(01-21-2003) New U2 Album Will Be 'Pedal to the Metal' - Reuters

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Archerd: Jack, Michael & Bono at Golden Globes
Mon January 20, 2003 10:11 PM ET
By Army Archerd, Daily Variety Senior Columnist

"Pedal to the metal" is the way U2's Bono described to me the album they have just started to record in Dublin. "It is high-energy, joyous rock 'n' roll." Here to accept the Globe, he said he'd been talking "Gangs" with Martin Scorsese "for 10 years. The thing that got us to write the song ('The Hands That Built America') was seeing the filmed time-lapse of New York between 1842 and the day after Sept. 11.

Now we can start," he told me, repeating the song's lines: "It's early fall, There's a cloud on the New York skyline/Innocence dragged across a yellow line (the yellow police tape)/These are the hands that built America."

He's also musicked "In America," a modern story of Irish immigrants of the 1980s in N.Y.'s Hell's Kitchen, as well as "Time Enough for Tears" with Gavin Friday and Maurice Seezer.
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