links!!)

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Geez, who made you God!

Of course, ANYONE's opinions are probably crap (including yours) given we've heard merely 30 seconds of 6 minutes songs.

But whether you think I'm "ridiciluous" or not (and to be honest I don't give a shit what you think), I hear Achtung Baby in this album.

And my song comparisons are not based on beat, pitch or whatever, they're based on "feel" and how they fit with the rest of the album. GOYB is the thundering lead single that doesn't represent the album, kinda like the Fly. Unknown Caller is kinda like So Cruel in where it 'fits' with the album (UC's dual vocal & beats vs SC's quirky backwards beat).

My Adam comment is based on how the bass on these tracks gives the songs a groove that showcases the man mjuch more than other albums.

Maybe you need to taking a f$%king chill pill and not call people ridiculous and ludicrous because you don't agree. FFS what do any of us know right now?

Whatever the subjective difference in sound similarity may be, I'm not the one making bold proclamations.

After 30 seconds of the song NLOTH, I can absolutely, definitively say without any reservations and with complete and utter unyielding confidence in a judgment that will stand the test of time that the verse melody is awesome, and the chorus sounds awkward.

Magnificent actually sounds pretty retro to my ears. It sounds like one of their chimey songs from one of the first 3 albums.

The 30 second clip is right near end of the song, that isn't the normal chorus, as Bono sings verses like "only love can leave such a mark" and "only love can reset your mind", please don't judge this song on the clip.

Magnificent is my favourtie song from what I have heard so far and had been since I heard the beach clips. In my view it has the potential to be one of their best songs and alongside COBL, will be a brilliant song live.
Whatever the subjective difference in sound similarity may be, I'm not the one making bold proclamations.


Why did you pick his post out? There are 50 pages in this thread and you decide to be an asshole to someone who didn't have anything close to the most excessive response. Nice work.
Or...maybe he's running out of ideological lyrics, and finds that describing his childhood surroundings is cathartic in some way.

Did everyone just forget that Bono wrote most of this album in 3rd person? To me it sounds like the voice of a soldier reflecting on his life. Maybe a bit like Slaughterhouse Five.
So I'm guessing everyone hears the two distinct parts in the FEZ clip like I did. I thought I might have encountered a glitch. Anyway, maybe the whole song will tell a different story, but the abrupt transition between the two parts is dangerously close to sounding like some incompetent fool recording over a tape by mistake. The two individual parts by themselves are pretty intriguing.

It is an odd transition. Not much subtlety. I just don't have enough of the song to say if it works or not.
The 30 second clip is right near end of the song, that isn't the normal chorus, as Bono sings verses like "only love can leave such a mark" and "only love can reset your mind", please don't judge this song on the clip.

Magnificent is my favourtie song from what I have heard so far and had been since I heard the beach clips. In my view it has the potential to be one of their best songs and alongside COBL, will be a brilliant song live.

I think this is the intro. Remember, this song is much longer than the beach clip. And all the other clips are from the beginning of songs, so it wouldn't make sense for this to be from the end.
Premature complaining about NLOTH here:

Just to be fair to those who love the clips, I thought I would make a separate thread here.

I'm really disappointed, heartbroken kind of. Every review made me drool and the beach clips were really exiting but this is nowhere near their best sounding album.

My Complaint- whereas AB had a mature, deep, beautiful sound and a truly original (even for U2) guitar palette, this one sounds cheap, shiny, disposable.
The guitar parts sound either tame or forced or cliched.
The shiny distortion colors sound ridiculous.
The North African influence sounds like it was watered down to the schlock they play in lounge bars.
Eno's parts sound like bubblegum. I was expecting something really wild with Fez. What I heard was a videogame.

I'm sorry. I had to say it.
The songwriting does sound good, which makes this experience even more frustrating.

I hope I am wrong.
Wow, I'm gone from the forum for a few hours and I miss this :doh:

After listening to the 30 sec clips some standouts for me are NLOTH, Magnificent, Crazy, Stand Up and White as Snow. :drool:
I see your point, but I'm not willing to go there yet until a full listen. One thing Eno does, for certain, is create a mood for an ALBUM. There is no telling what 6-8 minutes of "Moment" might include, or how "Breathe" might end.....yes, there are parts that sound familiar. But then again, jumping from UF to JT, many would have said the same....
for those who have heard the beach clip of breathe....what happened? the beach clip was far more raw and didnt have the "these days" part. the song sounded awesome the way it was. why oh why do they insist on tinkering so much with a good thing?

Relax the clip is most likely the intro to the song as several journalist reviews have noted that its starts out a little slow and trippy and then transforms into an all out rocker. So I am sure the essence that we all loved from the beach clip will show itself as the song develops.
Why did you pick his post out? There are 50 pages in this thread and you decide to be an asshole to someone who didn't have anything close to the most excessive response. Nice work.

