Winnipeg Petition

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
For everyone who was wondering about the the may 31st date : what that means is they had to put a date up for how long they will leave it on their web site. If it is still going strong by then they will change the dateand leave up the link.
I really dont understand why Winnipeg is thought of as so bad by bands. Its really a great city. U2 doesnt know what their missing out on...
yes there are a far bit of signatures on there. But what good does it do if the band and managment doesnt know about it or see it?

We need to get it out there!!!

I dont know how
we aint giving up we just want the band to see the petition. I highly douby they know about it, thus rendering it uselss.

wonderful, hopefully they take it into consideration. I really have to move away from this city of we cant even get U2 to come here.
good luck .....but i think you guys have a better chance of getting the Jets back then luring U2.
We Just need every U2 fan here to sign it and they will come. We need some help people. please sign the petition even if your not from winnipeg.
Hey betty check out signature 7500. I wonder if this guy is for real, probably not. What a dueche this guy is!
thetitans2k said:
Hey betty check out signature 7500. I wonder if this guy is for real, probably not. What a dueche this guy is!

my favorite response is 7420.

I hope you guys can get a show, but I think the chances are slim to none. you did get a popmart show...that's not so bad.
well i just got an email from Lochlin Cross he said that they booked two dates in Calgary which hurt our chances.
thetitans2k said:
Hey betty check out signature 7500. I wonder if this guy is for real, probably not. What a dueche this guy is!

What an ass. That jerk keeps on signing it. Oh well. he needs to get a life.
not going to happen. Talk to the guy who signed your petition with hundreds of fake names. I bet he wasn't the only one.

Edmonton and Calgary need VERTIGO!!!!
Sanchez no one signed the petition one hundred times.

Winnipeg needs vertigo, more so than Calgary or Edmonton!
Sanchez if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say it at all. No one is nocking Edmontons petition of 115 signatures or Calgarys of 1588. Give it up! I would like to see both cities- Winnipeg and Calgary get a show.
Had to break your heart but there are people who have signed the Winnipeg petition, more than once. I never had the luxary of having my petition on radio stations website, believe me I tried. Either you, Bono's Betty or titanan2k, have been knocking on why should Edmonton or Calgary get shows so don't start that you never say anything bad. I'd love to have all three cities have shows but it looks like that will never happen. You have to relaize that Winnipeg is getting nothing and maybe Edmonton too.
Sanchez i am admitting to knocking Alberta because right now were in competition for a show and I want to win. The reason you couldnt get a radio station is because Edmonton is stupid and doesnt care whereas Winnipeg the people and the radio stations stand united. Which is why we should get the show and not Alberta.
Sanchez said:
Had to break your heart but there are people who have signed the Winnipeg petition, more than once. I never had the luxary of having my petition on radio stations website, believe me I tried. Either you, Bono's Betty or titanan2k, have been knocking on why should Edmonton or Calgary get shows so don't start that you never say anything bad. I'd love to have all three cities have shows but it looks like that will never happen. You have to relaize that Winnipeg is getting nothing and maybe Edmonton too.


I said I didn't know who it was, you or titans2k, who was badmouthing Edmonton and Calgary. I'll admit that Edmonton didn't get on board to bring U2 here, like Calgary or Winnipeg did. To say Edmonton is stupid and doesn't care is wrong. If we didn't care, how come Popmart had 2 shows in Edmonton and around 120,000 people? Compare that to Winnipeg. That alone should get Edmonton a show. In the end, it's up to U2 and their management where they want to go, not a petition. This isn't a competition, you obviously think so, and I guess I hope you win?
Sanchez who are you talking to? I told you I never said anything about Edmonton being stupid, wrong, and doesn't care. You can't compare Edmontons 120,000 because they had 2 shows. We had one and it was about 50,000. Our venue is smaller too so there for it would have been imposible for us to have a bigger crowd because it was completly sold out (within minutes). If we had a bigger venue and two shows we would have had just as many people as Edmontons shows. That is not a fair comparison. Why would you say I "obviously think this is a competition" when I thought it was great that Calgary was getting a show? PLEASE READ MY PREVIOUS POSTS AND THEN TELL ME WHAT I SAID AND THINK!!! I NEVER ONCE PUT ANYBODY DOWN!!! Actually in one post I had told other people NOT to make this a competition. Not to bad mouth the other cities. I got pissed at you because you came in here and said:

not going to happen. Talk to the guy who signed your petition with hundreds of fake names. I bet he wasn't the only one.

Edmonton and Calgary need VERTIGO!!!!

I thought that was very rude and uncalled for!!
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Bono's Betty: Go read what I wrote and you'll maybe understand that I didn't say you said Edmonton was stupid. Winnipeg didn't get offered a second show, how come???? Go build a bigger stadium if you're that much bitter. I told you before, there is one guy who signed your pettion lots of times, he emailed me saying that he did. Wether he's lying or not, you gotta figure there's at least somebody adding a few more fake names to the list. You think me saying Edmonton and Calgary need VERTIGO is rude? Ha that's funny, you and titans2k also say come to Winnipeg and skip our towns and everybody elses and I find that rude. If you want to continue this, then email me and let's not flood this forum with crap.
I could care less who signed the petition. who didn't, who's going to, or how many times they did. There is NOTHING I can do if people sign it 500 times.I didn't think you saying "Edmonton or calgary needs vertigo" was rude I thought the "not going to happen" part was rude! ONCE AGAIN HAVE YOU EVER READ ANY OF MY POSTS??????? I HAVE NEVER SAID SKIP CALGARY OR EDMONTON AND COME HERE!! I APPLAUDED YOU GUYS WHEN I HEARD THE RUMOUR!
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