Grace - Chapter 9

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Serena Vox

ONE love, blood, life
Dec 21, 2006
32.63n 117.14w
My usual thank yous go out to my readers, my friends who have been helpful and supportive and of course, my beta, for putting up with me. :D

Disclaimer: Don't own/know U2, I don't make money off this, never happened, etc, etc.

Warnings: Little bit of language.


The beautiful day hadn’t lasted for very long. It soon became rainy and gloomy. Making sure they had their jackets, they went outside into the parking lot and Bono helped Grace into the car, getting into the driver’s side after her. She looked down at the floor board as he started the ignition, pulling out of the parking lot without so much as a word. Her mind kept going over the kiss back there in the apartment. He’d initiated it, encouraged it. But then he was sorry for it? A sigh escaped her and he didn’t notice. He seemed to be very focused on just getting to her dad’s house, asking for the occasional direction.

She didn’t know that he’d really known the way all along when they pulled up into the driveway. Just then, her phone rang. He watched her pull it out of her pocket, attempting to peek at the display. Her eyes rolled and she laughed almost sardonically, answering the phone.


Grace? It’s dad. I was wondering when you were going to stop by. Your mother wants to see you,” His voice replied, sounding loudly in her ear, making her jerk the phone away for a moment. He sounded incredibly nice. Incredibly nice was incredibly off. She eyeballed the phone before pulling it back to her ear.

“Yeah…um, I’m outside, I’ll be in shortly,” She said quickly, hanging up the phone without giving him the chance to reply or even say goodbye. Without a word to even the singer, she pushed the phone back into her pocket, looking back up at him with anxious eyes as he turned off the car, shoving the keys into his pocket.

“Are you ready?” He asked, letting his hand trail over the sleeve of her jacket, watching her look away, focusing her vision on the grey clouds in the sky. He brought up his other hand, reaching around for her other shoulder and she shifted a little, pulling away and got out of the car, slamming the door shut.

She leaned against the passenger side, the vibration from the driver’s side door shutting rumbled through her torso. He came around the car, leaning against the hood, facing her. He offered his hand out to her, finding himself a bit on the disappointed side when she didn’t take it. She turned to face him, looking into his eyes. The sunglasses accented the colour of his already impossible blue eyes, kind and soft. She couldn’t be mad at that. “Sorry. I’ll be a minute.”

“I don’t think so,” Bono insisted, keeping his hand out to her. He brushed his hand against hers, the soft skin contrasted with his rough skin.

“I will only be a minute,” She protested, her mind not wanting to be distracted by his earlier action.

“I am going with you and that is that.”


“Now, give me your hand,” He spoke back up, curling his fingers around her hand cautiously. She fussed with him a little but finally gave up, entwining her fingers with his. She didn’t see the point in it, if she was honest but she went along with it anyway.

Grace began to walk forward, nearly pulling Bono right onto his face on the front lawn and he bolted towards her, keeping pace with her up to the front porch. She would normally just walk right in but thought better of it this time. She rose up her hand and knocked on the door. A moment passed and a faint ‘come in’ could be heard from somewhere in the downstairs. She exhaled long and low, glancing back at the singer for some kind of reassurance and at the same time, feeling bad for being so difficult with him.

“I’m right behind you. Just keep holding my hand,” He said softly. There was clearly some kind of plan behind this. A game. One that became apparent to her quickly when she thought about the entire situation. This was a dangerous game to boot; he was going to pretend they were becoming a serious couple. He had to be at least a decade older than her, if not more. Not to mention the fact that he was a celebrity and quite well known didn’t help. One couldn’t help but wonder what the paparazzi would do with this tidbit if they got their hands on it. That however, was the least of his concern, it would seem.

She inhaled deeply, opening the door. Her eyes scanned over the living room; seeing her father in his usual chair and her mother in one of the fold away chairs that they kept around for excessive amounts of company. This left the couch free. It became clear to her that they expected Bono to tag along. She put one foot forward and entered the house, the lead man following, tightening his grip on her hand. He closed the door behind them and walked side by side with her into the living room, being sure to keep her close in proximity to him.

They stood in front of her parents and she bowed a little. “Hi mom, dad.”

“Grace, dear! Is this the boyfriend I’ve heard so much about?” Her mother piped up, speaking loudly and seemingly chipper. Loud had always been her trademark. But kind? Not so much. She looked Bono over from head to toe, admiring him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out she found him attractive.

