Without their 90s foray into otherworldly music...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Bon Jovi actually produced some good songs in the 80's that still hold up today. Sure, on the poppy side but catchy, fun stuff. Pretty much everything else they've done is junk and I enjoy pointing that out to my better half quite frequently.

Sounds like your better half and mine think alike. Bogiovi's first 2 albums actually had some decent rock songs on them, but once Slippery When Wet dropped and they hit the bigtime, it all went to shit in a hurry.
...U2 wouldn't be regarded any different from a band like Bon Jovi. Washed out 80s band with a 'pretty boy' for a lead singer.

I don't think there is much difference quality-wise between How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb and Slippery When Wet.


We should make you write a 5 page academic paper for broaching the subject. Then we can 'peer review' it.
This forum has been consistently disappointing for me over the years, wherein the weight of the mundane, mean-spirited, and herd-mentality posts have overwhelmed good sense, open-mindedness, and tolerance for diversity. Amid this drab and depressing cesspool of mediocrity, your post stands tall as the single worst one I have ever seen, on this -- or indeed any -- forum.


While bon jovi really isn't my cup of tea, I do genuinely like their song, While My Guitar Lies Bleeding In My Arms (and now I'm racking my brain trying to remember where I heard it in the first place lol)
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I have not heard that song but I immediately hate it because of the title. If you're going to shit on The Beatles' legacy then at least try to hide it.
There is a huge difference between Atomic Bomb and Slippery When Wet:

Slippery When Wet has three songs that are among the best pop songs ever recorded. They're dumb and thrilling! Atomic Bomb is just garbage.


This version of Wanted Dead or Alive...Sambora has a triple necked acoustic monstrosity! Two acoustic guitars + a fucking mandolin! Can anyone really deny the awesomeness of that? It's absurd in the best possible way. And they're so fucking serious...

Question: Do Bon Jovi think they're actual cowboys?

But would U2 have been regarded like Bon Jovi? I doubt it! Had they continued on with their 80s style, their first five records would still be regarded as classics.
Yeah, I mean, even though Bon Jovi is not my cup of tea, there's no denying that their 80's hits were great.

Wait, why are we talking about Bon Jovi again?
Yeah, this forum has really gone to the dogs! I remember back in the day around 2002 to 2006, it was a paradise of positive opinions and everyone would be so friendly with each other... sigh! :)

I presume you're being sarcastic considering how many Interference quarrels you yourself were involved in during that exact time period.

There's actually way less overt arguing and name calling now than there's been since I joined the forum. I dislike these posts that claim this place was some kind of a utopia back in the day.
Triple necked guitardolin

Is there any other reason?

Richie Zambuca has a ways to go yet...


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