Unfortunately, I don't have the stomach to read through every page of this thread.

But feel free to quote other delusional hyperbole and I'll be sure to retroactively smack it down to keep things fair.
While I am impressed by the clips (maybe not Stand Up Comedy and Crazy Tonight so much), I'm kinda glad that a lot of people don't like them/are disappointed. It'd be nice to have some levelheadedness in here for this album right from the get-go and actually give this album a chance to to be a slow-burner and grower rather than a quick bang and fizzle.
I'm slightly disappointed in Bono's vocals...I mean he's hitting the notes, but they sound thinner than expected, and more throaty.....where's that "A-ME-RICAAAAAAAAA" sound that we heard in the "America's Song" rehearsal with will.I.am?!?!

also...I'm hoping that the full version of "Magnificent" features the "ohhh ohhhh...OHHHHHH OHHH OHHHHHH, ONLY LOVE" part.....it was my favorite part of the beach clip, but we're not hearing it in this 30 second clip....
Unfortunately, I don't have the stomach to read through every page of this thread.

But feel free to quote other delusional hyperbole and I'll be sure to retroactively smack it down to keep things fair.

I think if you look at the last 5 pages alone, you'll notice that the disappointed/somewhat critical people are just as well represented as the excited/impressed.
also...I'm hoping that the full version of "Magnificent" features the "ohhh ohhhh...OHHHHHH OHHH OHHHHHH, ONLY LOVE" part.....it was my favorite part of the beach clip, but we're not hearing it in this 30 second clip....

Well as there is another 4:54 minutes of the song, I wouldn't freak out just yet.:wink:
I'm slightly disappointed in Bono's vocals...I mean he's hitting the notes, but they sound thinner than expected, and more throaty.....where's that "A-ME-RICAAAAAAAAA" sound that we heard in the "America's Song" rehearsal with will.I.am?!?!

also...I'm hoping that the full version of "Magnificent" features the "ohhh ohhhh...OHHHHHH OHHH OHHHHHH, ONLY LOVE" part.....it was my favorite part of the beach clip, but we're not hearing it in this 30 second clip....

Of course that's in the song. 30 second clips of 5 and a half minute songs can't, by the simple laws of time, include every part of a song.
Very strange, I like almost every clip, but to be honest overall I'm pretty disappointed, mostly by the guitar parts, almost every single song has the standard edge chiming guitars, I know it's a trademark of the Edge but after the last 2 albums he's starting to get awfully one note. We get it, it's a nice sound, but the effect is diluted by it appearing in every freaking song. The different textures of AB, Zooropa and Pop seem to be gone, replaced by the echo box and some ringy guitar parts.

I kind of agree. I really hope the mood and imagery of the album are strong enough for me to ignore any individual instrumental part. From the clips that is the most promising feeling I'm getting. I think that will make or break the album.
Well as there is another 4:54 minutes of the song, I wouldn't freak out just yet.:wink:

haha, yeah, I know :)

some people were disappointed by the Magnificent clip though cause they thought they changed it too much from the beach clip version, and I'm mainly just saying that I'm sure they haven't changed it too much and that when we get the full song it will have all the awesomeness we hear in the beach clip :)
Unfortunately, I don't have the stomach to read through every page of this thread.

But feel free to quote other delusional hyperbole and I'll be sure to retroactively smack it down to keep things fair.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Just to be fair to those who love the clips, I thought I would make a separate thread here.

I'm really disappointed, heartbroken kind of. Every review made me drool and the beach clips were really exiting but this is nowhere near their best sounding album.

My Complaint- whereas AB had a mature, deep, beautiful sound and a truly original (even for U2) guitar palette, this one sounds cheap, shiny, disposable.
The guitar parts sound either tame or forced or cliched.
The shiny distortion colors sound ridiculous.
The North African influence sounds like it was watered down to the schlock they play in lounge bars.
Eno's parts sound like bubblegum. I was expecting something really wild with Fez. What I heard was a videogame.

I'm sorry. I had to say it.
The songwriting does sound good, which makes this experience even more frustrating.

I hope I am wrong.

As you can see, there is already plenty of bitching in this thread.. I dont feel the need to have yet another separate negative thread. Thanks.
Hard to say with just 30 seconds, but it generally sounds good.

The sounds of No Line, Unknown Caller and the last four from Fez on are what I really like.

It sounds like Magnificent will be a very big song, will be interesting to see whether U2 can make an impact with a song that sounds so... U2.

I think that MoS clip sounds a bit like the backing music for a golf resort promo or something. I see images of lakes, sunsets, and words on screen like "Award winning Day Spa".

And I'm sorry, but Stand Up and Crazy sound like they're well below U2's pay grade. Hopefully the full songs give more.

Overall though, very happy from what I can gather.
So am I just being stupid when I say Bono's voice is sounding thin? Please, someone help me out here :hmm:
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