PGP Polygamy Camp: Opening Soon at an Undisclosed Location Near You!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Remember this? :sexywink:

Mmmmm.......yes please. :shifty:






:shifty: I need to catch up here but came to the end of the thread first to say hi :wave:

I didn't feel good yesterday, went to bed and slept for 13 hours :ohmy: I feel better now, but since I accomplished nothing much yesterday I am so behind! Much to do now, :sigh: Hope everyone here is well!
Thanks Gg I feel much better today :hug:

Want to waste one minute of your day watching me be a dork? :shifty:

Chelsea shot this bit at Disneyland when we went last time. I'm trying to get my name to fill every spot on the high scores list of the Asteroids machine in the Tron arcade. :rolleyes:

And that's Camille on the backing vocals. :wink:

elecTRONica 1 on Vimeo
I'm having Irish sausage and Mash for tea. :shifty::drool:

Sounds delicious! :drool: :giggle:

The weather is GORGEOUS today! It makes me so happy that the sun is finally back. I'm about to head out to the beach in a little bit.

Just had to vent for a minute, since my parents aren't in the same room as me at the moment. Why do they have to be SO DAMN NOSY?! :scream: :lol: Every time I'm on the computer, they're always asking me what I'm looking at, what's new, and when I'm sitting at the table with the computer, they often come peek over my shoulder at what I'm doing. It's not like I'm looking at porn or anything, but good lord is it ever getting on my nerves. :| :lol:

Okay, I'm stopping complaining. It's really not a big deal at all, I'm just getting a little punchy since I've been sharing a very small space with them for over a week, and I have little to no privacy. Just had to get that off my chest. :lol:

In the grand scheme of things, it's all good. Hard to believe we leave early on Sunday morning. :sad: I'm hoping that tomorrow we can hike up Diamond Head to watch the sunrise. It's something I've always wanted to do, so even if I have to do it alone (my parents don't seem too enthused about it at the moment), I'm doing it. Would be so cool to see. :)
Oooh Thora so happy you're getting some good weather finally! Yay! And that hike sounds awesome! (If you're a hiker, which I'm not! lol. Have done a few good ones in Yosemite but I think I'm done hiking for good, I'm too lazy!) I hope you get to do it!
I'm still not sick of the snow. :yippie: And they've forecasted that it'll actually stay till christmas! A white christmas for the first time in more than 20 years!
Taken from Tour Rumours/discussion thread.

Stadium in Singapore. Interesting. Imagine the claw on that field.


Pink Floyd Live In Venice. Awesome setup. :lol: Swim for front row anyone?


Montreal will probably look like that first one by the time we leave. :shifty:

When I was in high school, we only needed to take 2 years of math, so I only did what I had to, and got the hell out of that class. :lol: Then when I went back to university, if you didn't have 4 yrs of high school math, you needed to take an intro to algebra class as a prerequisite before you could take stats. That was HELL. I just absolutely struggled through the whole entire thing. I'm awesome when it comes to numbers - adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, fractions, decimals, percentages - I can do fairly complex calculations in my head, before most people can punch the numbers into a calculator. But when it becomes abstract, with letters and shit thrown into the equation? It's like I freeze and become the dumbest person ever. :crazy:

Math = EVIL. I was in gifted classes all through school, but then failed math my senior year. Having the most monotone teacher EVER probably didn't help.

I still have more stocking stuffers to get. :yikes: I don't think I've EVER left Christmas shopping this late.
Christmas. :madspit:

I'm way too poor to buy gifts for anyone this year, so.... Christmas shopping complete! :D

And can we all take a moment to agree that I'm *totally* hotter than that chick in the news thread? :shifty::shifty::reject:
semi-drive by post!

:hug::hug:sss for everyone feeling :yuck: sick/ or getting better!

:yikes::yikes: :hug:sss Hoping you all stay safe during your deep freeze storms/ weather ther in Europe & here on the NA Continent!

:wave: sss ali!!! oi oi oi do U feel better .:hug:

and MTE how 'bout U? :hug:
SUCH bad signal stuff since Sunday :mad: barely get able to read yet alone postngs up .

very busy here so -- Big:s if I don't get back here for I leave....and will hopefully be able to catch up on stuff several back back b4 this and after this.
I love that most of my top followers on FB are my pleba girls.:shifty: Kristen is #1:sexywink: and Jem is #2:love:! MTE, for being fairly new, being #3 is impressive!! :wink:
I love that most of my top followers on FB are my pleba girls.:shifty: Kristen is #1:sexywink: and Jem is #2:love:! MTE, for being fairly new, being #3 is impressive!! :wink:

It's funny, I don't feel like I post to your wall THAT much! :D But then I haven't spoken to #2 on my list in well over a year, so who knows how it determines stuff.

