Random Music Thread LXIII: Cobbler is disqualified for poor effort.

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Jive Turkey said:
Did they fuck up when they named it State Patty's?

Fuck if I know. It's generally not used with the Ds in America because it's too far removed from Padraig. Everyone just knows Patrick.
u2popmofo said:
No, you're an alcoholic.

True, but that's beside this particular point. Sitting beside it, holding a half-empty bottle, and singing. Or something. I'm a paramedic. We're all alcoholics.

Did you catch when they did that song on Conan, JT? I posted it a month or two back I think. It's awesome.

Les Savy Fav (Live) & Closing Credits - 1/31/08 - YouTube

That's actually the only album of theirs I have. Are others good?

The first time I ever saw them was on that Conan show! I hadn't even heard of them before, but was blown away by their majesty. My roommate at the time and I looked at each other after they finished and were like "......that was awesome".
It's the only album of theirs that I have too though
Listening to Nirvana's Bleach right now, and it really sounds like a collection of Pixies castoffs. That's not a bad thing, though.
In Phoenix, PBR is very much a hipster beer of choice. Perhaps that's why it's being offered with these breakfast deals.

Also...Space Moon, the Moon in Space. :heart:
Listening to Nirvana's Bleach right now, and it really sounds like a collection of Pixies castoffs. That's not a bad thing, though.

Still my favourite Nirvana album. Negative Creep is a classic.
The Moon in Space. :love:


And in honor of this thread and the Olympics:

Axxo, that line-up isn't the best but the headliners are intense as fuck.

Oh...my....God....Axe Cop and I are going to need to get better acquainted.

My P4K list. IWB, feel free to disagree with it emphatically :wink: List by Ashley Wittmann / The People's List: Top Albums 1996-2011 / Presented by Pitchfork and Converse

I wish I could still speak Japanese as "well" as I could before :(. There's just no way to practice and language skills need to be used. Fact. But someday I'll learn the language again, I swear it.

It took me many, many listens before I liked Celebration Rock. In fact I hated it at first. Felt like it was 2000 and I was listening to Finch. But much of it grew on me, outweighing what I still don't like.

They're absolutely amazing live, I hope you get to check them out.

I think this is one of those instances where American hegemony ends up hurting us in the long run. I for one am embarrassed that I so frequently find myself thinking "plenty of people in [insert country here] will speak English" when I travel; it's an entitled mentality that generally makes Americans look crass abroad, I think.

Part of the problem is that in other countries (OK, at least in Tokyo) they just assume you can't speak the language and speak English to you. It sucks. Even while I was in Japan I hardly got a chance to practice my language skills, save to ask a police officer where McDonalds was.
So you guys don't wanna talk about Treasure Trader? Fucking lame-os

Give me time to catch up, I was like 20 pages behind because of working 30 hours in two days.

But no, I have nothing to add about this show. Perhaps I will check it out, I like most other History Channel shows.
i've never seen a deaf person actually use, it, but yes, of course.

It's not actually sign language anyways from what I understand.


"Fuck you" Sign language performance - YouTube
21, m, Melbourne

I laughed.
So far in the 20 minutes I've been watching this soap, one bloke has had a car accident and gotten amnesia, forgetting who his wife is, one man is holding a nun who doesn't look anything like a nun hostage, one woman fainted on a date and had to be raced to hospital by her chivalrous date, one girl is having an out-loud monologue and one woman is trying to defy another man's advances after two lemon drops. It's quite amazing.

While I was at work yesterday, someone thought I was being sarcastic when I said I was watching Soaps when he asked if he could turn it. I wasn't :(. They're just the best when it comes to board ass entertainment.
It saddens me that chicken parmigiana is not a well-known and much-loved global phenomenon.

Well it's well-known, we just don't call it Parma :p

Just ran to the supermarket before it closed at midnight to buy cat food, because we're out and I won't have time tomorrow.

Saw some Breyer's ice cream on sale and picked up a half-gallon.

Freaky looking 50 year-old dude with long, stringy gray hair in check-out line ahead of me has SAME BRAND of cat food, and also some ice cream.

Please kill me.




I generally avoid alcohol before dinner (except on Saint/State Patty's) but I would like to try this beer and breakfast business soon.

When I do have beer with my breakfast, it's after work. So it's really more like beer with dinner, and for dinner I'm eating breakfast food. Technicalities and all.

Yeah, this. There's nothing all that remarkable about beer and breakfast when you work 3rd shift.
bono_212 said:
Axxo, that line-up isn't the best but the headliners are intense as fuck.

Oh...my....God....Axe Cop and I are going to need to get better acquainted.

My P4K list. IWB, feel free to disagree with it emphatically :wink: List by Ashley Wittmann / The People's List: Top Albums 1996-2011 / Presented by Pitchfork and Converse

I wish I could still speak Japanese as "well" as I could before :(. There's just no way to practice and language skills need to be used. Fact. But someday I'll learn the language again, I swear it.

They're absolutely amazing live, I hope you get to check them out.

Part of the problem is that in other countries (OK, at least in Tokyo) they just assume you can't speak the language and speak English to you. It sucks. Even while I was in Japan I hardly got a chance to practice my language skills, save to ask a police officer where McDonalds was.

Give me time to catch up, I was like 20 pages behind because of working 30 hours in two days.

But no, I have nothing to add about this show. Perhaps I will check it out, I like most other History Channel shows.

It's not actually sign language anyways from what I understand.


"Fuck you" Sign language performance - YouTube

I laughed.

While I was at work yesterday, someone thought I was being sarcastic when I said I was watching Soaps when he asked if he could turn it. I wasn't :(. They're just the best when it comes to board ass entertainment.

Well it's well-known, we just don't call it Parma :p





Yeah, this. There's nothing all that remarkable about beer and breakfast when you work 3rd shift.

Why just me disagree with your list? :lol:

I want to make one of those lists, but I fear it would make my brain explode.
:lol:, I was just thinking about what you said the other day when I wrote it. No other reason.
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