Your political label...

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Blue Crack Supplier
Aug 19, 2002
between my head and heart
Republican, Democrat, Libertarian...

Liberal, conservative

We use these labels to describe ourselves or others politically, but as the nature of labels go, they're all pretty lazy. For rarely do any of these terms truly describe ourselves, for more than often some aspect of this word may not actually align with our political beliefs.

So come up with your own political label(one word) and then define that label...
Green, as in jaded. No seriously, green is probably close enough. The people on this planet and the planet itself are about as important an issue(s) as you can get, in my view. Everything else comes down to the tired and cranky angry men who obliviously and blindly fuck it all up. Politics is a convoluted power shitfight which achieves frighteningly little.

That doesn't even attempt to sum it up, huh, lol.
Independent conservative, though I also agree with some elements of green politics.

Indeed, I see no contradiction whatsoever between conservatism and conservationism.

I will write a more detailed post at a later date outlining what I see as the crisis in conservatism, and my recommended prescription for fixing it.
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Social liberal, by far. I want religion as far away as possible when it comes to government, public education, and, most importantly, my private life. I'll trust my own relationship with God before I'll trust some wacko cracker jack minister's interpretation.

Economic centrist. And "centrist" is probably the best way I can put it, because I find myself agreeing and disagreeing with parts of both liberal and conservative approaches.
I find myself as a social liberal as Ormus put it, im also all for gay marriage, abortion etc etc..
Ormus said:
Economic centrist. And "centrist" is probably the best way I can put it, because I find myself agreeing and disagreeing with parts of both liberal and conservative approaches.

I suspect that when you speak of liberal and conservative approaches with respect to economics, you are really referring to interventionist/statist and pro-free market approaches, respectively.
Can't do it, one word can't describe my views on issues.

Also, depends on the issue.
Humanitarian - I would have to say my political stance would have to be the equality of all man. Be it economic or social my vote goes to what's the best policy for humanity as a whole. It may go against my personal view but if the long run has the best overall benefit, it gets my vote...
Well, I'm a voting Social Democrat.

I don't always agree with what the party does, but who ever could.

My beliefs are strongly in the direction of social democratic approaches, with a bit of Green.
As much as needed, as little as possible government intervention.
The state has to support its citizens, help them when needed, but also demand them to take action for themselves.
The mixed economy is the best model for a state in my eyes.
A secular state is inevitable.

Well, that sums it up pretty well I think, otherwise I can give some more details :)
my political label reads more like a medical condition..

Equalitarian/Capitalist Reformer/Socialist/Green/Anti-Conservative/anti-nepotism/anti-pointless technology/irrational Left-wing lunatic...

- i just wanna see people who work their arses off in more physically and demanding jobs getting the best pay. (ie. if i had my way, every nurse/teacher/road worker/cleaner would be getting paid a million bucks a year. Just makes sense...

- I don't believe that how much money a child's parents just so happen to have should be what determines the quality of education and breadth of opportunities a child is offered.
I can't understand how people that put equality ahead of liberty get the title liberal (nor for that matter anglospheric conservatives).
my political party is the same as my
neither the republocrats nor the demicans nor independents come close to what i want. i wish the democrats would step up and create a real agenda besides "not republican." my stance on issues are due to my concern for people, especially those suffering in poverty. until i find a party that matches my ideals and hopes for the future, i'll just have to continue to settle for voting for the lesser of the evils.
i suppose the green party comes close...but the green party in this area haven't been very proactive as of late.
Can't do it in one word but I would say I'm an independent thinker influenced by my moral/ethical and personal beliefs. I'm a Democrat but other than that I can't stand being labeled.

"Communist" has too many negative associations, the various dictators who've risen to power under the banner of communism but who've been nothing of the sort.
CTU2fan said:

"Communist" has too many negative associations, the various dictators who've risen to power under the banner of communism but who've been nothing of the sort.

This is true. It's very apparent to me that many don't even know what true communism is(especially in here), they grew up during the Cold War or post Cold War and they think "evil".

And some still speak as if we're still in the Cold War...

Anyways Marx actually had some good theories, few have actually been executed properly.

Those who created our country – the Founding Fathers and Mothers – understood that there is a divine order which transcends the human order. They saw the state, in fact, as a form of moral order and felt that the bedrock of moral order is religion ... Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure.
If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.
BonoVoxSupastar said:

This is true. It's very apparent to me that many don't even know what true communism is(especially in here), they grew up during the Cold War or post Cold War and they think "evil".

And some still speak as if we're still in the Cold War...

Anyways Marx actually had some good theories, few have actually been executed properly.

I don't want to start a discussion on that because it would derail the topic too much I think.

The problem with Marxism is that it only works in theory. It is a nice idea, but it is based on an idealist view of the human nature, in which greed, corruption and opportunism doesn't exist.
However, in the real world people are greedy and the equality of all people will never exist.
Vincent Vega said:

The problem with Marxism is that it only works in theory. It is a nice idea, but it is based on an idealist view of the human nature, in which greed, corruption and opportunism doesn't exist.
However, in the real world people are greedy and the equality of all people will never exist.

I agree 100%
Centrist. New Democrat. Blue-Dog Democrat. "Third Way" fan.

...I'm basically a disciple of the form of politics created by Bill Clinton, and practiced by Hillary Clinton today. You take the best ideas from Democrats, and the best ideas from Republicans (or any other party) and make them your own. Political scientists often call this practice "triangulation." It stymies your opponents, and voters love it.

Most important, being at the center of the political spectrum is the only way to bring about lasting change. Politics is the art of the possible.

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