Well, shit. What now genius?

“Yes, that would be me,” The singer said, holding his hand out to the woman.

“Well, aren’t you going to introduce us?” Her father interrupted, looking both of them over.

“Mom, dad, this is Bono. Bono, these are my parents, Jack and Jeanie,” Grace said, motioning her free hand at them.

“Nice to meet you,” Bono replied, shaking each of their hands, never let go of Grace’s hand, rather making it obvious that he had no intention to.

What the hell is going on here? She thought to herself, sure that something was definitely wrong. Her parents were never this nice, to her memory.

Jack motioned towards the couch and Bono led her backwards, politely sitting her down and sat down with her. His arm around her and he pulled her into him, encouraging her to lean into his grasp. Reluctantly, she slid an arm around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. Both of the parents observed with a decided interest; almost as though they were trying to see through the façade.

“Now, Grace. Your brother wanted to apologize for not being able to visit. He recently became the manager over at the grocery and he had things to take care of. He does say hello,” Jeanie said, waving her hands about a little.

“Good for him,” She replied rather shortly, focusing on other matters instead.

“Are you treating my daughter right?” Her father asked suddenly, speaking up with no warning whatsoever.

“Yes, I—”

The young woman leaned forward a little, interrupting, “Of course he does. He’s a perfect gentleman.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” He replied, looking over at Jeanie with a nod.

“So what exactly do you do, Mr. Bono?” She asked, watching him intently.

I don’t like this…

“Please, just Bono. I’m in a band, you might’ve heard of them. U2,” The singer said, looking at both of the parents giving him a familiar glance. One he hadn’t seen in about twenty years. He silently hoped that it wouldn’t come up, not yet. He had no idea how to explain something of the sort to Grace. Not yet.

They then focused their glances solely on their daughter, watching her uneasy looks as she fidgeted about a little in Bono’s grasp. She was definitely nervous, that much was obvious. She looked down at the floor and trailed her eyes up towards his chest and studied his profile. They mirrored glances at each other, opting to look at both of them now.

“Where did you meet?” Her mother then asked, motioning a hand towards the lead man.

The young woman glanced at Bono briefly and looked towards her mother before speaking, “Well, I was going to the coffee shop a couple months ago and we bumped into each other, quite literally. We talked and—”

“We just sort of hit it off,” He then took over, finishing for her as cheerfully as possible to cover up for her uneasy tone, “Your daughter is a very wonderful woman.”

She went beet red at his words, sinking in closer to his grasp as he rubbed her arm through the sleeve, making the two of them appear to be closer than they were. What she wouldn’t tell him, was that deep down, she wished she had meant that much to him.

Her father traded another glance with her mother, as was becoming rather custom this particular visit and turned to face Bono. “So, then I trust you will look after her…no matter what…then?” He asked in a worrying tone.

The singer narrowed his gaze down onto Grace first, before panning the room to look at Jeanie first, then Jack and spoke carefully, “Of course, you have my word.”

“Good, good. Now then, Jeanie is making dinner, will you both be staying?” He asked, glancing at both of them.


“Actually, we had already planned a date for this evening…and of course, I have some album work to boot. Maybe another day?” Bono explained, waiting on an answer but having no intention of sticking around no matter what the reply was.

“Right, I understand,” Jack said, standing up upon the pair doing so to hold his hand out. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Likewise,” He replied reluctantly, resisting the urge to just deck him right then and there for what he’d put Grace through days ago. He thought better of it, however. Knowing that causing a scene now wouldn’t look good, not to mention the hell he’d catch off the rest of his band mates. He simply shook her father’s hand and was done with it.

Grace slung her arm around Bono once more, enjoying the closeness before everything was over with. She gave him a look that basically said ‘get me the hell out of here’. The lead man acknowledged this, hurrying out of the conversation as well as out of the house, keeping his arm secured around her the entire time.


Jack closed the door behind them, watching out the window as Bono helped Grace into the expensive looking car, got into the driver’s side and pulled out. His ex-wife came up behind him, peering out a bit too late. They shared a glance and filed into the living room, both of them sitting down onto the same couch that the younger pair had occupied not five minutes ago.

“I think we did okay,” She finally commented, getting his attention.

“We looked like idiots. I told you that this wouldn’t be a good idea. She knows we’re not Mr. and Mrs. Perfect! Do you ever think?!” He suddenly went off, glaring at her.

