Miscellaneous Picture Mix #39

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I don't think he looks annoyed, they are actually very lucky to be walking in one of the biggest cities in the world and left alone. Isn't that nice? At least technology allows for some freedom and they are not in their faces. It all goes with the territory. I think they look very relaxed and happy!

They're very lucky to be walking around in the city without getting mobbed? :huh: What's that supposed to mean? You're saying it as if it's normal that people harrass famous persons on a daily basis. I don't get it. If he's having time off with his family, why would you consider it normal that people bother him? What happened to good ol' sense of decency. On tour is one thing, but when they're off tour and with family? No way I'd want to bother him.
The Edge is always happy to take my call.

So is Bono smoking a joint in this picture?

Doesn't really look like it... Usually weed produces thicker kind of smoke..
He just seems to be holding the cig in a weird way. Is that why you thought it was one?

I never smoked pot before , but since I live in Holland I should know :giggle:
Doesn't really look like it... Usually weed produces thicker kind of smoke..
He just seems to be holding the cig in a weird way. Is that why you thought it was one?

I never smoked pot before , but since I live in Holland I should know :giggle:

Depends on the quality, grade of mixture with tobacco etc. But in general you're right. It seems like a hand rolled cig to me, because the tip is bigger than regular cigs.

That 2nd NY photo says enough to me what Bono thinks of the paps taking pics of him and his family. He doesn't look very amused.
That blonde girl behind them on the first pic has nooo idea..:hmm:

Those damn pavarotti pics, I feel bad just looking at them!

I do too. But it's kind of like looking on a stranger's Facebook photo page because your friend was tagged in it.

I have to admit that I was excited to see 1 photo sans sunglasses and he's wearing Nikes. That is my running shoe of choice too. :love: We are destined to be together. :lol:
They're very lucky to be walking around in the city without getting mobbed? :huh: What's that supposed to mean? You're saying it as if it's normal that people harrass famous persons on a daily basis. I don't get it. If he's having time off with his family, why would you consider it normal that people bother him? What happened to good ol' sense of decency. On tour is one thing, but when they're off tour and with family? No way I'd want to bother him.

Yep they do. And I agree with you he shouldn't be bothered. Doesn't mean that people leave them alone.
End of the day, its there job to take photo's of celebrity's. Its what there getting paid for. I doubt the person taking these photo's knew/respected Bono as much as we do. All he probably seen from this whole situation was money, which is the only way people can live. Bono does look pissed off, and he has a right to deserve some privacy, but its the paparazzi job, and the only way they can live is by taking/selling photo's of celebrity's. To them its just another celebrity, not someone they respect loads.
They could just get a decent job instead. :/

Yes, but a decent job doesn't pay as much. I was watching a show that talked about how much certain photos would pay depending on the celebrity and circumstance. In this case, Bono being a family man with his sort of celebrity wife of almost 30 years and kids could not have paid that much. Not much scandal going on here.
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