US Politics XXIV: Your Country Sucks

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Also, I’d like to see the version of America on display at John Lewis’ funeral come back from where it’s been hiding.
Well, watching the news, it looks like Trump's lame "delay the election" tweet was just the thing to distract from the 33% decrease of the economy today. well done.
Had a conversation with y my 55 yr old white evangelical friend in FL. He was swaying way from Trump a month ago after voting for him in 2016. After we talked he sent me a Republican voters against Trump video. The shining city on a hill one. Said he is waiting for the right time to post it on his FB page. :D
Whenever I hear stories like this, I think - ok, it's a good thing. As many people as you can get to turn away from Trump, whether they show up to vote for Biden or stay home, it hardly matters, it's still a good thing. And if each of them convinces another one or two people, even better. And if these people collectively start to think critically about the world around them, that's icing on the cake.

But then I think that these same people unleashed this hell on not just their neighbours and citizens, but the rest of the world and I have to really hold back from the basal instinct of "fuck 'em." I recognize that reaction is counterproductive, but you'd be an idiot not to remember exactly what they had done.
"now that the soviets are shelling our city, i'm starting to think that this fuhrer guy might not be the best choice to lead germany"
Yep, as much as I’m glad to see him and many others realize how horrible Trump is, I still remember me talking with him before Nov. 2016 just beside myself that he has a choice of a fellow Methodist, experienced, sane stable person to vote for, and I remember he and one other guy his age just saying yeah, buuutttt... Hillary??!!? :doh:

But, I think the future is better to focus on than the past. If they vote for a Democratic and Biden is successful and stable and doesn’t cause daily chaos, there may be a whole new segment of voters that just never go back. Especially if you’ve got Pompeo and Cotton running...

I think there are two paths that this election will take. Either we have a last minute, hell, I’m not a Democrat! Surge and Biden wins narrowly with the theee Midwest states and a slim margin in another. Or there’s a bandwagon effect where people see that Trump is done and they are SO done with his shit, and are gonna back the winner and we see states like Ohio, NC, GA, FL, IA, AZ and even TX all go blue and surprisingly narrow margins in deep red states like Alaska, Kansas, UT, and SC.
He’s going to nuke someone or some thing (hurricane season) before this is all over.
As weak and listless as Romney is, I’ll say one thing. His statement that Trump would be the “chaos president” stands as the most spot on description/warning of 2016. Right there with Hillary’s “Putin’s puppet” statement.
Someone should keep a close eye on Dershowitz and keep him away from any and all windows.

His ego is way too big for that.

The guy is a pig and the notion of no longer having to listen to his legal drivel on TV is proof Christmas can come twice a year.
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