I have an article that I need to finish writing tonight, but I'm just blehhh. My car payment is late, though so I should probably get on that. New year's resolution, teach cats to type.

For those not of FB- I lost one of my best friends a few days ago, so I'm kinda :sad: to say the least. So apologies in advance if I'm kinda Eeyore-esque for a while.

The follower thing...It is determinded by wall posts, being tagged in photos, and commenting on Status updates. No one really comments on a lot of them, except Kristen and Jem. It is funny that hubby is so far down the list though!:lol:
For MTE :hug: Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. :hug:

Oooh Thora so happy you're getting some good weather finally! Yay! And that hike sounds awesome! (If you're a hiker, which I'm not! lol. Have done a few good ones in Yosemite but I think I'm done hiking for good, I'm too lazy!) I hope you get to do it!

It's back to awesomeness now! :love:

Yup, I love hiking. :drool: I've hiked up to the top of Diamond Head before, but that was probably 4 or 5 years ago. My parents aren't keen to go for the sunrise, plus there aren't any buses that go out there that early in the morning, and I don't want to pay for a cab fare. :lol: But we'll definitely be going tomorrow or Friday - it's just at what time of the morning is the question. :) Mornings are definitely the best time to do the hike because of the heat and so on. So we'll probably go an hour or so after the sun rises. Plus, that gives me more time to sleep, which is always a good thing. :D
Have fun Thora! I'm sure it will be gorgeous no matter when you go!

MsTE, so sorry to hear about your friend. :hug:
Wow I've missed 30 pages since I've last been in here...

LOL, yeah, these pages go quick sometimes.

So I tried to go to work but after I cried in frustration over the discomfort I got sent home. :reject: Some idiot bumped into me on the way home. Lucky my bumper on the car was so iced up they did no damage as they just hit the ice. :angry: *phew*

Can this week be over with. :crack::lol:

Awwwwwwww :hug:. Sorry about that! Yay for no damage, at least, though (LOL at the thought of the ice being what saved you. How funny).

And a :hug: to all who aren't feeling well. Being sick at Christmastime :down:. I hope you all get well enough to enjoy the holiday (well, and to be well, period)!

GG, good luck with the calculus exam. I still maintain that a teacher holding an exam on Christmas Eve is evil, Scrooge-like behavior of the highest order. But yeah, hope all goes well with it, and hope all went okay with your other exams. I'm sure you'll do just fine. We're all rooting for ya.

Thora, yay, glad the weather's getting better. Shame your vacation's growing shorter, but we look forward to all the details you didn't get to share when you get home. And hope everyone else who is battling chaotic weather is doing all right. I've heard about the snow in Europe, sounds nuts (and my sympathies to those in California getting hit with the heavy rain, too. I saw some footage of that on the Weather Channel today, ye gods...:eek:).

Small snowstorm expected here tomorrow, so woo.

VP, wow, your situation with this Bob sounds remarkably similar to a situation a friend of mine's been going through the last couple of years with a guy (I've been her sounding board about it for, oh, the entire time I've been back here). And you've both ended things with the guys, too, which I agree with the others on. Relationships/friendships aren't perfect, no, but they should never stress one out as much as yours seems to have, so I'm glad that you've lifted that weight off your shoulders :up:.

Angela that customer sounds infuriating. Got to love it when they change their minds like that, then pretend nothing had happened. :crack::hug:

LOL, no kidding (and thanks, VP, for your comment as well!). Like I said, it was a "she said, she said" situation, but I'm more inclined to believe my manager, because I just can't see her saying, "Oh, yeah, go ahead and sell it" knowing full well it was set aside for someone else. It sounds like the lady's been a hassle to all who've dealt with her, so...yeah.

But none of that matters to me anymore, 'cause I DON'T HAVE TO WORK FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS! *Collapses in happy heap* Work was INSANE this evening, soooooooo many customers. My mouth was so dry by the time I left-saying the same five sentences over and over to each new customer ("Is this all for you? Did you find everything okay? Can I help you find something? Do you want a sack for that? May I see your ID?") will do that to you. And my feet hurt. But now I can chill.

(And yet on Friday, when I get paid, I'm going to go out and get the last couple Christmas gifts I've yet to pick up :der:. Explain that insanity)

Also, my family officially has a car again, woohoo! A friend of my sister's got a new car and didn't need this one anymore, so they gave it to us. Which will be nice, save my family a hell of a lot of money that we've been using for cabs for the last few months when needing to get somewhere. So yay.

The hand sanitizer reminds me of Craig Ferguson, 'cause he has that on his desk and has used it a couple times on his show with a guest, hehe. I'm watching him right now-I seriously think he is certifiably insane, I really do. But in the best way possible.

All right. And now my long, rambling post comes to an end, LOL.

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