“Well excuse me for trying to leave a good impression,” She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

“It’s not like he doesn’t know who we are and furthermore he knows just what sort of people we are too. Something’s going to have to give, soon.”

“What did you think about those two?”

He glanced over at Jeanie, watching her curious expression. Is she really that worried about what the two of them do in their spare time? He thought, scoffing, “What I think is that we need to just drop this and let her go.”

“Listen to yourself, dear. That’s a bad leader example.”

“You don’t tell me what’s what. We can get rid of you just as easily,” He glared.

She began to laugh, directing it right at him. Standing up from the couch, she turned back to face him, waving her hands about a little, “You were the one all up in arms when you heard she was dating him…”

“Like you weren’t? You were too busy worrying about getting into his pants!” He accused, standing up off the couch carefully, keeping his balance as well as he possibly could

“Well, I am closer to his age than she is!” She argued, walking towards the window to peer outside.

Jack snorted, sliding his feet across the floor as he sat back down into his chair, picking up his traditional cup of water to sip, “That’s the only reason you want rid of her, isn’t it? You didn’t become so interested until word got around that she was with him.”

“Whatever, Jack. Think what you want.”


On the ride home, they hadn’t spoken one word to the other. Bono drove quietly, tempted to talk but he could tell she was upset by what had just transpired. And reasonably so. He knew that her parents weren’t these nice folks that they tried to portray themselves as, poorly at that. He hadn’t thought to consider that part of the reason she would be upset would be to do with his act of the two being a serious couple.

While they clearly had a chemistry going between one another, they were ‘just friends’. Her mind continually went over those words. She looked out the window at the gloomy clouds; droplets of rain pelted the windows here and there. The ride back was short. As soon as the car was put into park, Grace pulled off the seatbelt, clambered out of the car and slammed the door noticeably loud. Bono scrambled to get out of the car as she ran ahead without a word. He undid the seatbelt quickly, jumping right out of the car, locking it before chasing after the young woman who’d just ran into the lavish building.

“Grace, wait!” He called out, pulling his glasses off his face and shoved them into his pocket as he ran into the building, passing right by the woman he normally waved to without a word. She watched with a blank look on her face as the singer darted right by, making some papers fly off her desk.

“Grace!” He shouted again, ducking towards the elevator and right into it, narrowly catching it. “Grace?”

It was an act. It was all an act. Them and Bono.

He placed his hand on her arm, only to have her jerk away and look him in the eyes. “Was it funny?”

He furrowed his brow, blinking his eyes. He was confused. “There’s nothing funny about it…”

“No. Forget it.”

“Love, please,” He chided, reaching for her again as the elevator doors opened on his floor, a couple of people filing in past her striding out. Both of the people looked at him funny as he walked out of the elevator, waving his hands towards her. The doors closed behind him and he made his way down the hall, where she stood at the door.

“So, was it funny?” She asked again, watching him fumble with the keys and sigh in annoyance.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He mumbled, finally getting the right key in and opened the door, allowing her to go in first.

“That stunt you pulled at home,” She finally said, walking over towards the large window in the living area. She looked out, watching a few birds fly by.

“I just…did what was necessary. I don’t understand why you’re so upset.”

She placed her hands onto the thick glass, peering down at the traffic. She knew she hadn’t exactly came right out and said that she wished they were something more, but she had hoped and definitely acted interested in him. Hurt feelings were normal, right? Suddenly, she felt like a bitch. The sounds of the door closing and his keys jingling against the shelf could be heard behind her.

“I’m sorry…I…overreacted,” She finally said, turning to face him. He was making a puppy face of some sort, the kind that you couldn’t help but smile at.

“It’s okay…” He replied, stepping towards her with his arms out. It hit him then, what her deal was. Grace closed the gap between the two, allowing her arms to go around him as he embraced her. It all sort of made sense to him, he knew now. She lifted her head up to look him in the eyes, becoming lost in those impossible blues.

Keeping her safe had easily become a priority to him. But it was just as Edge feared; there were feelings growing between them.
Great chapter, I like how thier relationship is developing. and what are those creepy parents up to? :applaud:
I just caught up with this story and I'm liking it very much :applaud:
can't wait to know more about the connection between her parents and bono :reject:
and I love the protective bono you are shaping and the sweetness of grace :cute:

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