Old Harry Rocks, Dorset, England Superthread

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Yeah, it can be a pain if you strike a tute where nobody's done the readings, or nobody wants to really say anything, and you just sit there awkwardly staring at each other. Take my advice: DO NOT TAKE EARLY MORNING TUTES. They're always a train wreck. Tutes in the early afternoon tend to have the best participation. And it's definitely good to work in some courses that appeal to you, even if they won't count towards your major, since they're fun and it'll keep you interested. I'm pretty lucky in that the History stuff I'm doing for my major, I absolutely love. It keeps me going when I head to the more dull, dry PolSci courses - PolSci is usually really fun in the introductory courses, but the more higher level courses get painfully dry at times.

Haha, yeah, if you're with a few people, it can be such a great laugh to flick through mX and find the stupidest stuff to laugh at and make jokes about.

Yeah those classes when nobody wants to say anything suck, because I really do, but if I begin to, I'll just look like an idiot, and there's no point because there's no rebutalls. Thanks for the advice :up: Quick question, you may or may not know the answer, but when I pick my course, and my major, when I choose the other subjects to fill the gaps (Italian, psych, etc...) they don't count towards much, do they? And when I finish I won't have achieved any formal awards for taking them either I assume?

I always wanted to do astronomy, too, because I find that shit intensely interesting. Always have. No one else does though, and becuase I'm no physics/chemistry/maths whiz, I won't be able to do/understand it. :(

Ah, yes MX. I wonder if the people who make it think they're doing something really wonderful?

me too! :love:

and :lol: yes1 that was hilarious. i loooove the episode with bret and david bowie.

Oh... the Bowie episode. I almost died it was that good. How about when they lost their tab because the water polo girls used it on sparkling water? :lmao:
:madspit: i have an nwa frequen flyer thing, so i get emais all the time temptmng me. i think i finally have enough mils dor a free glight somewhere in the u.s.

jesus i made a lotof typos

I get a lot of emails from Pacific Blue.

plus I love their bus shelter ads:



I laughed out laud ehn i heart....i mean saw that on the bus today.
So, who wants an Asian whore?

Just got this Google ad.

he went quiwet, sio likea child, i went to see wha he was doibg to find him wrestluing snake in secret garden. saw it was black, vet said bring himin and checked. he is showibng signs of it with dilated pupild rasised heat rate, panting, thirsts. veyt doing obs. in 1st 1-4 hours if he convulses, back legs give way or he goes unconscious they know it was a bte. if he stays sick like now and no worse., then hes prolly just ingested the fenom and gets an iv of coagulants and antibiotucs. also licking scales makes dog sick.

babby now feeding other side so typung left hand! even worse. sorry.
hopefully dog remain bastard but alive.

Funny to read in terms of your current situation with the baby, but sorry to hear about that :( Hope he's ok!!
Yeah those classes when nobody wants to say anything suck, because I really do, but if I begin to, I'll just look like an idiot, and there's no point because there's no rebutalls. Thanks for the advice :up: Quick question, you may or may not know the answer, but when I pick my course, and my major, when I choose the other subjects to fill the gaps (Italian, psych, etc...) they don't count towards much, do they? And when I finish I won't have achieved any formal awards for taking them either I assume?

I always wanted to do astronomy, too, because I find that shit intensely interesting. Always have. No one else does though, and becuase I'm no physics/chemistry/maths whiz, I won't be able to do/understand it. :(

Ah, yes MX. I wonder if the people who make it think they're doing something really wonderful?

Yeah, often when it's all quiet, you're too nervous to contribute anything because once you're done, there will still be an awkward silence and you wonder "oh god, does everybody think I'm a total fucking knob for what I just said?" It's crap. And happens all the time in morning tutes since everybody's tired. Especially Monday morning tutes!

Well, the courses outside your major do count towards the total amount of points you need for your degree. So, let's say you need 10 points, but a major only needs 6 points, with 1 point a course. Four other courses may not count towards your major, but they will get you to the degree, and honestly, in some cases, having the degree itself is more important than what you majored in, since the degree shows you've acquired certain general skills such as critical thinking that are taught in all majors.

