Whorehouse Meadow Superthread

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No way. :rockon: sucks. My top 10 would be:

:lmao: :laugh: :drool: :hyper: :crack:
:angry: :tsk:

ok that's pretty similar to yours. Actually I would get a kick out of it just cycling random ones, as those 10 I actually know.

:tsk: and :angry: deserve a spot, definitely.

But not :laugh: . Fuck him. Nothing is that funny.
But :macdevil::camera::der::kiss::pray: :evil:wtf. especially :evil: that shit is fugly.

(that was the 2nd part of my post, which went over the image limit. I would say that smilies shouldn't count for the image limit but then I realized :hmm: it's a good thing :yes: some people can only put 12 in their posts. :no: )
:tsk: and :angry: deserve a spot, definitely.

But not :laugh: . Fuck him. Nothing is that funny.

:laugh: is tied inextricably to my superthread use. In like the first pop survivor thread which we are commemorating here, I commented that it's a fun smiley and better than :lol: which looks kinda silly and kinda like :yawn:

Ian agreed and we switched.
Give me the : code :
let's see...

angry - i hate that one. it's soooo...asymmetric. :mad: is better.
sick - creepy. :barf: is better if you're feeling sick. or maybe :yuck:
mac - weeeeeeeak. he doesn't look demonic at all. it reminds me of a little kid wearing devil horns. oooh, so scary! :macdevil: is a little better i guess.
yell - stoooooopid. :rant: or :scream: are better.
laugh - god i hate this one. i like :lol: better.

and i hate rockon. there is no suitable substitute for this, it's just lame. and the band smilies. they're outdated :hmm:

i think that's all.

oh yes, and :pray: how lame.
:drool: is number one.

Current tags:

american spelling ftl
axver's social life
bitchslap from khan ftw
bug pinus
forget it! i can't spell
humorous get it right
misspelled humourous ftl
my purity score's gone :)
pfan really likes pee
varitek's really a dude
vazza's boobs
yes i will. pwned
Page 12 completely blows my mind.

And with that I'm off people

Indiana Jones calls! :wave:
You know what's dumb? :eeklaugh: is dumb.

I want smilies for :facepalm: :runaway: (could be you are crazy i'm running or omg that is awesome i'm off to see it stat) and probably a few others. Plus the :depressed: one that you can find in the post icons

And I'd like to give the boot to some dumbass ones that annoy the fuck out of me. :bonodrum: I am looking at you and the users who use you in every goddamned post.

Then there's ones that are a good concept but I find ugly. Like :drunk: :yippie: :sick: :der: and :scratch:. I really like scratch as a concept, but I usually want to use it to say "wtf you idiot" and I think it looks dumb, and you don't wanna look dumb when you're calling someone else dumb.
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