Best Album Artwork

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iron yuppie

ONE love, blood, life
May 31, 2009
I was reorganizing my CD collection tonight and happened upon Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures. In addition to being one of the most powerful, emotive albums I own, it also has perhaps the greatest sleeve design I have ever seen:


This is a prime example of the cover art reflecting the music perfectly, almost to the extent that it infuses and enhances the album experience. Another favorite of mine is Wish You Were Here:


Simple, yet inventive and iconic. I'm curious to hear about and see what you all consider great album art.
Damn, Yuppie, my first post was gonna be Wish You Were Here.

Some of my favourites:

Flaming Lips' Embryonic, the vinyl is one of the coolest looking things I own



Something about Sigur Ros's Agaetis Byrjun cover art coloured my first listening experience - I was hooked:

Iron Yuppie already covered my #1 album cover - Joy Division/Unknown Pleasures. That is a stellar cover and very memorable. It's impact is still felt today. I have seen many early 20's and teens wearing Joy Division's t-shirt containing this unique cover.

The front cover image comes from an edition of the Cambridge Encyclopedia of Astronomy, and was originally drawn with black lines on a white background. It presents successive pulses from the first pulsar discovered, PSR B1919+21—often referred to in the context of this album by its older name, CP 1919. The image was suggested by drummer Stephen Morris and the cover design is credited to Joy Division, Peter Saville and Chris Mathan.
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