I always hope that the people doing mX are conscious what they're doing is shit and are doing it for lulz.
My bus company recently brought five new buses, I got a quick experience of one of them today. Holy fucking shit, it's huge. I felt like I was sitting in a warehouse.


The new Melbourne trams are terrifyingly huge. A tram shouldn't feel almost as large as a train!

But check this bastard out:

The new Melbourne trams are terrifyingly huge. A tram shouldn't feel almost as large as a train!

But check this bastard out:


:laugh: I think the bus was bigger than one of the carriages when I was on the TranzAlipne.

This website (thanks, Google!Q) has a picture of the rough bus desgin. But it's a two door design, not one door.

:laugh: I think the bus was bigger than one of the carriages when I was on the TranzAlipne.

This website (thanks, Google!Q) has a picture of the rough bus desgin. But it's a two door design, not one door.


Scarily enough, I went on a bus even bigger than that in Boston. It was one of those huge articulated buses. I think it'd be terrifying to share a road with that if you're in some tiny little 2-door car!
Scarily enough, I went on a bus even bigger than that in Boston. It was one of those huge articulated buses. I think it'd be terrifying to share a road with that if you're in some tiny little 2-door car!


Hell, the smaller buses the company has are rather intimidating. It freaks me out to know that buses as big as the one I was on today can be articulated.

Hell, the smaller buses the company has are rather intimidating. It freaks me out to know that buses as big as the one I was on today can be articulated.

I just don't trust these gigantor motherfucking buses either. Trams, I'm cool with. They're guided by rails and all that stuff. But one of those huge buses navigating a tight intersection? And given the crazed nature of half of the bus drivers out there? NO THANKS.
Yeah, often when it's all quiet, you're too nervous to contribute anything because once you're done, there will still be an awkward silence and you wonder "oh god, does everybody think I'm a total fucking knob for what I just said?" It's crap. And happens all the time in morning tutes since everybody's tired. Especially Monday morning tutes!

Well, the courses outside your major do count towards the total amount of points you need for your degree. So, let's say you need 10 points, but a major only needs 6 points, with 1 point a course. Four other courses may not count towards your major, but they will get you to the degree, and honestly, in some cases, having the degree itself is more important than what you majored in, since the degree shows you've acquired certain general skills such as critical thinking that are taught in all majors.

I always hope that the people doing mX are conscious what they're doing is shit and are doing it for lulz.

Yeah hopefully Uni next year will sort the reals from the rabble.

That's what I'm hoping. Because I really want to continue other studies in case Journalism turns out to be not my thing.

The new Melbourne trams are terrifyingly huge. A tram shouldn't feel almost as large as a train!

But check this bastard out:


Those things are huuuuge.
I just don't trust these gigantor motherfucking buses either. Trams, I'm cool with. They're guided by rails and all that stuff. But one of those huge buses navigating a tight intersection? And given the crazed nature of half of the bus drivers out there? NO THANKS.

It's better to be in the bus than outside it, I always say.
Yeah hopefully Uni next year will sort the reals from the rabble.

That's what I'm hoping. Because I really want to continue other studies in case Journalism turns out to be not my thing.

Those things are huuuuge.

Oh yeah, usually the rabble who can't be arsed very quickly start skipping classes left, right, and centre and the people who actually give a shit participate. And keeping your options open is ALWAYS a good idea. Don't be afraid to change your major if you're having doubts either. Best to change after just a year than to get near the end and have regrets.

I haven't actually been on one yet, just seen it go past me once. It was fucking insane. Feels almost like a train trundling down the streets.
Actually, the size of the bus became quite apparent when we had to change to another empty bus because the ticket machine was fucked. Everyone had two seats to themselves and it looked really sparse, when we got onto the other bus, one of the other big ones in the fleet it suddenly felt very crowded.
It's better to be in the bus than outside it, I always say.

I really don't trust the safety of buses, though. Especially not after you see stories of buses hitting other vehicles and then rolling down some nasty culvert and 10 people die.
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