Your least favourite song on NLOTH now that the album is sinking in

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 28, 2000
Has it changed since the album came out/when you first heard the mp3s ?

For me it was White as snow upon first listen, then Boots and now I can't pick a least favourite (this hasn't happened since Achtung Baby).
I love the opening four songs, always liked the much debated middle break songs, and I enjoy the last four songs about you ?
i'd still say Stand Up Comedy, though i don't loathe it like i did a couple months ago. every other song on the album connects with me emotionally in some shape or form. SUC fails to do so, though it still has a kick ass riff and a real cool guitar breakdown towards the end.
Unknown Caller.

One of the biggest mistakes of the band's career. Embarrassing song.

I think it's one of their more interesting songs in over a decade but there's no accounting for taste I guess...

For me it hasn't really changed too much, I really did not like Crazy Tonight when I first heard it but the live version has softened the dislike a little, I would say SUC has replaced it as my least liked currently but it's all relative - I don't completely hate either of them.
Crazy Tonight, Stand Up Comedy, White as Snow

they're slightly less awesome than everything else on the album... all the other songs are among the best the band has ever done.

i hate to bandwagon with the forum but I think I agree that SUC is the weakest overall. Badass riff and I love the breakdown, but in terms of being a fun rocker, I think Boots does it better. Better lyrics, and let me in the sound is one of the best moments on the album.

Listening to it now though I greatly enjoy it. Despite the acronym it does not suck :wink:
Stand Up Comedy.

The only thing that's changed from my first impressions is that while I still consider Crazy Tonight my second least favorite song on the album, it's really grown on me and always gets stuck in my head.

So there's a pretty big gap between Stand Up Comedy and everything else on the album for me.
White as Snow. I actually made a mix of putting the songs in a different order so the album flows better for me... and I was flirting with just deleting White as Snow.
I like Unknown Caller less and less each time I hear it. Boots was in dead last before, but now I'm not so sure.
I guess if I had to pick on it would be Boots. But even that song works for me. It's a great album overall.

On a side note, I love Unknown Caller and Stand Up Comedy, simply because nobody else out there is doing anything that sounds even remotely like this. Great, innovative stuff.
I think it's one of their more interesting songs in over a decade but there's no accounting for taste I guess...

For me it hasn't really changed too much, I really did not like Crazy Tonight when I first heard it but the live version has softened the dislike a little, I would say SUC has replaced it as my least liked currently but it's all relative - I don't completely hate either of them.


And I feel the opposite of LM--Unknown Caller just gets better and better for me.
hm, a toss up between MOS and Cedars, I think the latter would win because I think MOS is a good song, it just doesn't hit me. I find it too long. Cedars I just can't appreciate. It bores me too much.
Moment of Surrender. I think they tried too hard on this one. And it's got some of the worst lyrics in a U2 song.
I gotta go with 'Go Crazy' -- probably the most tasteless U2 song (maybe the only one?) I've heard yet. Yes, it has a catchy melody and gets stuck in your head, but so does the average Celine Dion single, except Celine's might have better lyrics than this turkey. The falsetto moments are cringeworthy, and Edge's solo is like Edge impersonating himself from 1981, but not doing it as well. This is the only U2 song I've heard that reminds of a bad Bon Jovi song, which is as bad as it can get.

I rather like 'Unknown Caller'. It's nerdy, geeky, and earnest -- exactly like U2. Where they go wrong is when they try to sound cool, as on 'Get On Your Boots'. Cool is not something U2 do well.
Stand Up Comedy. I love every song on the album, except this one, I don't hate or anything, it's just a bit bland.

Crazy Tonight has grown on me a lot.
Moment of Surrender. I think they tried too hard on this one. And it's got some of the worst lyrics in a U2 song.

wow, really? everybody's entitled to their opinion and i'm not trying to belittle you, but i think those lyrics are some of the best bono has ever done. and the vocal delivery is nothing short of superb.
wow, really? everybody's entitled to their opinion and i'm not trying to belittle you, but i think those lyrics are some of the best bono has ever done. and the vocal delivery is nothing short of superb.

It's not a terrible song. It's well done, for the most part. I guess going back and reading the lyrics, they aren't that bad, except for this part:

"The stone was semi-precious
We were barely conscious
Two souls too smart to be
In the realm of certainty
Even on our wedding day"
It's not a terrible song. It's well done, for the most part. I guess going back and reading the lyrics, they aren't that bad, except for this part:

"The stone was semi-precious
We were barely conscious
Two souls too smart to be
In the realm of certainty
Even on our wedding day"

my favorite lyrics in the song.... :(
:lol: I was going to say that I don't have a least favorite song on NLOTH... but I forgot that Crazy Tonight and not Winter is on the original album...

so Crazy Tonight for me was and is the least favorite track

for me the worse song possibly put out by the band - ever

for me the worse song possibly put out by the band - ever

i can see people disliking Boots even though I dare to say I love the song for what it is, a fun rocker with a semi serious tone snuck in there, but really, their worst song? I really don't think that (dis)honor can go to anything other than a song or two on their first three albums. i don't think any song produced after War could be considered their worst song, not by a longshot.
It's not a terrible song. It's well done, for the most part. I guess going back and reading the lyrics, they aren't that bad, except for this part:

"The stone was semi-precious
We were barely conscious
Two souls too smart to be
In the realm of certainty
Even on our wedding day"

i really like that lyric, so different things for different people. fair enough though. also i guess it's different reading the lyric rather than feeling it when listening to it. a lot of things can appear cheesy on paper until you've heard and felt the way it's sung, if that makes any sense.
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