Cockplay, Scotland Superthread

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Ohh thats why she was drying em in the basement. I couldnt remember. Thats right she broke the dryer.

She broke the dryer like once a week at every house we've pretty much ever lived at EXCEPT Dewey and now this one *knock on wood*
Misunderstood kinda guy? Our science teacher was kinda like that except she wasn't foreign. She'd just kinda chatter on like she was totally happy go lucky. I have to say, it was rather odd.

He was in many ways the stereotypical stern German who had a nostalgic side. His English wife was the German teacher, which I always found amusing. Though I hear they've now divorced but both are so stubborn that neither has been willing to go teach elsewhere, so things have been really tense in the staff room at lunchtimes! :lol:
Gotta agree there. I can get into the whole history thing and stuff like that but politics and anything related? Gimme a damn pillow.

First year Political Science was fun for the most part, but since then it has been just so frustratingly dry. History, on the other hand, has just been getting better and better.

I mean, I enjoy a good political debate, but I really could not give a shit about some overly dry author's statistical analysis of parliamentary vs presidential republics in central and eastern Europe since 1995.
Because he croaked. And he just was like floating. And it was so sad... but funny it was hilarious but I couldnt laugh cause you were sad. :lol:

Mom saying he croaked was pretty much the single most evil thing she's ever done :sad:

Shadows and Tall Trees is a pretty fitting close for this particular album
He was in many ways the stereotypical stern German who had a nostalgic side. His English wife was the German teacher, which I always found amusing. Though I hear they've now divorced but both are so stubborn that neither has been willing to go teach elsewhere, so things have been really tense in the staff room at lunchtimes! :lol:
That must pretty interesting! :lol:
I've only known a couple of pairs of teachers who taught at the same school and were married. Were still together when I left.
First year Political Science was fun for the most part, but since then it has been just so frustratingly dry. History, on the other hand, has just been getting better and better.

I mean, I enjoy a good political debate, but I really could not give a shit about some overly dry author's statistical analysis of parliamentary vs presidential republics in central and eastern Europe since 1995.
In school, I was always a fan of history. I liked to read and learn about what happened way back when even though the knowledge really doesn't make a whole lot of difference anyway, the stuff that made things how they were today is very intriguing! :)

I could even tolerate classes on the government but politics bored me out of my damn skull. I don't know a lot about it and I honestly couldn't care less to learn about it.
That must pretty interesting! :lol:
I've only known a couple of pairs of teachers who taught at the same school and were married. Were still together when I left.

One teacher I particularly like, I've met since finishing high school, and he told me he thought it was great because everybody else was avoiding the staff room like the plague to get away from the tension, so he pretty much got the place to himself! He'd sprawl out with his newspaper and food and relax. :laugh:


One teacher I particularly like, I've met since finishing high school, and he told me he thought it was great because everybody else was avoiding the staff room like the plague to get away from the tension, so he pretty much got the place to himself! He'd sprawl out with his newspaper and food and relax. :laugh:

That's definitely a way to look at it! More space for yourelf! Just ignore the tension. :lol:
In school, I was always a fan of history. I liked to read and learn about what happened way back when even though the knowledge really doesn't make a whole lot of difference anyway, the stuff that made things how they were today is very intriguing! :)

I could even tolerate classes on the government but politics bored me out of my damn skull. I don't know a lot about it and I honestly couldn't care less to learn about it.

History has always been a passion of mine too, though typically the more modern stuff that has more applicability to the present day. I mean, when you're talking about contemporary Maori land claims in New Zealand, a clear understanding of just what went on in the 19th century is pretty important. My interest in history often tends to have a socio-political element; certainly how people interact with each other and with authority is a research interest of mine, e.g. the campaign that led to New Zealand becoming the first country to grant women the vote (a woefully understudied campaign too!).

In my first year, we had some awesome political debates in tutorials but those have largely fallen by the wayside. I remember this one week, the topic was anarchist theory. One guy in my tutorial thought anarchism was the most ridiculous idea ever, and his outrage with it even being taken seriously spurred the most hilarious class debate. The debate continued afterwards in the elevator too ...
History has always been a passion of mine too, though typically the more modern stuff that has more applicability to the present day. I mean, when you're talking about contemporary Maori land claims in New Zealand, a clear understanding of just what went on in the 19th century is pretty important. My interest in history often tends to have a socio-political element; certainly how people interact with each other and with authority is a research interest of mine, e.g. the campaign that led to New Zealand becoming the first country to grant women the vote (a woefully understudied campaign too!).

In my first year, we had some awesome political debates in tutorials but those have largely fallen by the wayside. I remember this one week, the topic was anarchist theory. One guy in my tutorial thought anarchism was the most ridiculous idea ever, and his outrage with it even being taken seriously spurred the most hilarious class debate. The debate continued afterwards in the elevator too ...
Hey, I just learned something new. :)

I loved doing debating a lot in school. In our Current Events class, we would always debate topics that were in the news at the present time and things like that. Though that class tended to end a lot in discussions that were totally unrelated. :lol:

Anywho, it's about my bedtime. Good night. :wave:
K, I'm gonna get my brother to try and fall asleep. Britt please bring my battery charger up before you go to bed

Talk to you all later.
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