30 Sec Clips of NLOTH!!!! DISCUSSION ONLY (Do not post download links!!)

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A few more thoughts I have are that Stand Up Comedy and Crazy Tonight sound a bit too Bomb-ish for me, too clean and ordinary, although these are only clips to be fair. Also, I think the production on many of these songs could have stood to be a bit less pristine, there are some echoes of what I didn't like about the last album. Still, I am fairly optimistic at this point, the first songs sound like they could be amazing.
It's hard for me to stay interested in something that sounds like a re-tread of certain sounds and such.

Thats true. Theres a fine line between re-tread and playing off a certain musical style to create something that sounds fresh and interesting.

I know theres a lot of anti-Coldplay people out here, but their last 2 albums are good examples of a band thats not necessarily doing something new in the music genre but they did something that was new to them, and they took some old ideas and made them sound fresh.
I know it's probably silly to even give reviews on 30 second clips but oh well...

No Line - This already excites me. I can seriously see them doing something visually amazing with this song on tour. Kinda like they did with the background lights on "COBL." Still, I'm really curious to hear the alt. version.

Magnificent - the title says it all folks. The band sound like they're in perfect form. I hope the verses are as good as the music itself.

Moment of Surrender - too early to tell. But I'm sure it's gonna be great. Sounds almost like something off of the Million Dollar Hotel soundtrack.

Unknown Caller - Reminds me of something from UF. Not really what I expected so far.

Crazy Tonight - once again, not what I expected. I expected a big modern pop song with lots of bells and whistles. This sounds pretty straight forward.

Boots - as we all probably know at this point it sounds nothing like anything else on the record so far.

Stand Up - Hard to say. I still don't like the "God/little old lady" line. Kinda lame, but still like everything else it's hard to say anything yet.

Fez/Born - If U2 and Depeche Mode got together, this is what it would kinda sound like I think.

White as Snow - I almost kinda wish this ended the record. It reminds me of something from R&H or MDH.

Breathe - modern R&H??

Cedars - reminds me of a song from a Del Amitri album.

Like I said. As we all know it's really hard to say what we really think so far since they're only 30 second clips. Overall not what I expected so far. I expected more faster and intense songs.
For some reason, I could see U2's reworking of "Angels Too Tied to the Ground," from their "War" re-issue, having a place somewhere on this record... :shrug:

I don't know why.... :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:
Thats true. Theres a fine line between re-tread and playing off a certain musical style to create something that sounds fresh and interesting.

I know theres a lot of anti-Coldplay people out here, but their last 2 albums are good examples of a band thats not necessarily doing something new in the music genre but they did something that was new to them, and they took some old ideas and made them sound fresh.

Oh I don't know........Chris Martin just always sounds whiny and moany to me. Nothing new about that........:down:
Hard to say. I still don't like the "God/little old lady" line.

HATE the "God/little old lady" line. HATE being preached at! :mad:

^Who's jick? ^

Jick is one of the biggest trolls of all time, who had no clue about music (called Pop a "trip hop album"), and accused U2 of ripping off Bon Jovi on numerous occasions. He was driven off the Wire mailing list by pure perseverance, and somehow got himself banned from here.

Nothing he says is worth paying attention to, a lesson I learned the hard way.
Hard to say. I still don't like the "God/little old lady" line.

HATE the "God/little old lady" line. HATE being preached at! :mad:

Did you get what he meant though? I take that as him saying religious folk should worry about themselves more than they should worry about God.
Jick is one of the biggest trolls of all time, who had no clue about music (called Pop a "trip hop album"), and accused U2 of ripping off Bon Jovi on numerous occasions. He was driven off the Wire mailing list by pure perseverance, and somehow got himself banned from here.

Nothing he says is worth paying attention to, a lesson I learned the hard way.

I've been watching him at the other forum.. its hilarious, he's being called a troll there too.
Did you get what he meant though? I take that as him saying religious folk should worry about themselves more than they should worry about God.

Yeah, that definitely wasn't preaching. If anything, he's telling people to stop protecting God, because He doesn't need protecting.
Does any one else find the quick uhh ooh ooh ooooo on NLOTH sample familiar?

So far I'm digging the clips. From what I can tell they are sticking with the thick production, which I can't blame them too much it's almost an industry standard, but it's not to my liking.

But everything else sounds great, I'm excited.

Bono sounds great, he's definately taken a different turn with the lyrics some are quite weird...

What do you mean by thick production?
What do you mean by thick production?

Granted it may be just the quality of the clips, but even Boots has a very compressed production, now compared to Bomb it's much better, but it's still missing...

But like I said, it's a product of the times. The way we listen to music has changed so production has changed...:shrug:
Granted it may be just the quality of the clips, but even Boots has a very compressed production, now compared to Bomb it's much better, but it's still missing...

But like I said, it's a product of the times. The way we listen to music has changed so production has changed...:shrug:

By thick do you mean just the quality of the sound and how it was mixed?
By thick do you mean just the quality of the sound and how it was mixed?

Yeah, it has nothing to do with the writing, just the mixing and production...

So honestly it's a minor point, it may upset some audiophiles, but a good song is a good song...
I'm not a fanboy, but am a longtime fan and have seen the band 10+ times live. After two weeks or however long its been with the single, I can safely say that I can't stand it. I liked it at first, but now I don't. Good ole contact highs.

I've listened to the clips and I do hear a few things that sound interesting, but nothing was particularly grabbing aside from the first two tracks. Obviously will wait to hear the full thing as clips wont do it justice, but I can't say that I'm expecting a masterpiece.

Initial reaction is that it comes across as an MOR pop/rock record by a band that is showing its age.
I've been watching him at the other forum.. its hilarious, he's being called a troll there too.

What forum is that??? And how come you guys are not sharing where you're seeing him post?? Sheesh! I want my Jick fix.
Magnificent..old U2 sound...:hyper::love::hyper:

Yea, that and the title track were my favorites.

Some of the song lengths are pretty crazy 6+ minutes on two of them I believe. Its hard to really judge this stuff now, but the first two were my most promising.
The Magnificent clip, like all the clips, is from the beginning.

It might not be right at the end of the song, but I don't think it's at the start either. Edge's guitar picks up after an interlude/mellow section and then with the drum roll might lead into another verse, maybe halfy way or twoards the latter part of the song. It just doesn't seem right or fit the beginning of the song, but who knows until we have heard the whole thing. It's only my opinion and I am probably wrong, but I am only going on some of their previous work i.e. Discotheque or even GOYB.
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