The Lemon falsetto is NOT's proof...

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Rafiennes said:

Exactly. If you listen closely, very closely, the begining part of the "brown eyed girl..." part is very chipmunky and then comes back down to a more normal pitch. There's no doubt in my mind that it's a pro tools effect, which is fine, people use it all the time. I think it was more for effect than anything...

a very very quick edit of the browneyed part (292kb):
http://s13. .com/d.aspx?id=0NBTE0AMH8KOB1IBNFR7FWRXRZ

I think you're right - it's Bono, but it's been modified. The Edge and Bono have two very different singing styles - The Edge just doesn't put that much oomph into his voice - he's a very calm singer. It's not the sound of the voice, but the style of it that leads me to think it's Bono - with a bit of help from the mixing desk.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I can only go by what I hear.

The Edge has always been a fine singer - but Bono has always been a good singer. The difference? As eloquently stated above, while Edge has a fine voice, often just as good in range as Bono's (and despite the fact he smokes, it hasn't shown some of the wear that Bono's has due to 2 decades of singing on tour), but he lacks the "oomph" or passion that Bono's voice has - and still has. As a result, Edge is a perfect back-up singer. He has great range, but he won't dominate the lead singer. This is yet another reason why U2 work so well.
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