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Larry: were not moving in the same direction, were not like a school of fish...
Bono: ...were a herd of cats
^ I would agree if it hadn't happened 5 or 6 times before. One day he just posted "I have it!!!!!" in a thread about when it would leak - he apparently meant to say he heard it, down the phone from a mate.

He does it ALL the time. I called him on it a week ago, and he then claimed that when he got his copy on Saturday (yesterday) he wouldn't send it to me.

I know your a really nice person, but I am not giving him the benefit of the doubt any more
my word. really dont understand how this is enjoyable for them? its not like they see the result of the joke. He's sitting looking at a computer screen going "i bet they are excited/pissed off". You cant even see the reaction!

I have gone past anger and am quickly moving on to pity with this guy
im saying knowing my luck i'll miss the mp3 of the new single. dan smee you can go to hell for all i care.
im saying knowing my luck i'll miss the mp3 of the new single. dan smee you can go to hell for all i care.

atheists dont believe in hell mate.

why didnt you say it. You phrase it as if it is out. Fortunately I have plenty of experience with you. Maybe you should look in the mirror and realise that it happens to YOU time and time again, and you should be a bit more careful?
People know me on this thread. If people are thinking Im playing around with their emotions then they have the issue. dan_smee you have a reputation on this forum of being 6 years old so I'd watch what you say and be a little more U2 fan like. But thats going to be hard to do right? i got a carp load of emails from members of this forum to cut you a break. You know what...Ive done that. Now you are on my shit list. Go listen to oasis or inxs you U2 wannabe fan and leave the forum to the real fans of U2.
im saying knowing my luck i'll miss the mp3 of the new single. dan smee you can go to hell for all i care.

Okay we seriously do not need another fight here...or for this thread to be closed because of it.

Art, you need to realize that after people get disappointed again and again by your posts, feeling like they're being lead on purposefully for a laugh, eventually people are going to shut the door in your face. Can you blame them for that? Most folks around here are not rude to someone for now reason at all.
because you do something wrong, im not a U2 fan? mate, you really have some thin arguments. i can assure you i am older than 6.

PS, you wont miss the mp3 because you are on my list for sending when its out.
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